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Everything posted by lexibride

  1. Everyone has such great clip art images, etc., and I'm wondering where you're getting it from? I can't seem to find anything I like!! Thanks!
  2. They are GREAT!!! I wish I had the time and the talent to do things like that myself. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the starfish clip art?? I even have it in the monogram that was made for me, but I'd like to just have the starfish without all of the words. Thanks!
  3. Can I tell you the easiest fudge recipe I've ever used 1 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 tsp vanilla Pour the milk and chips in a microwave bowl and microwave in intervals until melted start with 30 seconds and go from there. When fully melted add 1 tsp of vanilla and pour into a foil lined 8x8 pan and then cool. This recipe is super easy and you can add all kinds of things like globs of peanut butter, candies, peppermint extract, walnuts, or anything!
  4. Thanks so much guys! I totally understand where you're coming from and trust me this was a struggle before I got engaged and I thought that getting engaged would help!! I have tried desperately to incorporate healthy eating, I just need to get my butt in gear and exercise. I've had a stressfull year and now that things are starting with wedding planning, it's getting worse. I will be upset unless I get started asap. Tomorrow morning when my FH comes home (he's a Sergeant and works nights this week) I'm going for a WALK!! For me it's not so much how I look in the dress, although that's a bonus, it's how I feel! I don't want to feel insecure or feel that I settled. I want to feel great in my own skin!
  5. Shay, what an amazing attitude you have!!!! I'd be in a ball of tears right now, but as you said, you still get your man and that's the whole point right?? Best of luck to you and I hope and pray that everything works out for you!! Don't forget pics!!!! I am just in the beginning of my planning for next May. Are you going to try to sell some stuff to try to recoup some of your money?? I'd be happy to see what you have to buy from you rather than some vendor first!
  6. Since I got engaged it seems my willpower and drive has gone out the window. In fact I find myself eating more!!! UGH! I have a year until my wedding and I'd like to lose 40 pounds. I know this is doable....it's just getting the motivation to do it. You'd think that the wedding would be the best motivator, but it hasn't kicked in yet!!! Can anyone help me kick start my lazy ass??
  7. I wanted to send out my love and prayers to everyone here, this is beyond devastating. I am a SUPER internet search person, I search for hours until I find what I want, so if anyone wants some help finding an additional destination, flights, anything at all, just send me some info and I'll start helping in the search!!! Good luck ladies!!!
  8. HotTamale I think you're right and that's the one that I keep going back to.
  9. Jetsbride I found them both from Forever21!!! They were only $24.80 each and it is FREE shipping - yay!!! I think I'm doing turquoise - I really like the chiffon, but the color is more important, plus the shiny satin will look GREAT in the sun I think!!
  10. All of the girls said yes they will definitely attend, they just don't know who I'm asking to be in the wedding. 2 are my sisters and 3 are my best friends who will absolutely be there and are working on booking now.
  11. Ok, so I haven't asked my bridesmaids to be in my wedding yet and my plan is to buy the dresses and wrap them up with a tag that says "Wear Me" (like Alice and Wonderland type message. Then I'm making a poem that says this: May 15th vacation here we come This fun time will be second to none! A wedding we will plan, we’re going to Mexico But first there’s one thing that I would like you to know, We’ve been through good times and bad times, vacations and non-stop laughter, And I would love nothing more than if you’d be my bridesmaid when I start my happily ever after? So, I know my girls VERY well and I think I can pick a dress everyone loves - however, I'm stuck between 2 - I love the turquoise, it was my original choice and my dress will have a turquoise blue sash, however I like how the pink one is bright and is more flowy with the chiffon. What do you guys think?? Turquoise or Pink
  12. I already contacted my WC and I'm waiting on a response from them. I also posted in another thread about someone who had fireworks and I asked their vendor too so I'll keep you all posted!
  13. I was thinking of ending our reception with the fireworks, it would be my surprise to everyone if I can fit it in my budget. That way it's definitely a great finale to the day and it will definitely be dark. Can I ask what vendor you're using?
  14. Anyone know of someone I could hire for a small fireworks display? My wedding is at The Royal. I've looked online but haven't found anything yet. I'd love to make it the finale to the reception and surprise my fiancee!!
  15. Stephanie, OMG, you just made me literally laugh out loud!! I went to The Royal last May and never noticed anyone with their ta-tas hanging out. I guess you can, but I never personally saw it. As for the AK-47's, I did see them on the street, but not on the beach either. Guess I was either blind, or I just had good timing. I do have a friend going there in 2 weeks, I'll report what she has to say too.
  16. I would think that it does include a beach reception! Here's what it says "Private wedding reception, 3 hours, up to 35 guests – selected locations (reservation required, ask your Wedding Specialist for details)" I'm taking that to mean that there are several locations and you'd have to book that location for your date, as in there can't be 2 beach receptions at 4:00 on a Saturday. Maybe I'm off. I'm anxious to hear as well!!!
  17. Ok can I just say WAHOOO GIRL! You look great! He will LOVE it! However, I'm probably very stupid for asking....what the heck does BD stand for
  18. I guess it's fairly close......we're looking at $1068 for 6 days 5 nights AI.
  19. Shay, did you notice also that in the Luxury Package is says "option for the couple to arrive 2 days prior to event?" It's amazing how it went from 4 days then I saw 3 and now 2?? Geez!
  20. Shay no way are you wrong!! You're spending the money, you should get what is included. I know it's business, but they can't add more things to your package and charge less and expect you not to be upset!! I can't even believe the different packages they have now!! I got an email back in February and didn't even notice all of the different packages they have now. Thanks for the info and go for what you deserve!
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