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Everything posted by Flasong

  1. I am sorry you are having to deal with this...but, its not just BRB policy. Most, if not all, "adult only" facilities are this way. BRB charges extra, because like TA Maureen said, your guests would get access to everything there all day. I have been to Breezes Bahamas many times and they stick to this rule as well. Keep your chin up and who knows, maybe another family member who can't make it can watch your cousins kids so she can have some "Adult" time to relax and enjoy herself. And about your family members not coming...you are not the only one with this. My mom was the most important person I wanted there...and she will be there! Everyone else is a bonus:) Most of our guests are our close friends which I am thrilled they are able to make it. I am also getting married at BRB so I can help you out with anything if you need..there aren't many BRB on here so we gotta help each other out! Good luck:)
  2. Ok I think I understand what you're saying..what flowers are you using? I have seen plumerias used..which I like that idea but they have no stems? They won't stay "drowned" in the water? Have you attempted any of this yet yourself?
  3. Has anyone used their IHome for a mini reception? We only have 20 people coming to our weding (incl us) so I don't know if I should go out and but the $150.00 Logitech one if my IHome will work...decisions decisions!
  4. I agree with everyone else! The DW will be your big WOW factor.
  5. I have to give my FI big props this week because his two kids got sick this past weekend. Well, then of course I got sick...with fever and strep throat! He told me just lay on the couch and I will get whatever you need and take care of my baby. So, he had to take care of two sick kids by himself and me! He was at the dr's two days in a row and dealing with a houseful of sick people. Thankfully, I am finally starting to feel better...I mean, seriously, I am getting married in less than a month! Oh..and yesterday he decided to start a blog about our wedding. He was soo cute writing the blogs and so proud of himself for doing it hehe
  6. They are soo pretty! And you are awesome too for being on the ball so early!!
  7. oh no!!! reallly?!! I was gonna go out this weekend to get the stuff...I am down to less than a month to go. Originally I was gonna order flowers through the resort but then I thought I could do something cheaper myself lol...I was also thinking about buying blumeboxes and having them do an arrangement down there in those...what do you think yikes
  8. Flasong

    Hi Everyone!

    Wow, 25 yrs! Congratulations! This forum has alot info on many resorts so check it out. Good luck
  9. I was hoping that it wasn't George but it was I had thought that Izzy was getting off the show so I figured she would be the one to die. I still love the show regardless and am happy that Meredith and Derrick are finally very happy together:)
  10. I say do the tdd shoot too! why not lol...go enjoy yourself!
  11. What a bargain shopper! We are all anxiously awaiting a picture!
  12. Yikes I hadn't even thought about this..I wanted to wear my spanx underneath my ttd dress but not sure thats gonna feel so comfortable after they get wet lol
  13. definitely different and interesting lol..some of them are pretty cool
  14. Welcome to the forum! Good luck with all your planning
  15. Flasong


    Welcome to the forum! There is sooo much info on here...just use the search tool and you will be amazed at what you can find! Good luck:)
  16. Welcome to the forum and congrats!
  17. Flasong

    Hi Everyone

    Congrats on your engagement! There is alot of info on this forum that will help you decide. Good luck on your planning...and Welcome!!!
  18. Welcome to the forum! There is a ton of info on here. Good luck with your planning
  19. Welcome to the forum. There is alot of info on here so just use the search tool and you might be able to find some helpful info. Good luck and happy planning!
  20. here's mine...this dolphin also brought me a buoy that said "will you marry me"
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