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Everything posted by lexibride

  1. I just found this on ebay and thought that it was a GREAT price! Perfect, all I'll have to do is add my logo on a sticker and throw it on there! Does anyone think I'll have a problem getting that through customs? http://cgi.ebay.com/50-bags-Bath-Sal...ayphotohosting
  2. Wow!! That's great! I did a search but must not have used the right words. I kept finding bags of them rather than little packets. Thanks!!
  3. Our hotel has jacuzzi tubs in every room, so I thought for the OOT bag I'd put little individual packets of bath salts for the ladies to use. We used them almost every day when we were on vacation with the tub!!
  4. Ugh, I haven't gotten a free tote offer yet!! I want a free one so bad, lol!!! I too have ordered a pen with every order, I'm only up to 7, but I'm 11 months away from my wedding, so who knows what I'll get up to!! It's horrible, I'm an awful addict! I wonder though, how are they making any money at all?? Is it because they order in such bulk? I mean, in one order I did a t-shirt, hat, post its, pen and mousepad, all in one order and it was only $5.67! How the heck can they make any money?
  5. When you sign up, you'll start to get emails weekly about free stuff. I've tried to stick with their designs, like flowers or palm trees and then it stays free. If you upload your own images (I did for my brochures) then it costs more.
  6. Ohhh, I haven't gotten an email that says free tote bag yet!! That's a good one! I always make sure to get a pen, hat & t-shirt, lol! I wonder if they customize the email for each person like if they order more of one thing or another?
  7. It seems crazy that it works like this, but I get emails from VistaPrint for all kinds of free stuff, pens, notepads, t-shirts, all for the cost of shipping. So, what I do is this, I open the email and click on each free thing I want and order it. I use their designs, usually some kind of palm tree or flowers and then customize with my name/date/place. Then close everything and open the email and do another seperate order and it's still free!! I've done this 6 times already and I'm becoming an addict....check out the list of stuff I've gotten: 5 pens 2 keychains 500 business cards 50 oversized postcards 280 address labels 25 brochures - used these as welcome letters and paid extra to personalize 1 mousepad 6 t-shirts! 50 magnets 200 regular size post cards - used for various things, rsvp and favor tags 3 sticky note pads - done in each seperate order, with each bm name 1 hat 1 notepad All of this for $89.67!!! I just keep doing little orders for $5-$6 here and there, and I'm getting shirts pens & hats for the oot bags! Seems nuts. I know a lot of people here use Vistaprint, but I hust thought I'd share how I make more than one order. I hope to have enough t-shirts in the next year to put them all in the OOT bags Anyone else an addict?
  8. Thanks girls!! I did buy it and will probably wear it for the welcome dinner, that is a great idea. Also, I had no idea that wearing the real dress would be ok for trash the dress!! I would think all kinds of sand would get in it
  9. Woah....didn't think about the ol' wet look, lol! I don't want to be THAT sexy, lol!! Great idea though for the rehearsal dinner dress I'm nervous to use my real dress - which honestly I haven't picked yet. Has anyone used their real dress and had no problems?
  10. I love the colors and thought it was fitting for Mexico...what are your thoughts? Print Prom Dresses, Print Formal Gowns for Prom 2009 at PromGirl
  11. I'm not selling it, but found this if you're interested! New with tags Oleg Cassini Wedding Dress CRL277, Size 4
  12. Just as an FYI anyone who wants the DVD asap, you can download it to your computers at ExerciseTV.com. I downloaded Level1 for $4.99 and I'll use my laptop to view it. Figured I'd just throw it out there for you!
  13. I'm in NY and would love to do a group Boudoir session in maybe about 6-8 months, my wedding isnt until May 2010. I will travel to NYC, NJ areas!
  14. Could someone show me a pic?? I'm still trying to decide on bags!
  15. I'd be interested in those drawsring bags! That would be great! Thanks!
  16. I'd be interested in those drawsring bags! That would be great! Thanks!
  17. Thanks! I looked for those, and they were out of pink so I had to find these and was happy to find the teal color too!
  18. Thought I would post these for anyone who wanted to buy them for their BM or GM....they're nice, have pockets inside for credit cards or cash too - leather and only $6.40! yay! teal/blue: Advanced Search Results pink: Advanced Search Results
  19. So, should I treat my save the dates as more of an invitation?? I wonder if I should put RSVP cards in there
  20. Awww, I didn't want to bother you!! You did so great on my save the dates and I'm sure you've got tons of business that I just didn't want to bother you with another email!! Actually I just asked a question whether or not I should do invites on another post. I'm really confused as to why people send them out really. I figure with a destination wedding people will have booked way before you'd send out invites.
  21. Ok, so I'm sending out boarding pass save the dates. Is it etiquette to still send out formal invitations? They're ususally sent out 3 months before the wedding, but people will more than likely be booked by then so what's the point really I mean won't people be telling me when they book? I'm just curious what others are doing.
  22. Thanks so much Josie!! I appreciate it. I'm loving all of this sharing....I'm just getting started doing things. I hope I can share some info with people!!
  23. I just posted in another spot, but thought I'd ask here too. I can figure out how to do it PowerPoint, however I don't know where to get the clip art like the starfish that's in my monogram! Anyonw know?
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