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Everything posted by jennie

  1. Thank You all so much for all of your thoughts and advive today! It's so much to think about. Than You Ladies XOXO
  2. Good tip about Zappos! Have them shipped to your work or a friend's house instead so FI won't see them. Good luck. I was going to do a BD shoot, but backed out because of money being tight. I'm thinking for our 1YR. next year to do a session as a present. Good Luck!
  3. Such a beautiful dress! Too bad we're leaving in 3 weeks and I have mine or else... Good luck. One lucky bride will PM you!
  4. Thank You ladies! I just had to vent it out i guess. You know that stupid book and now movie: He's Just Not That Into You....well the girl in it starts to realize that you're either the "RULE" to a guy or an "EXCEPTION TO THE RULE". I know that i'm the "exception" and that he has changed and grown. Funny thing is, when we go away (we love to travel) everything is perfect. It's even harder here i think because we're surrounded by it all. Literaly. I know that in time people will back off and see it's real. That we are real. It just gets to me sometimes that it seems we constanly have to prove ourselves. I know we really don't have to because we know ourselves it's real and true but it just seems as though we have to. You get so sick of it after awhile. Imagine having to defend yourself or feel you have to all the time: the stupid myspace comments, emails, voice msgs.,blogs., letters to our house (oh yes... fun times), the looks, you get the picture. I'm a big girl and can't take it and are worried per say, but it gets to the point where enough's enough! Thank You for listening. They all just need to move along and woory about themselves and see that we ARE getting married. Right?
  5. Maybe it's just gitters. Maybe i'm unsure. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. This whole month has been getting worse and worse it seems. Do i love him? Sure do. Did i want to get away from all of the small town foneyass people and just have a DW? Absolutely! Am I just second guessing because everyone puts in their two cents? I don't know. His past lurks very which way: baby mamma drama, ex wife(not the baby's mom...SWEEEET!)and plenty of ex girlfriends that he has minipulated in the past as booty calls, etc..., a father that owns the business he works for that basicaly bails him outta everything and pretty much wipes his ass for him by suplimenting his pay. Oh yeah, it gets better: I work with one ex booty call of his and get this....the best friend of the last girlfiend before me I work with (in a salon= drama drama). Then, to top things off (follow this, now) his best friend is marring his ex wifes sister! WTF!!! So, not only do I get to feel like a fool at thier shower Aug 1st, but I get to sit at the mismatch table at the wedding in OCT>and see hime up at the head table because he's in the wedding party and she is too! Niice!!! Guess it's all of the thoughts of that at once. See, he IS a good guy. But, he's always a "good guy" to whomever he's with. Just that he ends up dating more than one at once in the past and ends up hurting them. He assures me that was his unfortunate past and I know he hasn't cheated or anything like that with me, but it still bothers me. His friends even back him up with saying time to time that WOW, he's changed, he's really settled down, who would have thought sort of thing.He doesn't go out, he got rid of the "bad" friends...I can honestly say that he has changed his lifestyle(if you call it that) around since we've been together. He makes sure I get what I need or want...but it's not about that. It doesn't impress me to throw money around. I have my own... maybe it's the survival of a single mom thing for the past 8 years. But, I guess that it bothers me that he doesn't seem to truely understand or acknowledge the fact that it would bother someone. I can suck it up like the best of them, but as much as you can put on a front thing DO bother you sometimes. It seems that this is pushing me away the last few weeks...thinking about it. I feel like i want to just call the whole thing off and just move away. I don't know how much more people can expect of me and i'm a say it like it is person, so he should know better. I'm not a quiet girl that doesn't say anything. When i do...he just sits there blank in the face. I'm so frustrated. Is it cold feet? I just don't know. I do know i'm better than this drama.
  6. Wow...The Caves!!! I wanted to book our wedding there so bad, but there weren't any rooms left for the time of our stay. I want to hear how it goes! It looks so nice and gets great reviews. Anyways, we're getting married in Jamaica in 3 weeks and were told 2 full days and not counting weekends. Also, keep in mind that you arrival day DOES NOT count as a day, we found out. It has to be full days. But, that could be just per the resort (RPTB) and not for Jamaica in general. If you're getting married at the hotel, just ask them. If not, then I would contact whoever your minister is or the Country office to see what the requirements are. Good Luck.
  7. I went to Cancun last year and Dominican this year.... and both times had to pack candels in my luggage to be checked in underneath the plane. They DON'T let you take them on board. Just an idea, what i'm going to do is bubble wrap the heck out of my votive holders and candles and place them in a "Fed Ex" box and just pack around the box. A girl that flew with us had to throw out her candles out of her carryon in Cancun and told that she should of packed them in the checked in bags. Def. call your airline or go online to double check, but that's what i've encountered.
