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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. Miranda - you look amazing!! You are beautiful and your FI is going to LOVE this present! Thanks for posting!!
  2. You look AMAZING!! SO hot!! You look so great! So I totally have one of your outfits and wore it for my BD Shoot ;-) LOL Its the "tuxedoy one - #24, that is off white and has a little black bow" haha so funny
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl MarieSam-You are stunning as you are! Don't worry! You will look beautiful on your wedding day. . I agree - you ARE stunning!! I choose 301-500 because I added up tanning, hair cuts, waxing, a facial, mani/pedis, teeth whitening, clothes, shoes, lotions, ect is a freakn ton of $$ Oh well its worth it...I mean its our wedding
  4. YAY Mrs. P welcome to the club ;-)
  5. Aww Thanks Erin B2B - i nominate Jacilynda - I see her in a lot of the threads and she is always so helpful to everyone! Mrs. I nominate Kate (dolcegirl01)
  6. Date Triplets YAY - As Tracy mentioned I leave 2 weeks from yesterday...I think our flight is at 8am. Unfortunately since Im coming from the west coast I wont run into you ladies at the airport since with the time difference, ect we dont get in till like 6pm :-( Jax - so sorry to hear about your photog issues. I know how excited you were to get them...hopefully something works out! Ayita - gonna go check out your planning thread Lisa - Im sure you have a datetwin somewhere in BDW land! Marie - IRK so annoying! What are you going to do? How is the eye by the way?
  7. Crazyness ladies! I hope the next two weeks go by fast for me! I dont know how u can concentrate being so close!! Good luck with all the last minute preparations!!
  8. WOW - you look SO hot!! Seriously amazing! Your husband is gonna be so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
  9. Thanks for posting MarieSam - she really is amazing. I agree i think this may be better - got goosebumps!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Susanandmo Thanks for the all the good thoughts everyone... I can feel it already :0) Yael - Thanks for sharing your story - You're amazing and I'm glad that all went wonderful for you! The news I got today is that he has encefalitis and viral meningitis. Additionally he had a Grand Mal seizure yesterday.... I'm not sure what it all means, but I'll be doing some research tonight. Thanks for all the support. Your welcome - wow that's really intense with your friend. Sending good vibes your way!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Aaah ok GOOD I'm not the only one who gets chills and teary!! I so though I was being an over-emotional dork -- so glad it's not just me Not at all - i was watching a work and totally had tears in my eyes and a huge grin LOL
  12. Ok i finally watched and OMG i seriously got teary eyed...she was amazing and it was soo good!!
  13. Marie - are your eyes any better? Has the swelling gone down?
  14. Heather - they are GREAT!! I love the idea and so cool you could hand deliver many of them
  15. Wow crazyness, You are a strong woman!! Im sending good thoughts to your friend in the hospital. I had bacterial meningitis when i was a freshman in college. I *really* hope she is ok and pulls through. I was lucky and got out of it with no side effects...feel free to PM me if you need to talk
  16. Im sorry so many of you are going through last minute stresses! Id be stressed too if I was going through all that - but its almost here and hopefully everything will work out!! Ayita - will get her awesome venue Miranda will get her beach wedding ceremony Jax's family who booked on Conquest will be fine I think on my end the major stresses are over - but trust me i def had my share in the beginning of the planning process. Our final payments are made, i have my dress, FI has his outfit. All we have left that is major is doing our song list and printing our OOT materials
  17. Darcy - same thing happened to us and I asked the same question We ordered thank you post cards from Vista Print that were tropical I think it would be cute to use your logo!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by uspoiledme I must confess that I read all of the DIY posts, get awesome ideas, and then re-read them again and again, but never actually do anything. I'm such a procrastinator. LMAO - Mary That is totally me!! Im all talk but not action LOL
  19. Kate - love everything!! The boxes came out great - Im sure your guests were super excited for them
  20. GORGEOUS!! Seriously you look amazing!! Your FI is gonna die when he sees them
  21. We knew we wanted May since it was in the "low season" - prices were the cheapest (other then hurricane season) which I couldn't risk. We choose the 8th because it we wanted it as early as possible in May and not have our guests pay April rates (way more expensive) which they would have if we did the first weekend in May. We choose a Friday b/c we assumed most ppl will flying home on a Sunday and wanted our guests to relax on the day after the wedding instead of rush back home
  22. Holy Shit Ayita - I am sooo sorry this is happening - Im truly without words! I *Really* hope you can work something out with your WC!! Keep us posted
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