Ok, so I haven't asked my bridesmaids to be in my wedding yet and my plan is to buy the dresses and wrap them up with a tag that says "Wear Me" (like Alice and Wonderland type message. Then I'm making a poem that says this:
May 15th vacation here we come
This fun time will be second to none!
A wedding we will plan, we’re going to Mexico
But first there’s one thing that I would like you to know,
We’ve been through good times and bad times, vacations and non-stop
And I would love nothing more than if you’d be my bridesmaid when I
start my happily ever after?
So, I know my girls VERY well and I think I can pick a dress everyone loves - however, I'm stuck between 2 - I love the turquoise, it was my original choice and my dress will have a turquoise blue sash, however I like how the pink one is bright and is more flowy with the chiffon. What do you guys think?? Turquoise or Pink