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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. The Gods are really hating Mexico right...drug wars, swine flu and now a 6.0 earthquake, seriously is this a joke?
  2. Seriously UGH...all i have to say is THANK GOD for this forum cuz at least we have eachother to vent and keep us sane for the most part. Every time i stress I come here and feel a bit better. Most ppl agree that the media is blowing it out of proportion and u just have to be smart when u travel.
  3. Ayita - can you please come over and talk some sense into my mom. She is stressing and feels that we should consider canceling. She doesn't want to feel responsible for ppl coming to our wedding and getting sick. Now Europe has issues a travel advisory and we have a lot of ppl traveling from Spain, Israel and France. I keep going back and forth between being calm and FREAKING OUT
  4. OMG u guys i don't know what to do. Im so upset Im sitting here crying at work. We are suppose to leave in 1 week from today and we have family flying in from Europe. If Europe AND the US issue travel warnings my mom is gonna cancell. I seriously cant believe this
  5. Yamille - I HATE this stupid flu thing...the media is insane about it. Like we dont have enough shit to worry about. I leave in 1 week and hoping this just goes away...I think someone on the flu thread posted some good info to put in perspective. Like FI keeps telling me as I stress out, its more of a big deal because its new not because its that serious. By now its been found in CA, Texas, MA, MY KS, and NO cases in the coastal tourist parts of Mexico.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sgbrown Hi guys, I read this online this morning and it made me feel a little better: "A Toronto infection control specialist said it's important to keep the outbreak in perspective. "This sounds like a pandemic — while it's not trivial — that is less severe. And less severe is something that we spent a lot of time planning for and a lot of time working on," Dr. Allison McGeer, director of infection control at Mount Sinai Hospital told CBC News. While the cases in Mexico sound like a large number, "in truth for influenza, that's a very small number," she added. "You need to remember that in Canada alone, which is not that much bigger than Mexico City actually in population terms, 4,000 people die of seasonal flu every year." I leave for my wedding in 6 days. I'm trying to stay calm and hopefully it rubs off on my 55 guests. So far, no one is canceling their trip and we have 6 kids coming with us. To put some perspective on this, the distance from Mexico City to Cancun is similar to the distance from Ottawa to Winnipeg (~1500 miles). It's pretty far. When Toronto was dealing with the SARS outbreak a few years ago, I wasn't worried and I lived only 5 hours away in Ottawa. I hope this helps a little. Thanks! this helps a lot - im more worried about the media than the actual flu itself...like the article said thousands of peoiple die from the flu every year. This is just something new so they are taking precautions....
  7. Here is mine For earings Im wearing small pearl studs - same company as the necklace so the color will match
  8. Ayita are you worried about this swine flu...i know there is a thread already on this but since you are leaving on Tuesday I wanted to get your thoughts...Im worried they are gonna post travel advisories..ugh
  9. ugh! Our layover is in Mexico City Airport...kinda freaking out, I mean Im sure it will be fine but WTF i just want to get married!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Maybride2009 Yael- This is my dress Diana - by Maggie Sottero It is really pretty...I really don't like it on the model but for some reason it suits me...who it totally NOT model like at all Ladies--DO I need a receipt for my dress?? GAH 00000000000 i love it!! I have a maggie too:) the detail at the bottom is great
  11. I * HEART* wine - FI and I try a new wine every weekend. But i really only like Reds Anything from Spain from the Ribiera Del Duero. Im also a fan of Malbecs. For our wedding in Mexico we are having 2006 Catena Malbec from Argenitina - they sell it at Costco - u guys should try it!! For our legal day FI (well i guess technically DH) and I splurged and got 2002 Stags Leap Fay Cabernet Sauvignon - OMG it was the most amazing wine I have ever had...so worth every penny!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie this was probably already mentioned somewhere in this thread but.... you know you are addicted to BDW when you recognize font names out in the real world. "hey, isnt that Scriptina in that magazine add/on that billboard?" or "oh look, they used Copperplate Lite on this cheese label!" (or whatever hahaha, you kwim!) LOL yes!! I can pick out papyrus so easily now!
  13. Michelle - what does your dress look like?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl ok i have never kept any kind of receipts whatsoever. i can't imagine that this is an actual issue, because wouldn't we have heard tons of horror stories on this forum where all of a bride's wedding decor or oot bags got confiscated? seriously, i'm just not going to worry about it. i can't or i'll die. I agree !
  15. Lisa - you look AMAZING!! That dress is perfect YAY Umm whats this about receipts...i dont think we have any of those!
  16. I leave in 11 days and OMG we have a ton left to do...im not even gonna post. But we *finally* started on songs last night
  17. Abbie - WOW that is an extensive review! Sounds like you and Doug had an amazing time and i loved seeing all the pics - feel free to post more
  18. Have you guys seen the South Park WoW - seriously i die laughing every time its on...and Im NOT a gamer, but its soo funny FI is addicted to Call of Duty on PS3 - there have def been some door slamming moments, mostly because I cant stand hearing gun shots all night long
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride O WOW! they are really putting you through the ringer for sure!!!... GOOOD NEWS LADIES!!!... we have OFFICIALLY booked our photogs!! yay! they are going to stay at the resort directly beside ours since ours became FULL!! in the past few days!... all is well and now i can breathe a sigh of relief and know we are gunna have amazing photography!! ... now to find money to pay for last minute things LMAO! w0000000000000t
  20. Heel in the thong is SOOOOOOOOOOO hot! I did the same pose for my shoot and *praying* it looks half as good as yours. Your pics are amazing RBC (Reluctant Beach Bride)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl OMG yamille, i just love them so much! i kept thinking, "ok i'll tell her this one is my favorite," but then a few pics later i had another "favorite" and another and another and another! OMG me too! Seriously Yamille - you are HOT!! You really are gorgeous and your FI will love all the pics! I heart your pole dancing tank top - i have a similar one
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ Cofession- I use to play WoW (I know, please don't judge me). I use to play so much that I would have dreams about that damn video game! Im judging! haha j/k still love ya
  23. Erika - I think its amazing you are doing this!! Cant wait to see pics
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