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Everything posted by Jamaica0619

  1. They are absolutely beautiful! You must be so excited to see them in person. They are going to look wonderful.
  2. Everything looks amazing!!! I love the candleholders. They look beautiful - and are all the more special since they were a gift.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica0619 I would like to order 4 PA28 Thank you for organizing this!!!!!!! Can I please increase my order to 5 PA28...if it is not too late. Thank you!!!!
  4. I have to agree....you learn a lot about the people in your life - for the good, and unfortunately, for the bad. The day has to be about you and your FI and what you want. Although it has been more about what I want since his eyes glass over if I talk about the wedding for more than 10 minutes. LOL... So, he kind of goes along with whatever, but weighs in on the big decisions.
  5. Welcome! Congratulations! I am glad you decided to join. You will find a wealth of information and wonderful support as you plan your wedding.
  6. I love how you incorported the Galactic Butterfly, and how it ties back to your ceremony. They look great!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Butterflyf369 How long do you wear them for? Sounds really worthwhile. It varies for each person, and it depends on how good you are about wearing them. In theory you wear each set of trays for 2 weeks. But, that is assuming you wear them often enough. You are only supposed to take them out to eat. It also depends on how your teeth respond to them. Also, in my case, I have 8 trays for the upper teeth and 15 trays for the lower teeth. My upper teeth are not as out of line - most of the alignment is needed on the lower teeth. So, I'll be wearing them on the lower teeth longer than the upper.
  8. I finally...there was a delay...got my first set of trays today. They are not all that uncomfortable. They just feel really wierd. But, I guess wierd could be uncomfortable.
  9. They look great! I'm keeping my fingers crossed - we won't receive ours until mid-May. But, I have heard and seen great things on this forum.
  10. I agree that you should do what you think looks good and makes you happy. I'm wearing a hair flower, necklace, earrings and bracelet. The jewelry is relatively simply - mostly pearls and crystals. I think it looks good with my dress, and adds something to it since it is relatively simple.
  11. They turned out great! Your FI is going to be surprised. I agree with the others the tie and glasses look is great!
  12. Thanks for organizing this. I might be interested, but my wedding is mid-June. Do you have a sense of when we might expect to receive them?
  13. Congratulations Mrs.!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful time!
  14. I currently have 20 guests booked (and 8 of them are immediate family), and we are doing them. I just thought it was a nice/fun touch.
  15. Good luck!!!! I wouldn't worry about the outfits. It will be great regardless. I had to try to get my outfits together in less than a week (we had to schedule it fast), and without my FI seeing anything. So, if I had more time, I might have done something different, but I love my pictures...so no big deal.
  16. Wow! Everything looks really good. Can I ask...where did you find your sand ceremony set?
  17. I'm hoping that the wonderful crew on this forum can help me out with a brainstorming endeavor. My photographer has never been to Jamaica and I was only there for 3 days in January. We are trying to come up with ideas of where we can do a TTD session the morning after our wedding (a Saturday morning). I know that I have seen posts mentioning the resort itself and Dunn's River. I'm trying to think of other places that my photographer could consider/scout. She is coming down a couple days in advance so she can scout out the resort for the wedding photos as well as ideas for the TTD. Does anyone have any ideas of locations off-resort near Montego Bay that might make good locations.
  18. I agree....I'm glad Melissa was safe. I was worried, just becuase her scores were so low since they had to judge the rehersal. I would have liked to see their jive. Maybe they will do it later in the season if she continues (which she should) to the final
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