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Everything posted by Jena0609

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by taxchick Hi brides!! Just an FYI, my FI and I are visiting the Adventura Spa/Cove Palace on Saturday!!! I'm so excited. We are trying to make a decision on our wedding resort. We will also be visiting a couple of others. I plan to take plenty of pics. If you ladies have any questions for the WC, let me know as we will be meeting with her. I'm so excited. Especially since it is snowing here today Can you find out or get an idea of how much the colored linen and table decor would be, and how much the upgraded flowers are? Thanks...have fun!
  2. Does anyone know which reception areas allow kids? I have emailed my WC a few times asking her to send us the options for our private reception and she has yet to respond to me. I have some questions for you ladies that are all ready married...and perhaps you girls that may have found out this info. How long did it take to get your hair and make-up done? Do you recommend getting it done early or close to the ceremony? (We are getting married at 6:00). How was the pedi and mani? Not sure if I am going to get the mani because I am getting my nails done the day before we leave, but then again that is four days before the wedding. Thank you for your help.
  3. Well I emailed Michaelle (which is the lady that we initially worked with when we were signing our contract). From my understanding it is basically one or the other. What ever contract we signed is still in effect. However, if you want the new package you basically upgrade, but you cannot swap items from each package. This is a bummer because I would like to use the new decoration...not sure which is better. I am thinking that our old package is better because of the fact that we get massages, pedi, mani, live music during ceremony (which the mariachi band alone is $500), etc. It's sometimes difficult to get a straight answer. I also asked how much it would be just to get the decor for the wedding and I have not received an answer. If you ladies here anything else please keep me posted. Thanks.
  4. Did you all see the new packages that Palace Resorts is offering? I looks like their sprucing up their decor...they even added fireworks! The new packages don't include the pedi, mani, massages...stuff like that. I am going to email them to find out what we can do to add some of that decor.
  5. This is an awesome thread! For the ladies that brought the Ipod and dock station...was it loud enough and what about the lighting? I think we are going to just do the Ipod too, but they are going to charge us around $400 for the set-up and speakers, but if your dock station was enough we might just upgrade the one that we have here at home. Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. If you go to the Palace Resorts website and click on the "book online" icon, you can put in dates and number of guests, type of room, etc, and it will give you a break down of the cost. This should at least give you an idea of which resort will work out best for you all. Hope this helps.
  7. Kellywinter1, Can you please take pictures of the garden area? I believe that the garden area is available for a private reception and I would like to know if it's nice, secluded, etc. Congratulations! I bet you are so excited! Are you ready?
  8. Ladies, We want to book an outside photographer...but I am a little nervous. I believe Erin rented a room for her, but has anyone just paid a day pass? One photographer told me to get him the day pass but to talk to my WC first. But I am afraid to mention it to her because I don't want her to tell me no. I remember another bride saying (I believe it was Erin), that she didn't ask because it is better to ask for forgiveness then permission..by the way I like that! I emailed you Erin with some questions about that. Ohiobride, what did you do? If you snuck them in, did they say anything when some other guy was there taking pictures? I just don't want to pay and then for some reason they kick him out!!!! Rach, did you ask your WC? Thanks for the help ladies.
  9. How did you pack all of the OOT bag items? We can bring our own decor and wedding favors? What was in your welcome book? How long did the meeting take with Yazmin? My FI is worried that we will be there all day trying to get everything squared away. Did you go on any of the "free" tours? If so how were they? I didn't see anything on your review in reference to that. Sorry for all of the questions, but it's getting very close to our wedding. Yikes! One more question. Was there anything that you had to pay extra for...and if so what was it and how much? Thank you in advance for your answers.
  10. How did you pack all of the OOT bag items? We can bring our own decor and wedding favors? What was in your welcome book? How long did the meeting take with Yazmin? My FI is worried that we will be there all day trying to get everything squared away. Did you go on any of the "free" tours? If so how were they? I didn't see anything on your review in reference to that. Sorry for all of the questions, but it's getting very close to our wedding. Yikes!
