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Everything posted by kgeen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaB I am in Kingston Ontario... Hey Lisa! I'm a Kingston Bride too!! Well Sydenham but no one ever knows where that is!!! LOL How is your wedding planning going? Have you decided on a resort yet?
  2. It's a great idea if it's what you and your FI would love and enjoy. My FI and I are going to pick a state we've never been to and is holding Ozzfest. We also are going to try and go to a Football or a Baseball game in the city. I know crazy ... but that's us! Enjoy Universal it's amazing!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicanbridewithquestions I know that it is okay to have an adults only ceremony and reception. But it is okay to have an adults only destination wedding? Meaning not allowing kids to come to the resort. We would like to have an adults only weekend, and not be around screaming kids and breast feeding. If we did allow kids we would have around 30 kids there and completely change the tone of the weekend. How do we communicate this to our guests? If you are only going for a week-end then I really don't see a big problem with the whole adult only thing. As long as you give them more then enough time to arrange babysitting for the 4 days away. To keep it with the Adult theme I would book your wedding at an Adult only resort. However if you are going to go for a week then the guest you invite more then likely not be able to join you because of price. So you need to look at how many people you would invite with kids? If half of the people have a family then you need to be prepared to have half your guest possibly not go. I myself have 2 children going. My MOH's 7 year old and my Photographers 5 year old. They are making it a family vacation. Good luck!
  4. We chose the Gran Bahia Principe Complex. We looked at a few on trip advisor and out of 25 posts we found 1 negative post so we thought to odds were in our favour. We decided on the Tulum area for a few reasons. One reason we have 50 people flying down and range from ages 7 to 85 and the Gran Bahia Principe Complex offer something for everyone because you stay at one and play at all three. One thing we wanted was a wedding on the beach so Tulum is on the beach. However I’m sure you are able to have your wedding on the beach with the other resorts in the complex. This resort was in the price range that we were looking for and could accommodate the number of people. Also the requirements to be married there were easy to gather. All you need is your passports and tourist cards and the passports of your 4 witnesses if you have never been married before. I’ve been reading of the horror stories from the other brides trying to fill all the requirements. The day after we booked and finalized our resort the wedding coordinator e-mailed me. My coordinator’s name is Jazmin and she is awesome!!! I’m completely happy will everything I’ve picked by e-mail and know that it will be perfect when I get down there. Also I was able to look at the packages for the wedding on line. They have a great website. Hope this helps! Congrats again!
  5. Welcome and Congrats!!! You will find many helpfull brides and information to make this as easy as pie!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker I'm a little freaked right now because Vanessa Vargas just cancelled her photography service with me. Luckily I was given plenty of warning and the cancellation is understandable, but I'm just not sure what to do now. She has recommended a fellow photog. that can replace her but I'm not familiar this person (nor am I quite sure what this person's name is). Has anyone ever used this person before? Luzma Foto I don't know enough Spanish to know what it says. Or she will give me a refund and I can look for someone else, I'm just not sure who. In total, I was only paying $1100 for 2 hrs plus TTD session. I really don't want to spend any more than that. Any suggestions? Well after shopping for a photographer and looking at most of the packages that I would be interested in after doing the exchange the pictures would have cost more then our trip. So I knew a pro photographer so what I did is pay for the photographers trip to mexico. We gave him the option of going for the week or 3 days. It turned out that 3 days is the same as a week vacation, so we asked him if he'd like to bring his family it would be fine with us but he would foot the bill for his wife and daughter. It worked out well and his whole family has a great cheep vacation at a beautiful resort. I 'm sure the pictures of the photographers are breath taking it's just I couldn't pay 3000 for pictures for 6 hours....this way I have Alex for the whole day and night. Amazling I did talk my fiancee into paying the price if it came down to it! Ha Ha. You have lots of time to figure something out!
