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Everything posted by estella1007

  1. Would you happen to be Susan? The bride who left the testimonial on her site? I have booked at home and canceled my Bermuda plans because she is doing this to me too. Can you pm me and tell me what happened?
  2. I have to agree that it sounds a little yucky, but who am I to judge unless i try it right? My grossest is ketchup on plain pizza. I think its yum, but everyone else seems to think its gross.
  3. CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to see the pics! I have been loving all of your choices, so I can't wait to see it all together!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM YAY Estella - IM SO excited for you!! It will be amazing and thats so great your brother will come now Are you still going to wear the Vernice? I cant wait to see how it all turns out Hopefully I will! Lets see how it turns out after alterations. They had to take a handful of material from each boob, plus a handful off each side. It was crazy! I knew I lost weight, but didn't realize how much of a difference it made. I will post pics as soon as I go back for the next fitting. Hopefully I rock the dress like you did!
  5. P.S. the next NJ/Philly get together, I need to show up and buy you a drink to thank you for your support!
  6. Awww, thank you Danielle. I am going forward with the yacht club. Everyone has been so accommodating and great through this. When the vendors hear this awful story, they are willing to do whatever they can to help me out which is sooo nice. Now I know how all those poor swine brides felt. All of their weddings ended up being amazing, so I know mine will be too. The best part is now I get to celebrate with even more of our family and friends. My brother refused to go on the cruise, so he was going to miss my wedding originally. Now I don't have to worry about that anymore. Now I'm off to find a photographer, invitations, a DJ, and a florist!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Estella - first of all IM SORRY!! Ugh so stressful. I was going to suggest what Danielle said about trying to contact that other bride to see what ended up happening with her wedding It sounds like you are leaning towards the Yacht club wedding which could end up being AMAZING! We had to cancel our mexico wedding due to swine flu and ended up planning our Santa Barbara wedding in 6 weeks and like u got amazing deals and it ended up being the BEST wedding - i think better than Mexico so if ur gut is telling u to do the Yacht club then go for it. I mean u still get to go on your cruise with 15 special friends and family Good luck hun - everything happens for a reason and i know its hard to think about it now but it will work out! Also YAY on being too small for ur dress Keep us posted! Aww...thanks! I love this site because everyone is so supportive. I feel like I get really great unbiased advice. It really helps during the decision making process. Yael, maybe our dress cursed us! After all, we BOTH have the Vernice, and we BOTH had cancellation drama! Buyers beware of the Vernice! LOL
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Estella do you have to keep the October 8th date or can you move it back to give yourself more planning time? Also did your guests or you put down any deposits for the trip? I spoke to my travel agent, and unfortunately we would lose almost half of our $. We are going on the cruise regardless. Everyone that is going wants to go anyway. 2 couples are celebrating their 5 and 10 year anniversaries, it will be my best friends honeymoon since she is getting married the week before I am, and the rest are just excited to go away. We discussed putting it off, but since everyone wants to still go, we found the yacht club that is available the Saturday before we leave. We figured we would pay for the hotel for everyone that night, and pay for the limo to and from the cruise terminal too. This is the place we are considering.ClarksLanding I grew up at the Jersey shore and have lived there my entire life, up until a year ago. I wouldn't be crushed if I had to sacrifice Bermuda. Honestly, we only chose a destination wedding because we couldn't afford a $30,000 wedding at home, but now we are getting a deal, so the price is not a factor anymore. I just feel that everyone was expecting the Bermuda wedding, and my FI had his heart set on it. We are so torn as to what we should do.
  9. You guys are awesome. Thank you for the support. I just want to cry right now. I feel like everything that CAN go wrong IS! On top of the planner drama I have dress drama now too. Not that it's a bad thing, but I lost 25 pounds since I ordered my dress, which was quite a lot of inches. I tried it on last Friday for my first fitting and it literally fell to the floor. The bust part was at my hips. I am afraid that they won't be able to alter it properly since it needs to come in so much. As far as another Bermuda planner, I looked and they are all so much more expensive than who I found. So we are figuring that because of the cheap price we can get here, we would do that, rather than spend $5000 on just the 15 of us there. The $5000 would almost cover the reception here if we keep the list to around 75 people (plus we will prob make the money back in gifts.) I am just concerned that what if she DOES get back to me saying that everything is ok. Do I trust her after reading that awful testimonial? Why can't anything be easy?