  8. I'll have to stop being lazy and update my pic or just post a pic so you can see.
  9. Amarillis lol!! My bright idea 3 weeks before the wedding huh. lol Well with highlights to be put it next week I can relax a bit. I was just worried because I do it once in awhile, but it never occured to me that my driver's license was blonde too. That's when i panicked. One of those spare of the moment sounds good things.
  10. If I could back I wouldn't do one. I mean it was fun and everyone had a good time, but it was a lot of work to plan. If i had a do-over, i would just have a BBQ or something simple like that when we got back.
  11. Thank You ladies!!! I can relax now. I was so worried earlier.
  12. We are getting married in Jamaica in the Riu Palace Tropical Bay near Negril and chose to stay there in Jamaica, but switch resorts for our Honeymoon to Sandals Ochos Rios, which is about 2 hours up and away.Right now Sandals has some great deals....along with resorts in general. We got a package special buy 5 nights/ get 2 nights free with a honeymoon ocean villa with butler and private pool with all inclusive package, transfers and air for $3,200.00 for the both of us. Just search the different hotel sites of your destination for upcomming booking deals. With the economy as it is.... they ARE out there. You just have to search around a bit. Also, keep in mind that you could set up a registry on a resort site of your choice or through a TA for guests, etc.... to contribute monetary gifts towards your trip. Most people don't see this as impropper because they are going to give you a gift anyways, so why not put it towards you honeymoon? Good luck!
  13. Help ladies!!!! I just changed mt hair color from the blonde that you see in my pic here, to a dark brown/auburn with carmel highlites all over to lighten it up a bit. I'm a hairstylist, so it's always different. But, my driving license is an old picture of me with blonde hair. My passport I got issued last year and my hair is down with the top part blonde and alittle of the underneath dark. Problem being: I just was sitting here and thought....OMG!!! Am I going to have a problem when going through customs now? Has anyone changed their hair color in a way that it's different than in their passport picture? I would imagine that they would look at facial features and if i wore my hair in a ponytail it would be OK. Any suggestions?
  14. Don't know if this will help you out, buti'm getting married on August 7, 2009 at the RPTB. The way that it works there at least is that the WC handles it as a "middle person" between us and the photoshop. I just asked the WC about packages for pictures and she contacted the photshop and their packages/prices. Then the photoshop contacted me with what i would like.
  15. Your stories are all so sweet! My FI was a regular client at the hair salon that I work in and we knew mutual friends. I'm the jokster with the twisted type of humor that is very blunt at work and so is he. Only thing is he comes across as being very cocky, but he's not. Anyways, I had ...don't laugh.... a pair of tickets to see Bon Jovi last year in Boston, Mass and the friend that was suposed to go backed out, etc. I had no one to go with. Jessie overheard and suggested that he invite himself and I kept saying... oh, well so and so may go, I'll let you know. I ended up calling him at the last minute(the day of) to go and he was the last person to ask. We went and I thought it would be awekward in the car for so long, but it wasn't. The show and Boston in general was great. While walking in the street of Boston he quietly went for it: held my hand. It felt so natural and from that day...exactly 1 year from today.... we have never been apart at all. Not one night. Actualy, I have to get off this computer soon because we're going back to Boston tonight for a dinner cruise on the harbor and the Tall Ships are there to see for our 1 year aniversary. In just a few weeks we will be married in Jamaica. I can't wait. As he said, I'm a girl version of him (but more girl "evil"lol than him) and I guess that's what he was looking for: to date himself! lol
  16. We had a Jack and Jill and threw it ourselves. It's so nice of you to be doing this for your friends! Typicaly, the hosts buy the raffle prizes as their"gift" , so you won't be getting reimburst. What we did to curb costs is asked close friends if they wanted to "donate" a prize towards the raffle. I think that most people would comply with this request in liu of giving a gift. Jessie's friends donated Red Sox tickets, a fire pit, alcohol, etc... My friends own a restaurant, so they donated a few gift cards. I work at a salon, so I made a basket with a nail gift card and hair products. I noticed you're in CT. I'm in Massachusetts, so if you go onto the Kiss 95.7 , wccc 106.9 website or resaturant.com, you can find great half off deals. We also raffled off Six Flags tix and movie passes together. Look within you contacts for people that could maybe donate something or a place that you frequent alot like a restaurant or entertainment place. We displayed the prizes on a raffle table and I had small bags that were labeled (like gift bags...dollar store) in front of each item. My dad took tickets at the door and asked each person upon entering if they wanted to buy raffle tickets. We sold them for $15 an arms length and $3.00/single ticket(so people would buy 2/$4.00) The Red Sox tickets were in a separate raffle for $5.00/single tix. So, when people bought an armslenght for $15, they used the "extra $5.00 to go in the redsox raffle(which was a different colored tix). We also sold jello shots for 50cents/single or 5/$1.00 that one of my ambitious friends had made(400 of them!) A freind of ours is a professional DJ, so he was the DJ. My friends helped abit to make deserts and we cooked the buffet stlyed food: salad, chicken legs and wings, meatballs, zitti, beans, kielbasa, green beans... I found hanging lanterns and tother tropical table items at the SouthWindsor dollar store and Target. Don't stress yourselves! Branch out and ask some mutual close friends if they would like to help. They will feel happy to participate and it will def. curb costs for you as the host. PM me if you would like if you have any questions.
