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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. Yay Lisa!! Definitely take pics!! Ayita - dont stress - there is nothing you can do! YAY for 3 weeks Tomorrow is my legal day!
  2. Last week i was addicted to Salt Water Taffy - we had a bag in our office, it was bad news! Tomorrow for our legal day we are getting sprinkles cupcakes! w00t
  3. Im sorry Erika - what a pain. It must be so frustrating. I know its so much easier said than done but try not to let it ruin this time for you! You look AMAZING in your dress and really she is the one missing out on this time in your life
  4. Ayita - take pics - id love to see your dress
  5. Wow I loooooooooooove your dress! You look amazing!! Congrats!
  6. Ive done a colon cleanse and honestly didnt really affect me too much - maybe the one i got wasn't very strong- but you should be fine let us know how it goes!
  7. we just got this for baby Samuel BTW Erin I LOOOVE the gifts Nibblets got you - he has such great taste!
  8. I have typical DW colors: Teal/Turquoise and Brown
  9. Lisa...you perfectly described my WC...she never answers my questions directly and is NEVER proactive...ugh so frustrating! The apositle/BC issue is why we choose to not have our ceremony legal in Mexico - i just couldnt get a straight answer and my BC is on hebrew and didnt want to deal with all the translation fees - it was tooo stressful for me! I hope it all gets solved for you! Ayita - EEK about your paycheck - WTF how does that even happen??! I hope u get ur money soon!
  10. It stressed me out too! Somehow it will all get done though And if it doesnt - oh well, just make sure the major stuff gets done...haha like the wedding bands!
  11. Aww Stephanie - that blows! ugh what a bitch. You are definitely the better person You should talk to your EX and just be honest with him...
  12. Any way to make the pages into a PDF? Thats all i can think of for right now
  13. We dont have an Audi Q7 - but we have an Audi A4 and LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it - seriously i feel like i only want audis in my life now Have you considered the Acura MDX or RDX? We test drove the RDX (smaller version) and I liked it
  14. Ayita - can you take screen shots of your site and edit somehow to not show any info you dont want? Just a thought
  15. Skynet has begun Tracy...I swear terminator story is unfolding and robots will all take over LOL..omg i sound like SUCH a geek!
  16. Mel soooooooooo exciting!!!
  17. I agree - its great they paid for your siblings but they shouldn't have positioned it as a gift to you. I totally get where you are coming from!
  18. Michelle what was the joke??
  19. I totally understand! I would feel the EXACT same way if I was in your situation. The reason you feel this way is because you want your best friend to be ther there by your side on a really important day. It sucks - im sorry.
  20. crazyness ladies Ya im a bit burnt out, im SO ready to be in Mexico with friends and family! This weekend is my bachlorette party w00t w00t and FI and I have our legal day next week so thats fun Ayita - you are SOO close! I think your the first one of us May ladies to get married right?
  21. Happy Wedding day!! Cant wait to see pictures when you get back
  22. Thanks Nyssa! Im excited for them to arrive
  23. We are staying Mexico but going to a different resort (adults only) for 3 days after our wedding
  24. Thanks ladies!! Im definitely going to go with a dark/bright red The one i really like is OPI Kennebunk-port Im wearing it now and i really like it
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