  10. I haven't been so active on here lately because I feel like I have had nothing but bad luck during the course of my wedding, and have been consumed with the drama for the past few weeks. I am so confused as to what I should do right now. My wedding planner that I had raved about previously, is and has been MIA for a while. About 3 weeks ago she finally contacted me, after a month and a half of me basically stalking her and emailing her to get in contact with her. She assured me that everything was ok, although I had yet to sign a contract or give a deposit or anything. Well, 3 weeks has gone by and I still haven't gotten any documentation at all. I was checking out her site and I find this post on the testimonials page... "07-31-2009 10:42:17 AM EST Please contact me ASAP. My wedding is in 3 days and I leave on the cruise tomorrow. I have been trying to contact you for over a week now and I haven't gotten any calls or emails back. I am very nervous at this point that things aren't going to go as planned. Appointments you told me you booked haven't been. Please take care of this today!" If this is happening to another bride, only 3 days prior to her wedding, what can I expect? I emailed the planner a few days ago, and again last night and no response yet. I am wondering though, that even if I get a response, do I go forward with the plans? That testimonial scared the crap out of me. I have been frantically trying to come up with a back up plan here at home. since it is so short notice, I got a price of $75 per person on a package that normally goes for $175 per person at a gorgeous yacht club on the ocean here at home. Do you guys think I should scrap my Bermuda plans and go with the "safe" choice and have my wedding at home? Ugh....this sucks.
  11. I would like to, but I haven't gotten any response. If anyone else responds in the next 2 weeks I will be doing them.
  12. I would still be in. Hey, the bragging rights of winning are enough, right?!? lol
  13. I just started invisilign a few months ago. I'm on my 5th set of trays, so I don't see any results yet. I have to get more of the slenderizing done since I have crowding. It's when they shave off a tiny bit of your tooth to create room for them to move. I have to admit, I hate it so far. Mostly because of the slenderizing. I have had it done twice on the top so far, and still need to do the bottom. It makes these horrible gaps that apparently will close up at some point, but look awful right now. The trays are tight for the first day or two, and can be painful to take out if you get the attachments like I had to. On the plus side, you have to wear them constantly, and you need to brush, floss, mouthwash, and brush they trays after every meal. It's so not worth the hassle so I find myself avoiding snacks all together. So I have dropped a few pounds thanks to invisilign.
  14. Melissa, I know how you feel right now. I have luckily started to drop some weight. It took quite some time to get there though. I was just looking at my ticker and the graph that it does for weight loss along with the dates. It seems like I lose 3-5 pounds in a 2 week period, then plateau for a month, then the cycle repeats. It takes SO much for us to drop a few pounds, when it seems so easy for others. If you want to be weight loss buddies for the next season of Biggest Loser, let me know. Maybe we can do some research and find some tips that can help.
  15. OMG! This is too funny! Mine are easy... For me- 1- We have one of those mirrored medicine cabinets that you have to push on the mirror to have it pop open. He is forever leaving fingerprints all over the mirror. 2- He will put his dirty dishes on the counter NEXT to the sink, but never IN the sink!( Drives me CRAZY!) 3- (almost the same as above) He will lay his laundry on TOP of the laundry hamper instead of putting it inside! For him- 1-I always make him go outside and turn on the grill for me even though I know how to do it. 2-I always forget to put a new roll of TP in the bathroom if I finish the roll. 3-I refuse to pump gas since we moved to PA, and will only stop at the gas station when I'm in Jersey. (I'm a Jersey girl, therefore never had to pump my own gas.) So both cars are always empty when he goes to drive somewhere.
  16. I will take the puzzle books and 14 of the fans! I'm pming you now!
  17. Thats the one. You beat me to it! Its also my inspiration for my wedding!
  18. I may want to get in on this one too! It was a great motivator for the past few months. I'm definitely not on track without it.
  19. I love #2 and #9. They all look great on you though. This one is going to be a tough choice!
  20. If she doesn't need all, I would love one sheet!Thanks!
  21. I'm getting my parasols there too. They are so much cheaper than anywhere else!
  22. I def will. I was leaning toward maybe doing the brown with white writing. That way they are neutral enough for a lot of people. I think most of us are using brown as an accent color with our color schemes, so hopefully I can get enough to order.
  23. I have always wanted a 'wedding night baby." We are still debating. I have a 10 month old son who at the time will be 13 months. When I was prego I was high risk and on disability from 16 weeks on, and not allowed to lift over 5 lbs. I feel like it would be unfair to my son that I wouldn't be able to carry him around as much as he would like. I guess he would be almost 1 and a half at that point that I would be on disability again. Hmmm.........now you have me thinking again....
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