  17. We are getting married at the RPTB in a few weeks. I contacted Keneika, the WC there, and she said that the legal ceremony isn't planned out for the wording. That the minister will say a few words and we can add whatever we want and bring it down with us for him to review before our ceremony. I've already written out the wording to be used at the sand ceremony for the minister. We were going to write out our own vows, but it just became too stressful at least for me. I've already have done so much planning down to every last detail i can think of and have decided I AM DONE! lol Are we ever done, really? My fiance and I decided to scribe each other a letter to be given before our ceremony so that we can read it before. We will not be staying together the night before, so my bestfriend will be giving it to us, for the exchange. For us, it's more private and I probably wouldn't be fully listening to every word he would be saying because i would be too nervous standing there. Whatever you chose, good luck with it!
  18. Great pics. Looks like you all had a great time. I'm sure all your guests just loved all your planning and details about geeting through the airport and customs. Great ideas.
  19. We had a "Jack and Jill" party. It's the same thing as a Stag and Doe, etc... Guess it's called this in USA. Anyways, we threw it ourselves about 2 months before we will be getting married. I say go for it!! We were able to raise some cash to go towards our wedding and had great fun with family and friends. If you really think about it, it's really no different than expecting people that attend your traditional wedding ceremonies back home to place a monetary gift in a card or buy from a pre picked out registry of wedding gifts. Guests would typicaly donate towards you as a couple one way or another, so why the hell not have a blast at a party? We had a raffle with prizes, a DJ, food, and on and on. It was a nice way to get everyone together to see us before we head off on our DW. Good luck!
  20. Thanks ladies! After your responses, I will def. check in the candles and server set. The rest will come on with us. My dress is NOT going outta my sight! lol I'm bringin down our own center piece glass and sand frame, so i'll have to get some bubble wrap.
  21. Wow hope you were ok! Thanks for the heads up. We're leaving in August, so it's good to know. I just bought one can of repelant, so i guess it's back to the store for me. Can't wait to seee your review. We're staying at the RPTB.... not too far from where you were. Congrats!
  22. Hello ladies! I have a question for you that have traveled US Airways: Have any of you past brides checked in luggage to be placed under the plane that had your candles and/or cake knife server set in them? I'm worried that they may look funny when they're scanned through and are in wrapping and a box. I don't want to run into any trouble. I know that you have to check certain items, but didn't know if candles and knife server would seem to be a big problem. I plan to bring as carry on, our vases and sand ceremony frame so they don't break, etc....
  23. At my job, the personal office said that they can use our temporary marriage license as a "good faith" until we get our originals. I would guess that you would just have to ask your own personal office as to what their policies are and the special circumstance that you're getting married out of the country. I live in Massachusetts and in this state, I will be able to change only certain things with the temp. license, but have to wait for the original to change my license and SS# card.
  24. OH I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I would say YES, you are married because they have a copy of all of your documents with your socical security numbers, names, etc.... What I would most definitely do is to call your wedding coordinator immediatley to express the errors and mispellings, so they can ammend the certificate with the nessary corrections and reissue it to you. Good luck with everything.
  25. I guess that it all depends on you and your FI. I agree to check with your WC to make sure you have what you need. If you change your mind there are always little markets nearby all resorts that you could find something. We're keeping things simple also, but I found out that things like chair covers were $12/piece to "rent", so that's why I chose to purchase table runners and chair covers/sashes to bring down. They were at the most $1.00/piece and it just cuts the costs for us. I agree with you that the open air, sun, ocean, etc.... will be enough to have a great ceremony and abything else, whether provided by you or a resort is just an extra touch. Congrats and good luck.
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