I had my final dress fitting today. Everything went well except for the part where I gained 10 pounds over the holidays (the dress fits fine fortunately) and my arms looked especially huge. The seamstress was tightening the dress so much that my back was bulging into these fat rolls...sooooooo not attractive. We leave for our Jamaican wedding on January 17th so i'm pretty much screwed.
I honestly tried to be good today - started off the morning with a poached egg, whole grain toast and tea. Then DF and i were running some last minute wedding errands at Michaels and Walmart and DF ran into Walmart to get the paper puffs while I sat in the car with the dog...and low and behold...what does he come out of Walmart with? MCDONALDS!!!!! Ugh...so, being the good eater I am I subsequently ate my entire mcchicken and medium fries, followed by a big tasty diet coke. I am so disappointed in myself.
Tomorrow is New Years Eve (well today now...seeing as how it's midnight) and DF wants to do Fish & Chips - which of course is a favourite of mine.
I miss the metabolism I used to have.
Any advice girls? I'm thinking i'll have to survive off water, salads, lean protiens and a whole lot of exercise for the next two weeks...maybe i can lose five pounds
Wow...sorry this is long...had to vent