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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. jhawkev - I heard from Tiffany on Monday but have emailed her again and nothing yet...GL and let us know if you hear from them soon!
  2. Here are mine....unless I change my mind again BKE Sole Judy Shoe : Women's Sale Fashion | Buckle.com
  3. I confess I think my DateTwin (aka drTracey) is HILARIOUS!
  4. Tracey - did you get those shirts from Macy's ? I was so unmotivated last night - we were going to make a logo but sounded hellish LOL. I did get fun color changing cups though for our OOTs - its the first item yay! Oh and I have my dress fitting next week. I have NO idea what to do about jewlery though!
  5. OMG I HEART this thread - i am officially addicted, esp considering I joined the forum in 3 weeks ago and already have enough posts to be a full member Thanks so much for reviving - Im now even more addicted!!!
  6. Hi Jaime - glad you are starting to feel better. As I was reading your posts i was like "OMG she is typing out my life right now" I too am freaking out about my skin, weight, teeth whitening, and tanning! We are getting down to the wire and there is so much left to do and it feels super overwhelming! Making a list has helped me and talking to FI about where I could use his help. I just want to be in Mexico already and have all this planned out!! Ladies thanks so much for all your advice and giving us brides a place to vent and de-stress
  7. JHarwood2Be- Azul Beach also offers the donkey for the cocktail party ....we entertained the idea for a second but my mom put her foot down on that one! I love how they tell u the donkey will wear a sombrero! I wonder how many people go for the donkey! Boys and their shoes - so interesting!
  8. Thanks Ladies! I think we will do it for an hour and a half and change it to 1hr later if thats too long. Ill also ask my photographer how long he usually takes pics of bridal party and bride and groom to get an idea Tlseege - we are also having a Mariachi band for the cocktail hour Im excited!
  9. I too confess that i am obsessed with BDW forum - poor FI never gets the computer anymore! Id love to join BDW county! I use to watch all those bride/wedding shows but we dont get the WE channel so I cant anymore....so sad
  10. Austin Girl - SO irksome! Do you know if that policy holds true if you already were informed you could have an outside one if they stayed at the resort for 3 nights? It looks like if you already had this confirmed its ok and its just now moving forward
  11. Ana - everything is SO cute and fun! Ive been online looking for fun dresses and shoes. Its fun to have an "excuse" to shop! Next on the list is a cute bikini and some cover ups!
  12. deefalvey - my FI is the SAME way about his shoes -im all for nice flop flops but he wants his suit and dress shoes
  13. We choose Friday. We assumed most of our guests would be going back home on a Sunday so it would give them (and us) sat to hang out and relax with everyone. Also when we did a site visit at the EXACT same time last year - there was a wedding every day and the friday one was the best we saw
  14. PS here is a link to the suit we got at BB Brooks Brothers | Men | Summer Suits | BrooksCool® Two-Button Poplin Suit
  15. We just FI's outfit last week PHEW - it was a big one. He is wearing a poplin "stone color" suit from Brooks Brothers Re: Linen pants - have you checked out regular dept stores, I think towards the end of Feb they should be getting their spring/summer stuff. Actually I think Brooks Brothers had some. We originally wanted FI to wear a linen suit but all the pants looked like PJs haha. I think if you do the linen pants and Guayabera type shirt it looks great - just not a whole suit! drTracey/aka date twin - I think there are some threads on where ppl posted the online sites they got their Guayabera shirts and they didnt look plain. Also have you check Tommy Bahama? Its more pricey but he has some good stuff. PS how is it only 2.5 months ahhh! Blkats - I know what you mean about the OOT bags - Im starting to get that way too. I want to add EVERYTHING and then i think about carrying all down to mexico. I think its cuz we all want our guests to feel welcome and excited and thank them for making the trip
  16. Jess - haha pies! That is pretty random. Maybe you can humor him and get him 1 pie along with the cake/cupcakes...that is if your resort even makes them!
  17. Hello Ladies! I was wondering if anyone had suggestions/recommendations for a BD photographer in the SF Bay Area? I'm thinking I really want to do this for FI I did some preliminary research online but couldn't find anything good. I figured Id ask the experts THANKS! Yael
  18. My FI was pretty adamant about the GM attire - he too cares a lot about their shoes (they have to be the right kind of brown shoes or sandals) and their belt (I know SO random!) Other than that he has been super laid back and has been very helpful
  19. KittenHeart - its At Home Reception I was struggling with that one too for a while drTracey - Congrats on sending info out - always feels so good We were the same - cheap and inexpensive. I am just not a DIY person. I have ZERO creative juices flowing in my body!
  20. Hello everyone! Not sure if this is the right place for this question but i was hoping to find out from previous brides and upcoming ones...how long was your cocktail hour? At our resort our cocktail hour is for 2 hours which to me seems kind of long. We are planning to have it after our reception while we and bridal party take pictures. Im considering cutting it to just 1 hour but I wanted to hear what others had to say Thanks!!
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