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Everything posted by Michelle613

  1. Hey, I just stayed at Iberostar Playa Del Mar which part of the 5 hotels that Linda is a part of-- It was amazing. The food in these resorts is great, the shows are great, the beach is great, the hotel are beautiful. Also, there's a little village where people from all 5 hotels could go to w/ a teen club, an adults club, a taco shop, a creperie/icecream parlor, a hamburger place--all included as well. We saw a few weddings at Beach (I think its the hotel right next to Linda) and they were beautiful. I highly recommend doing it at Iberostar.
  2. Welcome, congrats, and happy planning!
  3. Does anyone else have problems with Claudia not answering emails? I think she ignored my friend request on facebook too! I just re-requested her. I've chilled with my emails, but once every few months when I have a question or something, I expect a reassuring email back. I really don't know what to do. She makes me feel so uncomfortable I feel like I'm gna have the wedding from hell. In her last email to me she goes "tenative ceremony for the same day.." so I tell her well my contract says my wedding is from 5-11, I don't want any one interfering with it-- no reply! Goddammit!
  4. That sounds like a good idea So just cigars, I wouldn't be required to get anything else for them? And what did you get for the girls?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl haven't popped into this thread for awhile but wanted to say hi and congrats to all the recent DC brides! and more importantly, wanted to tell you that claudia is on facebook (she probably doesn't want you all to know that, lol!) sorry i still never did my review. every time i sit down to do it i just get overwhelmed! Oh yay, I friended her =) She like hates me though, doesn't answer my emails, & when she does gives me two words answers, but now if she friends me I'll just direct all my statuses to her lol
  6. Your pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for the review. Glad you had an amazing wedding! Congrats!
  7. OH MY GOD! I have the chills. I want to cryyyy for you! That sounds so horrible! I cannot ever imagine going through what you went through. I am sooo sorry for all your troubles! I don't know what else to say... nothing I will say will make it better--but I am so sorry.
  8. In Brooklyn there's a few places on Sheepshead Bay Road--Monica's Bridal, Galit, and another two stores (I forgot their names.)
  9. Sunitam & Kat, thanks for getting back to me--yay I'm happy! Everything is coming along slowly but surely
  10. Cubsfan & Rabutler--good luck, wish you guys an amazing wedding & amazing trip!!! Sunitam--did your photographer stay in the hotel? I'll have to speak to Claudia, but I'm nervous. How much was the fee?
  11. I remember that someone on this forum hired an outside photographer from the U.S. to stay at Dreams...I don't want to search the thread b/c its late & i have a final in the a.m, but please private message me. I want to ask how it works & if Claudia still makes you pay an extra fee even if they're a guest at the hotel. Thanks in advance
  12. Hey girls, Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my wedding date Two days less lol!
  13. Thanks for your review! You looked beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful time!
  14. I got one-- for the reception I'll be changing into a short white dress w/ tulle and flowers on the bottom so its like weddingy.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by inspiredfyre I am four mths from my wedding, and haven't chosen flowers, OR a hairstyle!! I have shoulder length hair, and was wondering if anyone here used extensions, and liked the way it came out? I also love flowers in the hair, more of a sideswept updo, but have no clue if the salon at the resort where I'm going (secrets maroma beach) will be able to deliver what I want! Everyone on this forum who's gotten hitched had great hair! DIY, or did you bring someone down? Is it really possible to get what you want without ever consulting the person who will do your hair!?! The thought fills me with anxiety! I don't want a birdnest for a head! For other brides to be, I've gone through every mag possible, but found really great hairstyles here! Also, they have some really cute flower pins!! Hair Comes the Bride - Brides What's the deal, who's wearing what, and are you supposed to have a hair trial if you're going to have it done by someone else? Wow.. going to have to check out this site in depth. Thanks for posting it.
  16. The donation to charity is such a great idea. And the boat ride will be greatly appreciated. You should ask the charity for cards with it's logo and use them as place cards w/ a thank you on them, thanking all the guests for the donation
  17. Simbaism, love your pics! They were beautiful. & Cassondra, thanks for the review it was really good and the pics were great as well and cant wait to see the pro ones
  18. Great review! Looks like you had a blast! Can't wait to see more pics. Congratulations!
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