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Everything posted by Michelle613

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nickicolb123 Me too!! how funny well it looks like i am getting married the day before you so we can maybe scare away the other brides who are looking at our dates! J/K but that is a funny thought Lol I agree! I'll definitely be peeking at your wedding from a distance by the way lol I'm so excited I want the year to fly by already.
  2. Thanks for the linkk! I wish I had this before I told them which dresses to order!
  3. I lovee TrueBlood! I can't wait for it to start! I watched the whole last season on demand in like 3 days!
  4. I have no idea how they do more then one wedding a day. I will be super pissed if they do that on my day. My wedding is from 5-11 pm. There's no way they can do something that day can they?
  5. Diana CONGRATS!!! Your review is amazing and I love your pics! I'll deff be asking Claudia for the woman speaker during the ceremony. I also now deff want the jacuzzi suite lol! Your cake actually looked very pretty.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by nickicolb123 3 per day??!? That seems like a lot to me. Almost factory farm style Lol yea that's terriblee..I couldn't have said it better.. lolllll factory farm style haha
  7. Omg I love it! Where did you find it? I looooove it!!!!
  8. Oh and btw, I tried looking for them on your wedding site, and you and your FI make a beautiful couple- you both look like models!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess how about if FI's parents are contributing NOTHING?!?! ah this is another story for another thread though.... haha Same here It sucks but its not FI's fault he was born into a weird & broken family. My parent's aren't that well-off either, I'm just starting law school, and FI went back to school- this should be interesting.
  10. We're having the same problem. My song is a given, but FI and his mom aren't close at all (she didn't really raise him) & we can't thing of a nice song that isn't too mushy for them. If anyone has any ideas...
  11. I never tried dill pickle chips- but for those of you who are fans, I recently got hooked on dill pickle flavored David's sunflower seeds. They are off the hook!
  12. Do you guys recommend bringing your own makeup- or has anyone used the makeup provided by the salon in the hotel?
  13. I LOOOOOVEEEE Doritos!!!! I love every flavor- but the best are the original nacho cheese ones. I could eat them all day. the other day FI bought a big bag and I ate practically the whole thing that night- then woke up and finished the rest before even brushing my teeth or changing out of my pjs!
  14. Welcome, congrats, and happy planning! I'm sure all of your questions will be answered on the Maui threads!!!!
  15. Harty, I'm so sorry you had to change your location, cancunbride-good luck on your big day!, and dc22173, I cannot wait to see your pics! I feel like I haven't been on here in so long!
  16. I got engaged on Thanksgiving and my wedding is next june (2010) and I hate waiting. I've never been good at waiting for anything. I want to live with him already and start our lives together. I've never lived on my own and everywhere I go, I get ideas for our home or ideas for what I'd cook for dinner. I put my foot down, though, and said I wont move in til the wedding (I just always thought of the wedding as the day you start your lives together). So, yeah, I know how you feel! And I also hate when FI has to go home at night!
  17. Simon and Alex freak me out! They are so weird and gross! I love Bethany and Jill. Kelly irritates me-she thinks she's all that and is really not.
  18. On the news today, it was said that the virus really hasn't caused as much death and harm as people in the U.S. think it has. I really think this whole thing will blow over. Guys don't change your dream weddings!
  19. I'm so sorry! Honestly, make the most out of your special day. As long as you and your FI are there, it should be amazing. Let us know what happens.
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