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Everything posted by kgeen
Thanks! It's crazy, when I got married last year there was TONES of brides that were married at the resort we were going to go to before the damn swin flu!!! I wonder if I can't find people because it's a newer resort? Thank you! I will tell her that they really enjoyed it there!
Hi ladies! I have a friend that is gettting married at this resort Jan 2011. I've been all over this site looking for information that I can give to her. When I had my destination wedding this websit was EXTREAMLY helpfull. Is there anyone out there that either is getting married here or has gotten married here?? Thanks!!
Well Ladies I sooo feel you pain and frustration. I was supposed to leave on May 2 for the Beautiful Mayan and my dream Gran Bahia Wedding. On April 28th I received a phone call from my TA stating that all Sunwing flights to Mexico were cancelled. I was a devastated mess. So I sat for over 2 hours on hold trying to find ANYTHING. Because of Conquest going under all the possible flight were full. I had 38 people to get somewhere. To top it off this was the only time that we could go. No one would be able to book time off until next year and my FI and I didn’t want to wait. Sunwing thank god added a flight to Cuba. I was able to transfer everyone over. I had 6 people book through Air Transat and they didn’t add extra flights to Cuba and they still are fighting with them to get their money back. I went from having my year long planned dream wedding to 1 day of planning and I’m soo thankful that they could do something in 1 day. It wasn’t my dream wedding by any means but it was legal. The ladies did everything possible to make it special for us. I wish you American friends on here could have that option of Cuba. I know with the DR, Bahamas’, Hawaii and Jamaica they have so many things you have to have to be married and it’s so expensive for you guests. I wish you all the best and my fingers are crossed that the travel advisory it lifted so you can have your dream weddings!! My now husband has promised on our 5th wedding anniversary we WILL be going to Grand Bahia and I will have my dream! All the best to you all!!
Thanks!! I've been looking at how you did it!! I'm going home tonight to hopefully write a review and try to get some photos up! I'm very computer dumb!! HaHa!
Hi Ladies.... I hope all travel starts in June like promised to you all. I was one of the devastated brides that had her dream wedding crushed on April 28 and spent the day scrambling to find another flight and place to be legally married. I ended up in Cuba at Bella Costa in Veredero, a year of planning down the drain to only having 1 day and not one picture to go by! Honestly someone was looking out for me! I’m very fortunate to be married at the moment. It wasn’t as lavish the Bahia, it wasn’t my dream but it was legal! I wish I could have been a Bahia Bride. My husband has promised me that we can go to Tulum for our 5 year anniversary and do a renewal of vows. I can tell you Jazmin at Tulum is the best!!! She is very quick with the e-mails, at least once a week she would get back to me! I wish you all the best!
I just arrived back from my wedding in Cuba I want to write a reveiw and upload pictures. Is there a way to conect a thread here with the review in the review area?? It's hard to find things on Cuba in the Wedding Review area and I want people to be able to find it easily. Thanks All! Kacey
Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride kgeen, where abouts in Cuba are you thinking of having your wedding?? Im going to Cuba and we are actually date twins!.. We are going to Blau Varadero in Varadero... there are alot of resorts there that do amazing weddings... i know MRSAMARILLIS had her wedding at one of the paradisus resorts and her pics were gorgeous!.. if you need some advice or help PM me and i can help you out if you would like.. and if u end up going to Varadero.. we just might see eachother there! I hope everything turns out for you... having a legal wedding in Cuba is pretty easy and if you check the Cuba thread on here.. there is alot of info.. i also have the form that you need to fill out in order to have the leagal wedding.. good luck and let me know if u need any help!! Hi Jax we have been placed in the superclub breezes Varadero Bella Costa. I think it's looking good for a wedding I have my fingures crosed and my toes!! Thank you for the words of hope and guidence! I'm off now to find the thread and see what's going on for weddings. Crazy go from a year to plan a wedding to 5 days!! I need a drink!! I'll PM if I run into any issues!!
