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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. Hi Laides I too was a May Bride but due to swine flu am now a June Bride Im now getting married June 19th at the Four Seasons Biltmore in Santa Barbara Ca
  2. Like most of u ladies we have a joint account and personal accounts. Now that we are legally married we are putting more $ into the joint account, but its important for me to keep my own account so i don't have to feel guilty if i go shopping or dinner with friends
  3. Tammy - I will definitely let our WC at the Four Seasons know we found them through this forum Nathaniel - we cant wait!
  4. Thanks everyone!! It was definitely a tough week and a half but so thankful to have the support of our friends, family and of course my BDWers Hannah - Actually I was there right when the fires hit...FI and I went to "get away" since our wedding had just been cancelled and the second we arrived the winds picked up and it got bad. Luckily its mostly contained now and Im *praying* there wont be another one any time soon.
  5. Rebecca - your pictures are AMAZING! - I just want to say im SOOO excited to have Nathaniel shoot my wedding next month!! Cant wait!!
  6. Shannon - I heart your pics and video!!! You guys look SO happy!!!
  7. So we were suppose to get married at Azul Beach Resort in the Maya Riviera on May 8, 2009. Thanks to the Swine Flu we had to cancel last minute. After a solid week of crying and being depressed, and trying to figure out what to do next, we decided to have our wedding on June 19, 2009 at the Four Seasons Biltmore in Santa Barbara. I have to personally thank Tammy for posting on this venue because otherwise I wouldn't have thought to look into it - so thank you Tammy! Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Web Site Although it wont be my "dream" wedding I am starting to get excited for it. I actually went to school at UC Santa Barbara so it will be nice to be down with family friends (many who also attended UCSB). I still get my beach setting and best of all we were able to book Nathaniel Thompson as our Photographer w00000000000t!! Let the planning begin...again
  8. YAAAAAAAAAAAY thats my dress!! So excited for you - dont u love it
  9. CONGRATS!! Thats so great - May 8th was suppose to be our wedding day too, but like you we had to post pone since ours was in the Mayan Riviera. Love all the pig decor!!
  10. Hi Guys I wanted to say Im no longer a may bride :-( Im now getting married on June 19th at the Four Seasons Biltmore in Santa Barbara. Im still so sad about losing my dream Mexico Wedding at Azul Beach but the Swine Flu killed it so we had to move on.. I wish all the luck to the upcoming may brides and cant wait to see pics
  11. Tammy - we have decided to go with the Four Seasons Biltmore My new wedding day is now June 19th. They told us we get the wedding night free and any additional nights we choose to stay is 20% off - Id love to hear what you negotiated. When is your sister getting married there?
  12. Hi guys. I actually just got back from Santa Barbara - it was meant to be a get away for FI and I since our wedding was suppose to happen this past week in Mexico, but got canceled due to swine flu. Of course right when we arrived in SB the fires began to get out of control - it was pretty intense and sad since 80 homes got burnt. Its weird cuz i went to UCSB and in the 4 years i was there we had no fires and now there have been 3 in the past year. Anywho we also went to look at the Biltmore to have our now postponed wedding and the place is really beautiful - Im pretty sure we will have our wedding there at the end of June Hannah - we tried to set up an appointment at the Bacara but no one got back to us - I may have to PM you to get more info BTW what year did you UCSB alums graduate? i graduated in 2003
  13. wow its like you read my mind - we are considering switching our wedding that was canceled in Mexico b/c of swine flu to Santa Barbara Thanks so much for posting
  14. i confess i just had half a bottle of wine to numb myself even more that i no longer get my destination wedding.
