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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. I know - its really insane how crazy its gotten. And personally - um id risk the flu for my wedding! Im sure many brides have even got married while they had the flu! UGH it makes me so mad.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by stefnicole Are all your other guests cancelling too? Not yet...but many are on the fence and haven't made final decisions. My mom is pushing canceling...breaks my heart
  3. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH Im just so annoyed - my uncle and aunt are out b/c their work told them if they travel to mexico they cant come back to work for 15 days WTF (they live in Spain) Im so fed up - and im so sad i probably wont get my dress and my pictures - and we cant reschedule/postpone because we didnt go through a TA and our resort doesnt have any locations outside of Mexico so i wouldn't even know how to go about rescheduling anything. This is just so unfair.
  4. Everyone should read this - its long though Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms
  5. Thanks Erika - yes we are still planning on going. We have some guests on the fence - but at this point Im so drained and tired from all this. Just sux
  6. I confess Im so sad today
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey Jax - I am on BDW at work daily....I even type up things to post in MS Word so that I look busy and then I just cut and paste and post on the forum.... i do the same thing!!!
  8. Hi Beth Good to hear from you! How are you holding up? thanks for the updates on the situation down there
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi_lk Too bad the airline people couldn't see things this way!!!! I know - I cant believe they canceled your trips...it seems crazy especially because the WHO has officially said that travel restrictions are pointless and actually cause more harm than good. Im really sorry :-(
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy I just thought you'd be interested in this video that my TA just sent out. It's pretty much what most of us have been saying but it comes from an "expert" Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com Thanks for this! Its nice to see some people have common sense and can be rational
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ajs3531 Just heard Cuba blocked flights : ( Cuba halts Mexico travel; flu crosses new borders Yes but if you read the whole article: ""Border controls do not work. Travel restrictions do not work," WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl said, recalling the 2003 SARS epidemic that killed 774 people, mostly in Asia, and slowed the global economy. "There was much more economic disruption caused by these measures than there was public health benefit," he said, adding that WHO is advising countries to provide treatment for the sick and make sure national plans are in place to ease the effects of a larger outbreak" So its mostly political - so irksome though. Of course my aunt and uncle were stoping in Cuba before coming to Mexico for our wedding next week. I really hope they lift the band and this doesnt affect them!
  12. I called my Dr. They are only giving Tamiflu to ppl who are going to Mexico City - she didn't seem to concerned that i was going to Cancun area. She also said just take normal precautions, wash hands, use purel, ect, ect. It actually made me feel better
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl well, we're all glad you and your family are ok! and i'm glad you took my comment as the joke it was meant to be ... i was afraid i could've ended up instilling even more panic by saying something like that! amanda, write that review already! Haha I was thinking the same thing when Kathy posted about her illness - but glad everyone is feeling better now! I confess I want something else to happen so the media can focus on it other than swine flu...im hoping for a political scandal!
  14. Im petrified they are going to ban traveling to Mexico...we are suppose to leave on Monday...I REALLY hope we still can. WTF we should be stressing about having time to get mani/pedis NOT a freakn flu pandemic
  15. I am so so sorry - i would too consider canceling,...just know we are hear for you and feel free to vent any time. Ugh this is so shitty - its really unbelievable. I hope you have a lot of umbrella drinks
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz we are down here now, and we are thinking about bagging it. All of our guests have canceled AHH Im sooo sorrry!! I dont know what to say...:-(
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Thank Yael ~ if worse comes to worse FI and I will hope over to your wedding then you can come back to MP for ours. p.s. hope your mom has calmed down. Sounds like a plan!
  18. The levels are actually phases... See this link http://www.who.int/csr/disease/influenza/phase4.gif
  19. Hi Laides Hope this eases some fears... This is from the WHO press conference a few minutes ago WHO does not recommend closing borders or restrictions of travel. Neither would have any effect on further spread. It would however cause a great deal of disruption. Focus on the safety means steps can be taken to reduce the chances, but closing borders would not be helpful. What is more important to avoid travel while sick and seeking medical attention if you become sick.
  20. This is from the WHO press conference: WHO does not recommend closing borders or restrictions of travel. Neither would have any effect on further spread. It would however cause a great deal of disruption. Focus on the safety means steps can be taken to reduce the chances, but closing borders would not be helpful. What is more important to avoid travel while sick and seeking medical attention if you become sick.
  21. Hi Guys this is what we emailed our guests - have gotten positive responses Hello, We wanted to write to all of you and address the concerns over the swine flu. We have been monitoring the situation closely and while neither of us are doctors we feel that if travelers take the precautions detailed by the CDC (we listed below) that you will greatly reduce your risks. This is a flu concentrated in the Mexico City region where many residents have no medical care. As in the USA and Europe when it is flu season those infected people who do not seek medical attention suffer worse than those who consult doctors. The cases of swine flu that have occurred in the USA have had the symptoms of the regular flu - which during the year, does not stop us from proceeding with our normal daily lives - nor should this disturb our travel plans. We have contacted the resort and they have assured us there is no cause for alarm. They are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all their guests. The distance from Mexico City to Puerto Morelos is nearly 750 miles. It seems most unfortunate that Mexico City and Puerto Morelos share the same country name, However the Cancun area is much closer to Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and other countries than Mexico City. We understand the concern you may be feeling. The intent of our wedding is for people to be able to relax and have fun. We would like to do everything that we can to help allay your fears. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do and do not hesitate to call or email us with any question. The following is direct from the CDC website: CDC Recommendations as of Monday April 27th 1:30pm EST CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has NOT recommended that people avoid travel to Mexico at this time. If you are planning travel to Mexico, follow these recommendations to reduce your risk of infection and help you stay healthy.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Anon101 Here's an email I received from my TA. Maybe worth sending to your guests to quell their concerns: "Dear clients, The swine flu news is blown way out of proportion. This is an influenza concentrated in the Mexico City region, where many residents have no medical care. As in the USA, when it is flu season, those infected people, who do not seek medical attention, suffer worse than those who consult doctors. The cases of swine flu that have occurred in the USA have had the symptoms of the regular flu - which during the year, does not stop us from proceeding with our normal daily lives - nor should this disturb our travel plans. The CDC has not issued any travel warnings, and the US government has stated that this is NOT an advisory to cancel travel - especially to the resort areas, particularly the Cancun area, where there are no cases of the flu. It does advise, that frequent hand washing, etc. is, as always (even in the USA), the best way to avoid illness." THANKS! This is helpful
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