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Everything posted by YaelM

  1. I think we have all experienced that disappointment...its definitely hard and impossible not feel sad about it. But looking back i wish i hadn't focused so much on who wast coming. It made part of the planning process not fun. Once you get over the initial disappointment i think its REALLY important to focus on who is coming because no matter what your wedding will be amazing!!!
  2. Hi Ladies I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for a good color printer that is specifically good for printing out pictures. I think Kodak has some good ones but wanted to get your opions. Also i dont want it to be terribly expensive - Id just use it to print out pictures from my sony digital camera - nothing fancy Thanks!!
  3. I realized I do have a nomination For B2B - already nominated For Mrs: TammyB - she always give such helpful advice - especially to all the newbies
  4. Aww Tam Im sorry you feel this way. Ya walking on egg shelves is never good! Have you talked to FI about how you feel...or is that part of the problem? Sending good vibes ur way! Meg - Ew that is really annoying about your FMIL. Id be super irked! I confess Im already over my job...I havent even been here for a year
  5. woah Erika that is nuts! We had friends who were engaged for 2 years and then john gets an email with teh subject "weekend activities" - they had gotten married in a private ceremony and didnt tell anyone...i thought it was odd.
  6. What I would do again: * Have a wedding ceremony with close friends and family. We had to cancel last minute our MX wedding due to swine flu (4 days before departure). I was ready to say screw it and take our money and go on an awesome trip, since we were technically already legally married. But DH convinced me to have an actual wedding ceremony and reception. We ended up getting married in Santa Barbara, CA and I'm SO happy that in the end we did this. It was the best day of my life * Hire a wedding planner * Hire Nathaniel Thompson as our photographer…he is the BEST * Get my make up professionally done – it was a last minute decision and made all the difference * Use an ipod and pick our own songs for the reception. All our guests commented on how awesome the play list was * Have a sundae bar (and wedding cake) it was a big hit * Make OOT bags. They came in really handy all weekend and people loved the personalized touches, the wine and the snacks * Have a small intimate wedding with only close family and friends What I wouldn’t do: * Stress about people’s (i.e DH’s family) reactions, especially in the beginning of wedding planning * Stress about those who couldn’t make it. I know this is normal but I think I spent too much time being upset in the beginning of our planning. I'm glad though that towards the end I focused on everyone who was coming and all the fun we were going to have. I cant really think of anything else! What I wish I had done * Hire a videographer for the ceremony. The judge we had made our ceremony so personal and amazing and I wish I had that on video. Also I wish I had our speeches on video
  7. Hmm everyone i was gonna pick has been nominated. Good luck ladies!
  8. Kristy - I so know what you are going through! Im in such a career limbo. I LOVED my job in boston and it would def have been a long time career for me, but then DH wanted to move to Cali (where i grew up) and now my job is just whatever. I mean i love being back here with family, friends and awesome weather but i miss the sense of pride i had with my old job Stacey - wow YAY things are moving along so fast for u We will need to get a celebratory drink once u have your space Shannon - hi! Im an early bride too - got married liek a week before you Congrats on the condo. I have no read advice since after the wedding our lives went back to normal since we will never be able to afford a house where we live LOL.
  9. Yay i heart SB...but Im partial to it since i went to school there and got married there I know that if your day is available The Fes Parker Double Tree and the Monte Mar will allow you to get married on the beach - u just need a permit. If you are seriously considering SB i worked with an AMAZING wedding planner who helped us plan our wedding in SB in under 6 weeks who i HIGHLY recommend. Keep us posted and feel free to PM me if you have any questions on SB
  10. Ya im kinda dreading it and hoping i can get everything done fast....
  11. Andi - thanks for bumping! I realized i can finally post here now that Im married..w00t Im actually going to legally change my name tomorrow which will make it even more real
  12. wow great review!!!! Sounds like everything was great (except for the reception wait staff). Love the pics and cant wait to see more!
  13. Ok i just read the whole story! and um awwwwwwwwwww so cute - u can just feel the excitement and love!!! Keep us posted on how it all goes
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J I asked can we do a "day after shoot" and showed him Yael and John's TTD slide show he agreed to something more like that. YAY! This makes me so happy
  15. Aww Tammy Im so sorry. That must have been extremely difficult for you - no need to bottle up your feelings. I think anyone in that position would feel the same way. Sending u feeling better vibes
  16. Ya the minimums are pretty outrageous at the Four Seasons - the only reason we could afford to do it there is because htey waived all the minimums for us. We planned our wedding there in 6 weeks adn they felt sorry for us since we told them what happened to our Mexico plans. The Fes Parker Double Tree is also great I dont think has the same minimum requirements Good luck and feel free to PM me if u have any questions
  17. Although, I did love the Reese on you but #2 looks AMAZING! Seriously - its gorgeous
  18. Carly - good to know! Jac - maybe call the place you plan to go to tonight before u head out to see what they say? Let us know!!
  19. Jaq - Im pretty sure it has to do with blood thinning, it makes you bleed more. you are also suppose to eat so you dont pass out. A lot of parlors wont tattoo you if you have been drinking
  20. Yikes Kelly! Im so so so sorry! That is so beyond frustrating!! Ill send u good closing vibes for monday Also did you figure out what you are going to do about your brother's birthday? I read that thread and got really sad for you... Future Mrs. Kt Ellis - I think we have all been there! I think i said that to my DH when we were planning our wedding liek every week. But in the end Im so glad we had a wedding with our family and friends. It does get better and it will be worth it in the end - i promise!! We had our hearts set on Mexico but swine flu killed that 4 days before we were suppose to leave. We ended up getting married in Santa Barbara, CA and i honestly couldnt have imagined a more perfect wedding. I see you are looking into S. Cali - have you thought about SB?? Good luck!!
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