  7. I'm surpised to see there isn't a lot of double dates!!
  8. Jenn (JenniferLynn) - May 10, 2007 Julie (JulieG) - October 24, 2007 Sherry (Sherry) - October 4, 2008 Tameika (mrs.r2be) Oct 11 ,2008 Kaylee (kamay)-October 16, 2008 Fannie (royfa) - October 23, 2008 Jessica (zoeysmom1204) - November 5, 2008 Lisa (Chiquita) - November 5, 2008 Sonia (Sonia81) - November 24, 2008 - Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana Melissa (MissyR) - November 27, 2008 Erica (EricaG) - November 30, 2008 Dianna (Destination0) - December 11, 2008 Daina(dainanewell)- December 12, 2008 Andrea (kevsgirl) - December 12, 2008 Rebecca (rebecca120) - December 17th, 2008 Terri (babyg) - December 29, 2008 Connie (teacherbride) - January 19, 2009 Lindsay (Linzibella) - January 20, 2009 Jennifer (jcarson) - January 22, 2009 Angela (chicklet) - January 22, 2009 Tara (mexicobride2009) - January 23, 2009 Tracy (BC Bride2be) - January 23, 2009 Lindsay (seaprincess) - January 28, 2009 Amy (Amarillis) - January 28, 2009 Chantal (Chantal85) - January 30, 2009 Kate (kleslie5) - February 6, 2009 Christina(Tina82) - March 17 2009 Ana (Ana) - April 1, 2009 Kristin (ryan's girl) - April 1, 2009 Sara (sarafish81) April 18, 2009 Marnie (Marnie&Peter)- April 21, 2009 Michelle (shellb) - April 24, 2009 Melissa (PrettyPeaches) - April 28, 2009 Bahia Principe Jamaica Donna (Dursula) - May 6, 2009 Shannon (Shay2679) - May 7, 2009 Kacey (kgeen) - May 8, 2009 Bahia Principe Tulum Karen (GPBride2009) - May 12, 2009 Corvette (Corvette79) - May 27, 2009 Bahia Principe Akumal! Fran (MayanButterfly) - June 11, 2009 Bahia Principe Tulum Sorcha (townie princess) - June 12, 2009 Virginia & Mike (Virg) June 30 2009 Michelle C (michellepicksbrent) - August 19, 2009 Heather (*Heather*) - October 22, 2009 Jenny (jennierin) - October 27, 2009 Leslie (lscilley) - November 16, 2009 Joanne (jpitts7 - Nov 19, 2009 Michelle (shelly) - January 13, 2010 Louise (trance_angelx0x - January 16 or 17, 2010 Amy (hamster627) - January/February 2010 Rachel(ret2010) - April/May, 2010 Kate (katedoeseurope) - April 2010 Lori (gossip girl) - October 10, 2010 Chris (sunstarsmoon) - Dec 01 2010 Zaneta(JNL2011)- may 2011 Sabrina (NotYourAverageDW) - Dec/2011 Denise (FutureMrsLewis) - February 10, 2012
  9. Hi ladies, I've read all 120 pages and have to say there is some really great idea's. Thank you for taking the time to post even after your wedding is finished. It give the rest of us tips, ideas, and information for us to keep planning our special days!! I do have one question. Some of you have little tickers for your wedding dates. How the heck did you get them to work I've made 3 tickers with 3 different programs and I still can't get any of them to show up!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Well, I got a message from my sister today. Apparently she's surprised that we're still planning on going to Mexico with all the bodies that keep showing up all over the place. Any one else having guests with safety concerns? I only had 3 people have safety concerns. I've explained to them to stay in a group and don't go out by yourself. They have to remember that you are in a different contry and they have different laws. And what maybe o.k. in one place is not somewhere else and will end you up on jail! However that would be the wedding to remember!!! LOL My MOH is bringing her 7 year old blue eyed curly blond hair son with us. She was a little worried that he might get snatched up. Other then that.... everyone is just excited to go!
  11. Thank you to you all! I'm amazed at all the interesting and helpful information on here! I do have a question though. How do you get the little tickers to show in your signature I've been friggin around with it for 2 hours now and I still can't get it to show up!!! Ha Ha
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyFTB Hey girls, does anyone know if they will allow a different number of people at each table at the gran tortuga restaurant. My family is split up and all my tables have a different number of people at them ranging from 7 to 11people. Also Jazmin said that they dont do a head table at the restaurant, and if you want one then it can only be 4 ppl?? My wedding party has 11people in it!? how am I going to set up seating arrangements............... Hi Jenny, I'm also having the same problem with seating at the Gran Tortuga. I was wondering what you did and how your tables were arranged? I'm currious at what she is going to do for me. We have 40 people and my wedding party has 8 people.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyFTB That is awesome that your TA is giving you the lower price...mine told me that when we book we are locked in....*sigh*......As a quick side note...In June Paloma confirmed the Tequila restaurant for our dinner aloong with several other things that were confirmed through that email....and last week jazmin emailed me saying that the tequila restaurant is "not available" and when I questioned her about the fact that is had already been confirmed she said that Paloma meant that the restaurant was open that day....However all the other things paloma confirmed in that email were still good...So they basically gave our restaurant away and then tried to make it seem like it was our fault because we misinterpreted the email which was not the case. Needless to say , on top of all this last minute running around Jazmin has me doing to get a long form birth certificate, then translated, then notarized then stamped by the embassy...I am really worried that i'm going to get down there...and things are going to fall apart, and suddenly not be booked/confirmed...Sorry about the little rant, but we are sooo close to the date and i'm getting upset by all this pandemonium I'm new on here and hoping that you still come on. I was wondering how your day went? Did you have everything straightened out? Did you have a beautiful wedding? If you had any issues what where they so I don't have the same issues. I'm getting married in the Tulum section, our wedding is on the beach, our dinner is at the Grand Torauga, and I rented the cocktail section for a reception with the DJ.
  14. Hi all! My name is Kacey and I'm getting married May 8th, 2009 at The Gran Bahia Principe Tulum. Like other destination brides I've booked everything by e-mail so I'm kinda wondering what I'll get when I get down there. I look at it this way it can't be that bad it's MEXICO!!! I'm looking forward to some help and tips from other brides!
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