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Everything posted by hilaryerin

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by brandypa I am having the same issue. I think Tai Flora is one of the most expensive florists. I am going to get quotes from floralfantasiesjamaica.com before I pick anything with the resort. There are a couple wholesale florists in Negril and Montego Bay. I think I am getting my centerpieces from there. They have to be cheaper than the resort ordering them. I just have to have someone go pick them up the day of the wedding. I have been wondering if there was a wholesale florist nearby. Can you share this information with us? Do you think the WC would have a problem with us getting our own flowers?
  2. I am interested in 60 cups. Please email me with info. [email protected] Thank you.
  3. Okay, finally heard back from Jascynthia. She agreed that if my photog was from outside Jamaica and was a guest, she could take the photos. I guess we're moving forward with our planning for Feb 13, 2010. My HTB doesn't like the date b/c he said it's bad luck to get married on the 13th, but it works so well for our guests and it just feels right to me. Plus, it's not like it's Friday the 13th & I'm not one to base my marriage on superstition anyway! Geez.
  4. I emailed her letting her know the photographer was a close friend...I'll let you all know what she replies. Thank you ladies very much for your help. I can't wait to see all your pictures and hear your reviews! I really hopes everything works out so that I can have my wedding at the GP. We had such an amazing time there in November. If anyone wants pictures, I can send you what I have. My email is [email protected].
  5. I agree turk! I'm going to be bringing at least 30 people to the resort... My photographer is also a very good girlfriend and she will be there taking pictures regardless if she's allowed or not. I'll let you girls know what I respond back to her.
  6. I agree turk! I'm going to be bringing at least 30 people to the resort... My photographer is also a very good girlfriend and she will be there taking pictures regardless if she's allowed or not. I'll let you girls know what I respond back to her.
  7. Just spoke to Jascynthia today & she told me I can't bring my own photographer b/c they are contracted with truecolors?! Others have brought & are bringing their own photographers, right? Help me out girls! Also, she said I can not book my own band - that I have to pick from their list of very expensive bands! Has anyone dealt with either of these subjects? Thanks!
  8. Thanks everyone! Does anyone have wedding pics from GP Jamaica yet?
  9. Hi! My name is Hilary & my HTB Marc & I are planning to get married at the GP Jamaica Feb 13, 2010. I've been there & it was so much fun!! I know our families will love it as much as we did.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm very excited to meet all of you! I am planning to get married at the GP in Feb 2010...nothing set in stone yet. I've been & I know it's the place for me. Could anyone who has been married there email me pics or tips. I sent my first email to the wedding planner tonight! Thank you sooo much!
  11. Hi!! My name is Hilary. I'm planning on getting in Jamaica in Feb 2010. I'm working on the details, but I'm leaning toward the Grand Palladium b/c my HTB & I went there this past Nov. I would love ANY advice from any Jamaica brides about venders, money saving tips, and hotels (especially the GP). Muah! Hil
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