Hi Ladies
Im not in BL6 but just read the thread and was hoping to jump in for some motivation. BTW you guys are all awesome!!! I have less than a month and can not for the life of me get motivated. I did go to the gym this morning and love the mini challenges.
Hope u ladies dont mind!
Hi Everyone
So i finished the series last weekend (I know Im late to the game) I read all 4 books in about 3 weeks and had to admit they are SUPER entertaining. I also read Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's perspective) which i really liked but sad cuz its only part of it. I have to say though that um the movie was probably one of the worst movies I have even seen - it did ZERO justice to the books!
Im kinda sad now the books are over - its how i felt when i finished Harry Potter. I need a new escape!! I really hope the author finishes Midnight Sun!
We were actually going to use our friend for our photographer (he is a prof photographer in Atlanta) and they were going to stay there for 3 nights so i cant be much help on the photography stage - but i do remember really like Claudia's pictures A LOT
I wonder if you could contact her directly and see what she says - thats pretty ridiculous about Lomas!
Hi Amy
We actually had to cancel due to swine flu...ugh so hellish so we didnt get married at Azul Beach. We are now planning our wedding for June 19th 2009 in Santa Barbara
But I have been to Azul Beach (last year) so if you have any questions on the location or the planning process let me know!!
Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Yael - Tabatha and Napoleon? Yeah, I love them too! I believe that you are correct, they do do "Rock the Reception".
YES - i love them!
Hi Ladies
Ya the show was pretty good but dont worry too much if you missed since its just the auditions. I think when they get to Vegas it finally gets good.
PS I heart the hip hop couple that judge I think they also did "Rock the Reception"
Quote: Originally Posted by Goldstein to Be I actually still have to tweak my ceremony music a bit. The braidsmaids are walking to somewhere over the rainbow and then I'm walking to Pacabel Cannon in D.
- Bo Same for me!! Yay music twins
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I'm doing a song choice contest... people can choose as many songs as they like (any genre) and the one that best represents me and my fiance and our style will win a prize and we'll dance to it at the wedding and announce the winner. It won't our first dance song but it has everyone listing out their favorite songs and I plan on playing them all so at least everyone has a song played they like.
Also another bride did the camera scavenger hunt with disposable cameras on the tables and a list of photos to capture for that specific table - fun stuff! Thanks!!
I just saw the camera scavenger hunt and i love it - i may steal that. I also like the idea of everyone contributing something - great idea!
Haha too funny! Actually our dog Chesdin only farts when we give him wet food and OMG its definitely room clearing!! So we try to limit that even though he LOVEs wet food so much, its too stinky!
Interesting about the yogurt though
PS LOVE the title of this thread
Thanks Ladies! Ya im hoping with all the booz and good tunes we wont have too much trouble. Hopefully Im stressing for nothing
Ayita - thanks for the virtual dj info - super helpful!
So we are having a relatively small wedding approx 30 guests and we are now having it at the Four Seasons Biltmore Santa Barbara. (It was originally suppose to be in Mexico in the beg of May but we had to cancel due to swine flu).
My new stress is that since its small and we are having an ipod rather than a dj and we are now in a more "traditional wedding" venue that our guests may get bored after dinner and the reception will be lame. I really want our guests to have FUN and I was hoping you smart ladies could help me out. Also most of our guests are our friends so its a young crowd (a lot of my family is from europe and israel and not sure if they are able to make it)
Are there any fun non cheesy "games"? or other ideas that take up some time. My fear (and i have dreams about this) is that everyone will want to leave by like 9pm.
All ideas are appreciated!
I agree - I think you should get the dress in white (since it sounds like this is THE dress) and keep your Ivory theme. I would be REALLY surprised if anyone will notice, plus if anything is suppose to be "white" its the dress
Do you have pics or a link to the dress?
Hey - so sorry you are going through with this!!!
We had to cancel our May Mexico wedding and now we are planning one in Santa Barbara for June. We just sent a new "email invitation" to all the original guests (both those originally coming to Mexico and the ones that couldnt make it). I dont think new invitations are necessary and Im sure everyone would understand.
Good luck on planning round two...