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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. Thanks Everyone!! They were actually super easy to make! We also plan to give guests cheap openers Dondie Jordan - I know i *heart* SB. I actually went to college there so I have lots of memories - I feel very fortunate that we were able to mvoe our wedding to another great location
  2. Hi everyone, i wanted to share our custom wine labels that we made. Quick background: we were originally suppose to get married in Mexico on May 8th but had to cancel last minute due to the swine flu. We are now getting married in Santa Barbara, CA. We wanted to give our guests something "californiaish" and whats better than wine! Here is a picture of the custom wine label we made. We did it on word using an Avery mailing label we got from office max. We also got a GREAT deal on the wine and we have had it before so we know its not gross Its called Markley Estates because Markley is FI's last name and soon to be mine! Not sure if its too small but the bottom says "Swine Flu Special Reserve" We plan to give each room a bottle (along with our OOT bags)
  3. I hate flying - sux cuz i love to travel! But I feel like the older I get the worse Im becoming about flying! FI hates it too - he is worse than me I really hate the whole experience - the stress of the airport, delays, lost luggage, taking your shoes off, being super uncomfortable, turbulence, kicking and screaming babies Im waiting for the day we can teleport ourselves
  4. GORGEOUS!!!! Thats so great you are able to bring someone down with you! You look amazing!
  5. Yamille - CONGRATS!! You look so beautiful and happy!! Cant wait to see more pics and hear how everything went
  6. YAY already did today's challenge - did 30 mins of cardio Looking forward to the beauty tips!
  7. You know its funny - I use to think he wasnt all that but the more pics Savannah posts the more im all DAMN HE IS HOT!! Thanks for the morning eye candy mmm Mr. Pattinson
  8. I think we know who the new twins are LOL!
  9. LOVE the pics!! Esp the one with your back sitting on the chair. Thanks for sharing!!
  10. Hi Josie - I specifically told my MOH to not throw me a wedding shower I also didnt want my friends to spend more money on me and all my friends and family are spread literally all over the world so i wouldnt even have that many ppl So I dont think its weird at all! Instead - which i was totally surprised and LOVED was that she and my close friends threw me a lingerie shower the morning after my bachlorette party - it was great!
  11. I thought Jasper looked FREAKY in the Twilight Movie - like a non hot edward sissorhands! Hopefully in New Moon they wont make him look like such a freak! Cassondra - I agree, Carlise also freaked me out a bit. I think Emmet was the only one that was perfectly cast LOL Savannah - is New Moon PR paying you? Haha I think you deserve some of the cut from the movie for all the positive press I love your insights!!! I totally agree with everything you said
  12. I agree - it would be so fun to be a cat! Ours like to try to open the handle to our bedroom in the AM when they want to be fed - its so irksome but funny at the same time My fave is when i leave my dresser drawer open and our boy cat always goes in and sits in my clothes
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Oooh I loved Asouka and her partner who both tried out last season (I remember them). She was amazing to watch, I am keeping my fingers crossed that she makes the top 20 this time around. Ok I must be blind because i missed her awesomeness. I just thought she was ok - maybe cuz her outfit annoyed me LOL but her partner (Riky?) I thought was SUPER good. I must have been spacing though YAY for vegas week next week!
  14. i totally read it at work since it was a PDF it looks like work LOL
  15. BTW i cant remember the 3rd book - ha its only been like 2 weeks but since i read all 4 in a row in a couple weeks i get them all mushed LOL Jax - are you enjoying midnight sun?
  16. Josie - thats really funny! Hope you got the stains out of the carpet. Did you have to make a new jersey?? Cats are seriously hilarious. We have 2 and they definitely have their quirks!
  17. Hi i meant to comment earlier but didnt have time - like everyone else said #2 is FANTASTIC!! You can tell how much you love it just by your description so on your wedding day you will GLOW! This is the one time ever you get to wear a dress like that
  18. Savannah - i love all your comments and insights to the books - please dont stop!!
  19. Stephanie - PM me your email address and Ill email you midnight sun!
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