  15. Hi May Brides I figured we could use a tiny break from swine flu madness. i wanted to share a couple teasers from my BD shoot
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda My best advice for you, and I'm being dead serious, is DON'T OPEN THIS THREAD AGAIN!!! Unless its still up and going in September! I really think this thread is so depressing on how much this flu has affected mexico brides. And w/ your hormones will only cause you to stress and worry. With your wedding being sooo far out you do not need to be worrying about this, especially since you're about to pop girl! I completely agree! It really is depressing and every night i tell myself Im gonna stop. But its like a drug...but please all you brides that have weddings down the line dont open this thread
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jessbgauvin Luckygirl - Thanks!! My Key West wedding will be great! The best part? All the plans are done and I don't have to hear another person ask "YOU AREN'T STILL GOING TO MEXICO ARE YOU?" So happy for you. We just sent out our dreaded we are canceling email. UGH. BTW i loved your comment about your FS thread, FI and I were talking about that this morning
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl oh yael, i'm just so very sorry! this is heartbreaking news. i have no doubt that you will be a beautiful bride and have a fabulous wedding, no matter when or where it may happen. most importantly, your relationship and your marriage will be stronger for having been through this together. Thanks Friend We just sent out the dreaded email to all our guests... On a better note - i just posted my BD teasers in the shout box
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jennik13 hi brides, just wanted to let you know that we canceled our azul sensatori wedding. i wanted to thank you for all your answers and support these past months and wish you the best of luck planning your wedding. we are keeping the same date and planning something in the keys - i will for sure post all my pictures after. point of advice...DO NOT STRESS OVER THE SMALL STUFF! if you start to stress, just think of all us brides that needed to cancel and smile. jenni Hi Jenny Im sorry We too are canceling our Azul Beach wedding next week. Is Karisma refunding you any of the money? They told us we can only rebook the rooms but no refunds. I feel bad for all our guests...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Yael ~ that totally sucks! Are you still planning to come down for a honeymoon? I have no idea what we are gonna do... I just feel so horrible for our guests and all the $ they will lose. The resort isnt refunding rooms - just letting ppl rebook through Dec
  21. Hi Everyone Im joining the no longer getting married in mexico club :-( Our wedding was suppose to be next week adn with half our guests (all family and close friends) coming from Europe and Israel - they all had to cancel. One of our groomsmen cancelled and three other guests told us their jobs wont let them back for 2 weeks if they go to mexico. This is all horrible timing and trust me if my wedding was 3 weeks out or more I dont think id even consider canceling. This breaks my heart...but for us its really important to have our family and friends there. We are now looking into a plan B somewhere in CA (where FI and I live) - ideally in June. I have no idea how Im suppose to plan a wedding in a month when this one took me over a year. I do want to say though that THANK GOD for this forum! Its so nice to have a place i can be honest and where ppl know where I am coming from and get so much support. The hardest part of this is knowing that it didnt have to be this way and that its totally been blown out of proportion. I mean if it was something super serious Id be the first one to cancel - but it just sucks that our wedding got ruined for something that in my opinion should not have been such a big deal. As its been said before to all the brides that move forward with their Mexico weddings i know it will be amazing!!! (and im super jealous) For all of us who have a new "destination" happy planning...
  22. Thanks Datetwin If my wedding gets canceled and yours doesnt Im inviting myself to yours I wish my guests were logical like yours - i just dont get all the paranoia>?! Everything I have read indicated is not that bad. I dunno i was expecting to get sick anyways on my way back
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Yael, I noticed your in Cali -- are you guys undecided on what to do? I don't think the US will be canceling flights anytime soon....I hope. Oh god i hope not! Its more that half our wedding guests are from europe so they are out now and my mom is on edge and considering canceling. Plus some of our US guests are on the fence so who knows. As of now we aren't making any final decisions and hope things die down in the next couple of days...but who knows. SO STRESSFUL - on the plus side i think im losing weight from all this stress My brother just sent me this Do I have Pig Flu? - Do I have Swine Flu?
  24. Oh and Desiree - umm you SIL sucks - i have a shitty SIL too (but she is FI's sister so i have to bite my tounge) and really sorry to hear about your best friends - will be interesting to see what they say when u confront them
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Desiree- just noticed your post from earlier So sorry to hear about your BFs and biotch SIL. DWs have a funny way of bringing out the true colors in people, generally the ugly side. And while I know the swine flu is no laughing matter, wouldn't it be just a little funny if your SIL (and NO one else in your family) got the flu bug. baahhhaaaa , I think all this swine flu stress has made me a little evil!!! Marie thats what my FI is saying - that he hopes anyone that cancels ours will get it in their home town This is insane - i dont even know if ill be getting on a plane on Monday
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