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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. GoCubs! - LOVE that dress, i just sent the link to one of my BMs since that's the right color. Im having my BMs pic their own dresses i just asked that they be teal/aqua/turqouios. I'm considering getting it for myself in white
  2. Here is mine from the day he proposed. Its also from Blue Nile
  3. We are doing Crate and Barrel and Bloomingdales. C&B has special registery events where you go before the store opens and they have mimosas and samples - tons of fun! We are already starting to receive gifts - so fun!
  4. Welcome to the forum Kim! Congrats and happy planning!!!
  5. So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! - its so fun to see everyone's pets!
  6. Thanks Erin - Ill go update I too love seeing everyone's furry friends!
  7. Not sure if there is a Pets thread but figured Id start one Post pics of your pets!! FI and I have a dog, Chesdin who is 2 years old, about 85 pounds and some sort of German Shepherd/Husky/Lab/Border Collie mix (at least that's what we think!) We also have two cats
  8. Hello Everyone! So we are starting to receive some gifts (YAY) mostly from guests who are unable to attend. Our wedding isnt until May so I wasnt sure what the proper etiquette was in terms of official "Thank yous" I was thinking to send informal (maybe via email) thank you immediately so they know we got it, and I talk to these people pretty regularly so it would be weierd not to mention anything. Then after the wedding send the real more formal thank yous. What do you ladies think?
  9. Great - Im in the for the 35 extra Looking forward to when they come in!
  10. Kits55 - Do you still have the 35 extra cups? That is the exact number I need and love the idea Let me know!! Thanks! Yael
  11. Im not having a shower but Im getting my BMs gifts for being bridesmaid and probably giving it them in Mexico. I ordered 3 different clutches from: Welcome to Beegeebags.com and will put coconut lip gloss, a gift card and provide them with pashminas. I may add to it but thats what i have for now
  12. Did the elipitcal for 30 mins this morning and lifted weights. Will go on a long dog walk later today
  13. I just checked Victoria's Secret online - they have SO many cute beachy summery dresses. So annoying though that they only sell their clothes online because I feel like Id want to try it on before purchasing but a good place to get ideas and other attire for the DW
  14. Calchik - glad you are back in excitement mode! I def hit a wall too and and didnt do any planning for like 6 months but like you - now that the wedding date is closer Im getting more excited. FI and I have some plans this weekend to get cracking and finally check things off the list. r Turkey is amazing!!! You guys will have an AMAZING HM!!!!
  15. drtracy and Kgeen we are wedding date triplets! Yay for May 8 2009!! I have my dress, mom and FI need their attire. I just ordered some shoes online and will go in for the fitting in a couple days. I have no idea what to do about jewlery! BMs and GMS are getting their own - we gave some basic guidelines but letting them choose. We have 32 booked may go up to 40. Oh and got part of the BM gifts. This weekends plans are to get the OOT bag stuff, work on vows, and music since we are going with the iPod.
  16. Hey KJT1985 FI and I went through the SAME thing...mostly with his two sisters. When we sent out our STD we got an email saying "any cheaper hotels near by?" not even a hello or congrats. We also got several nasty emails from the other sister how we are inconsiderate for having a DW and putting the costs on our guests rather than ourselves IRK The thing is they all live in the east coast and my family is in CA, which is where FI and I live not to mention all my extended family is in Europe. Having the wedding in Boston was never an option and I'm sorry I'm not having my wedding for his sisters. It was a pretty big ordeal and took away from my excitement, but now that we are two months out everyone has finally calmed down and I think they realize they need to just shut up and accept it or dont come I hope things calm down for you too and dont feel guilty because what my FI I kept having to remind me was that its OUR wedding not anyone else's and we need to do what makes us happy!
  17. Hmm good to know! I thought we did so already got it renewed...oh well I guess we can take that information off our website
  18. Hello Everyone Im actually an Azul Beach Bride and came across this thread - I cant believe the insanity Karisma has been putting you all through. My experience with Azul Beach has been OK but def had some bumps. However the grounds are gorgeous and if you are looking for a more intimate feel for your guests (50 ppl max wedding) and they offer to place you here you should take it. FI and I did a site visit last year and had an amazing time - all the staff have been there for a long time and you really feel taken care of. Ive also heard great things about the onsite wedding coordinator - Carolina. I wish all teh Azul Fives Brides GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. We were together for just under 4 years when he proposed. When we get married we will have been together for just under 5 1/2 years.
  20. Its pretty pointless - FI and I have a tradition of ordering Chinese food and getting ben and jerry's ice cream
  21. bcbride - I agree, dresses look way different on real people vs. the models. I actually like my dress MUCH better on me than the model because I actually have some curves so it looks hotter Good luck - its such a pretty dress!
  22. Today is my off day - I dont work out on Fridays But I do walk our dog did 1 mile this morning and will do another in the afternoon TGIF!!
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