  11. MarissaDC, How much is it going to cost you to have just the reception? At first I was thinking of doing the private dinner and reception, mainly because I wanted to have my first dance with my husband and the father-daughter dance. But now I am thinking that we can just go to dinner and then have something private after....wait...is it still $400 per table of 10? I am starting to get stressed out...only 80 days left!!!! In reference to the OOT bags-it does seem like the norm. If I do make them I will do one for each room. I'm thinking that I will just do the first-aide kit with pain reliever, pepto, a deck of cards, small stuff.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by rach220 Jena-we are giving ourselves 2 hours for dinner to be on the safe side. Yazmin told us it usually takes between 1 1/2-2 hours. We are eating at 6, and scheduled our cocktail reception at 8...so if we finish early we can just relax at the table for a while or head outside for more pictures before the reception starts. We got our OOT bags at Target (black zipper totes) and we are still scouting ones for the guys. We are looking for a plain sling backpack one. If we don't end up finding them for cheap, they go for about $10 at places like Nike, and we will end up doing that. We don't have as many guys attending. In our bags we already have Spanish for Dummies, travel mugs, beach balls, & crosswords, but we are still shopping. We plan to also include first aid kits, pool floats, bubble bath, bug repellant, sunscreen, cards, notepan & pen, & mini battery operated fans. I'm still figuring out how to get all the stuff down there.... What did you figure out in terms of flowers? Yazmin had emailed me pictures of some flowers and told me to let her know if I liked any others from the website and that she would let me know if it would be extra. My FI is having a hard time letting them charge us extra for "stuff" because our contract doesn't state any where on there which flowers are included and which are not. The pic of the flowers that were sent are almost all totally different then what is on the website. I am waiting to hear back from her in reference to one of the ones that I liked. Also, in reference to the cake-our package states that we get a "Large" cake. Well the pics that she sent me were small heart shaped ones!! Ohiobride- what package did you all select? Is anyone else having this problem/concern?
  13. Thanks for all of the ideas ladies. I am getting married at Aventura Spa Palace on June 6th and I am just now trying to get all of this together. Yikes!!!!
  14. Ok, so I figured out which flowers come with our package. But I would still like to get an idea of how much the colored linens and favors are going to cost. Does anyone know? I had forgotten about the OOT bags and now I need to figure out where to get them and what to put in them. There is a thread going on about them, but do you ladies have any ideas? I would also like to know how long dinner took at the restaurant. We might have a private reception...depending on how many people book. But if we don't which restaurant do you ladies recommend?
  15. Awesome ideas girls! I really like the deck of cards idea and the pain reliever. I know my guests will definitely need a lot of pain reliever....I know I will
  16. My fiance and I decided to stay a few days longer after the wedding. We are getting married on Saturday, and our families are staying until Monday/Tuesday. We wanted to have a "honeymoon" so we booked until the next Friday. Either way, I think it will be awesome to be out there together! I am getting so excited!
  17. I am so confused. I am from New Mexico and I spoke to the County Clerks Office and they said that I just had to provide my marriage certificate from Mexico, and that was it, we would be legally married in the U.S. Are there any brides from New Mexico that can confirm this?
  18. I am a little worried about the upgrades. We selected the Deluxe Wedding package but when we asked which flowers are part of the package and which are considered the "upgrade" we get the run around. Does anyone know how much extra the flowers and decor are? We're already paying $2200 for the package and I want to get an idea of how much extra everything is going to cost. Thanks for your help.
  19. Erin-Your pictures do look great! Congratulations! Marissa-The Moon Palace is one of the "free" resorts that we can go to and they have a golf course. It's in Cancun and according to what I have read it is 45 min away.
  20. Ohiobride, Do you have a picture of your location (Mundaca's rooftop)? Also, which photographer did you book? Do you know how and if we can get samples of the the onsite photographers pictures? I am really worried about the quality of pictures from the onsite photographer.
  21. Ohiobride15, So did you just ask your WC if you could have an outside photographer and she said yes?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh These pictures aren't very good. Elizabeths will be MUCH BETTER!!! Not many people took pictures, everyone just enjoyed themselves... But here are some! I think if you take lots of pictures of how you want your hair done then you'll be OK! I only had 2 little ones...It wasn't awful, just not the natural beachy theme I was going for... Mundaca is a great place, they'll put you off by yourself, Its a big place, plus even though it says "casual" it's still really nice by most US restaurant standards! They wait on you hand and foot! La Hacienda is where we had our dinner, its on the same side, they were hesitant because its their busiest restaurant but we asked nicely. Either one would be great!! They go out of their way to make it special. I thought about bringing in my own aisle runner too, but it was pretty windy so I just didn't bother. And they forgot to take the carpet up, but my Groom was on top of it! So he reminded the wedding coordinator and she took care of it at 3:50 for our 4pm wedding! Thank goodness...I wouldn't have walked down the aisle otherwise, jk. I wasn't into the gazebo either, but its nice because it blocks some of the wind and sounds from the resort. It worked out great. Will let you know when the pro pics are up but until then... Snapfish: Share:Registration_Opt2 Erin, The pictures that you posted on snapfish, are those from the onsite wedding photographer, or your guests? I was under the impression that you could not have an "outside" photographer, so what did you have to do? We are getting married on June 06, and I am so excited to have found this website. The information that many of you have posted has all ready helped me out a lot.
  23. Hello, My name is Jena and my fiance and I are getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace Resort in Riviera Maya on June 06, 2009. I am very excited for my wedding and to have found this website.
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