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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. YAY i can finally comment cuz Im all caught up! Kathy - once again your recap is awesome and spot on! Here are my quick thoughts I hope Evan is out - for some reason he grosses me out, i find him a bit sleezy and every week he dissapoints me My fave girls are Melissa, Janette, and Jeneane - i know Kayla is awesome but i wont be that sad if she gets kicked out. Cailtlin is blah to me I LOOVED jeanene in the jive - she was so hot! Janette and Brandon and Melissa and Ade as couples are power couples and it will be interesting how they all do when they are split up
  2. Love your pictures!!!! Your dress is so similar to mine and i LOOOVE it!! The TTD shots are great - FER did an amazing job!! Congrats to you and ur DH!
  3. Hi I just came back from Kapalua - we stayed 6/29 - 7/4 at the Ritz and it only rained once for 10 minuets the whole week we were there. It can get pretty windy, but its not that bad at all. It also sprinkled a couple times but for like 5 minutes or less and was barely noticeable. Its a GORGEOUS area and your wedding will be amazing!!
  4. Congrats Holly!! 20% is amazing!! Also congrats to everyone else - you all did so well! I think i need SHD ASAP!!!
  5. Wow thanks for that very honest review!! Im so sorry not everything went as planned - especially the ceremony as you two worked so hard to make it personal. That being said I was so happy to hear at the end that you still had an AMAZING time with your friends and family and you definitely have some great memories!!! Congrats and cant wait to see pics!
  6. w00t w00t Thats SO great Steph!!! It def has brought you and FI closer and must be such a stress reliever YAYAYYAAYAY
  7. WELCOME BACK!!! Im so happy to hear everything was perfect!! Cant wait to see more pics!!!
  8. WOW those pictures are so great!! Elizabeth did such a great job!!! You all look so happy and were having so much fun! PS i LOVE your dress! (I think cuz its so similar to mine ;-) )
  9. Andi - LOVE THE PICS!!! You are seriously stunning!!! They did such an amazing job and really captured everyone's emotions! I love the last one haha
  10. Nyssa - what a GREAT review!! Im so happy that in end everything worked out! Your pictures are so great and i LOVE your dress! YAY - congrats!!!
  11. Hi! I just came back from my honeymoon at the Ritz in Kapalua! Its a great hotel and the beach there is amazing!! I saw one wedding set up on the grass overlooking the beach - it looked really nice. I dont know much about weddings there but if u have any questions on the hotel itself Id be more than happy to help out!
  12. I am so sorry for you, FI, and his family - this is such a terrible thing and I have no real words of wisdom. All you can do is be there for FI and his family. I agree with everyone else that you shouldnt cancel the wedding - it will be a positive and joyous occasion Hugs!!
  13. WOW Geralyn!! All your stuff is amazing!! You guys are gonna have so much fun in 5 days!! Your guests will really appreciate all the thoughtfulness you put into everything I got teary reading about your dad - Im so happy you got to share the father daughter dance with him HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis I am so proud to be a part of this lovely group of MRS's!!! Ditto!!!! Good luck everyone!
  15. Mine happened as I was getting into my dress - i was worried it was gonna mess up my hair and then i got lipstick on my dress and it was obvious - i was trying not to freak when my friends were shout wiping hte hell out of it but i was def getting stressed out!! Luckily with shout wipes and a tide pen it came out
  16. Voted Good luck ladies - ahh it was so hard to just choose 1
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!!
  18. YAY im so happy for you and your DH. I too was a "swine flu bride" haha. Im so happy that everything turned out perfect for you on your wedding day! Your pictures are amazing !!
  19. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Happy Wedding Day!! Im sure its even better than you could have imagined! Cant wait to hear how it all went and see the beautiful pictures!!
  20. YAY Asuka went home - Im actually really happy about that one! I agree that Jonathan was the right choice but I did kinda like him. Will be interesting to see how Vitolo and Karla do - i really like her so I hope she stays a while! Phillip is blah to me - ive never been that much of a huge fan but i really like Jeniene so i hope they stay a while longer
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