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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. JHarwood2Be - we had the same issue at Azul Beach where we wanted the terrace and Tiffany told us it couldnt be done and our only option was the beach...which like you i really didnt want. I basically didnt let the issue go and kept asking her and wrote some pretty heart felt emails about how much it would meant to us, ect ect and eventually we got it! My advice is to tell her exactly how you feel and she may be able to get for you Good luck!!!
  2. Did Level 1 On Demand on Fri and Sat After reading this thread and doing it on demand Im definitely going to go out and buy the DVDs. I have 2 months left and I want to lose 5lbs and TONE!! Thanks gals for the motivation
  3. trip around the world: long
  4. Why is it that people have the need to RUN down stairs...is everyone seriously in THAT much in a hurry? I have heels - i don't feel like running and breaking my neck
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I am in pacic mode!!!! I have 50 guest for my wedding....Most have booked! Unfortunatly the only ones that havent are my brother and sister and their families. They are the only one's bringing kids which is why we chose this resort over the El Dorado.... To make a long story even longer, they procrastinated and now the resort is BOOKED!!!! Are there any brides blocking rooms where the block might lift for MAY 7-12 OR 6-13 OR ANYTHING!!! HELP!!!! They are booked the 7-9th and our wedding is the 9th. Any help or room changes would be greatly appreciated. Also, Are any of your guests staying at other resorts and getting day passes? If so what does that consist of and do you have resort reccomendations that will take kids near by?? Try Azul Beach...its not too far and also by Karisma and allows kids. It is small though (97 rooms) - its where Im getting married on May 8th
  6. Ya Karisma makes NO sense...ugh I just want it to be my wedding day so i can stop stressing about it - i feel like I cant trust anything!
  7. Erin - you should also consider moving to CA!!! I confess Im ready for the day to be over...its 9:21am
  8. I agree with the others in that he probably needs more exercise good luck!
  9. Im changing it I dont have a middle name so Im making my current last name into my middle name to keep it
  10. Kathy - I only recently discovered it...i love finding great deals online. I swear ive become an expert due to the wedding!
  11. I like #2 (I was actually considering those myself!)
  12. We are actually paying for guest passes...but only because its for family and they are traveling from Europe and Israel so its WAY more expensive for them to come to Mexico and stay at our AI.... but otherwise I dont think we would have paid for passes
  13. Casey and Yamille - Im so sorry the pics didn't turn out well - that is so disappointing! Dont be mad at yourselves! You both are BEAUTIFUL and i agree with Andrea and Tracy that you can always get them redone for your anniversary or if you can before the wedding. So sorry!
  14. We just ordered some Thank You cards so we will be sticking to the etiquette Thanks for the advice!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Crap I forgot to include you in the multi-quote Sounds good to me! So March 24th it's on like Donkey Kong! Make sure you have your own bottle of wine to bring to the freak-out fest... Ill be right there with you ladies freaking out on the 24th ;-) Esp cuz thats the day our final payment for everything is due so we need to have made all our decisions by then! We all need to make sure to have some wine handy!
  16. Hi Erika I heard from her again later this afternoon - hopefully she has gotten back to you but at least we know she hasnt fallen off the planet! Quote: Originally Posted by jhawkev Hey Ladies, Has anyone heard from Tiffany or Fabio since this past Friday?? My FINAL payment is due today and I have been calling and emailing since last Friday with no response..... And now whenever I call the number it just rings and rings with no answer at all. Thanks, Erika
  17. YaelM


    Welcome and congrats! I just moved away from the Boston area with my FI back home to California You will find SO much information here!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! I've been drinking martinis and mojtios all week! My two favorite drinks!
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