OMG im 100% on Team Edward - sorry but Jacob really irked me. I mean i get it but i just felt like he was getting in the way of Edward and Bella's love - and i was so annoyed at Bella for not telling him to STFU!! At least at the end he had happy ending but wow I did NOT see the imprinting with Renesme coming at ALL!!
Savannah - i LOLed at your last comment haha she is SO not into him
watched last night - yay so fun! I feel like there are a ton of great dancers and cant wait to see who actually makes it to the top 20
How funny was Tycee (sp?) the judge on the Florida auditions. I loled at all his comments
Steph - haha thanks for posting the pics. Jacob's face still looks SO young haha it doesn't fit the body - Im excited for the movie now though
So are Rob and Kristen dating in real life now?
Crystal - thanks for sharing with us. Im happy to hear your friend is doing OK. It is sad for the kids but to be honest he didnt seem like the kind of person anyone would want their kids around. Its just sad all around but Im happy your friend can really move on.
Im with you ladies! I sometimes think maybe it will be nice - but then im like NO WAY so not ready!! FI is even SO not ready more than me but Andi - im like you i see how he is with our dog and 2 cats and he will be a great dad.
I confess that i mostly just want to be pregnant and have an infant but not ready for it to become like an actual human
Heartbeat - i havent been married there but I vacationed there two years ago
Let me know if you have any questions specific about the resort - its gorgeous and the food is AMAZING
The same thing happened to me! It super awkward but I would stick to what you want to do. I agree with MegaShay and maybe have her be incorporated in the ceremony another way. Good Luck!
That is good to hear about the New Moon movie because seriously Twilight was a mess LOL. Im def gonna see New Moon though because I want to see how they make Jacob grow like a million feet tall and how they do the wolves
Oh and I totally agree with you ladies how in Breaking Dawn she like skipped Edward's getting close to Renesme - wtf? I feel like that book had so much build up and then she realized oh shit its already 750 pages, i better wrap it up haha. But at least it did end "happily ever after"