Well ladies what left to my heart is breaking into even smaller pieces for all of you. This has been the worst week of my life!! I dreaded the phone call I received from my TA saying that our flight has been cancelled. We leave on Sat!! She searched for ANYTHING for this week-end and because of Conquest going under EVERYTHING is booked. My heart fell I was devastated. Yeah it’s not a natural disaster or a death…but in one sense it was the death of our beautiful year long planed wedding of my and Johnny’s dreams. So I let her go and called my FI and we cried on the phone. Sad I know. Our TA called me back and said that they have added a flight going to Cuba because of the cancelled Mexican trips do I want to go there. So I said to hold all of the seats that I needed and started to call all 38 people. The only other option was to have a credit!! Can you believe that!! A credit not our money back!! We got everyone on the plane and now it’s trying to find out if we can even get married!! If not we will have a renewal ceremony and then come home and have a private marriage here. I honestly don’t know if I’m coming or going!! It’s day 3 with little sleep and I’m quite the bitch!! I’m snappy at work and at people! It’s terrible! So I hope you all will be able to go somewhere and make the best of it! I feel bad for Jazmin she spent so much time helping me plan this!! I’m crushed but optimistic on what we can do in Cuba! I have my fingers crossed for the rest of you May Brides!
Of all the friggin’ luck!!! My wedding party of 38 leaves on Sat for my wedding at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum. I’m so friggin’ stressed out!! I’ve had 8 e-mails, 10 phone calls, and 3 text messages all at work!! I’m praying that this is the worst of it and things will start to slow down. I have the worst luck EVER!!
Quote: Originally Posted by heidi_lk For those of you already married, when did you do the cutting of the cake? I'm unsure if it would be better to do at the restaurant or at our poolside reception, or if we even have the choice... Thanks a bunch! I've decided to cut the cake at our pool reception. A few people said after eating dinner for two hours there was no room for the cake. So I figured we'd have it at the reception so people can enjoy it later.
Well I’m now VERY STRESSED!!! I have to say reading this thread up to now I have felt for you some that where having problems with different issues and people with issues. I have had a really easy ride. Until now!! My MOH is separating from her husband, two of the girls dresses don’t fit, and two other couples that were traveling with us are now splitting up too!! My one BM that her dress doesn’t fit I haven’t talked or heard from her in 2 months…after calling and messaging her. I’m about ready to have a break down!! Man I honestly can’t believe this. My bridal shower is next week-end and it needs to be moved and I still have a crap load of things to get ready for the wedding but I feel horrible asking my MOH to help me because of her situation. How can I be happy about my next step when her world is crumbling?? Help…and thanks for listening/reading!!
Quote: Originally Posted by kristin928 Thanks for letting me know. I did a test/sample run and mine weren't 100% perfect. I think I just need to take my time and cut them out over a few weeks and not rush anything. I agree about not being perfect- maybe a margarita will help make my lines more straight Hummmm I think that is a great idea!! My MOH is coming over this week-end and I think that would deffinatly be a great drink to keep us in the cutting mood...or it'll turn out scary and there wont be a straight line in sight.
Quote: Originally Posted by kristin928 Thank you for sharing this template! Question for you, are you cutting them out by hand? I am trying to figure out a way to make all the edges smooth! Thanks for your help Yup I'm cutting them out by hand. I found if you use really sharpe scissors your cut lines are really clean. However it is done by hand so the odd one may have a wobble!! Oh well I'm not perfect and neither will be the programms!! Ha Ha!
Quote: Originally Posted by kristin928 I also would like the fan template! If anyone could tell us where they found it, I would be very appreciative! Thanks ladies I found the template on line and it works GREAT!!! Shortcut to: http://www.gnyc.net/bio/template-fan2.doc follow the shortcut and you will have your fan! I've done 12 so far only 38more to go! Thank god for Micheal's craft store!!
Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Harty- Thats great!! Such a good reason to get a new dress ;-) I actually ordered mine a size smaller (i know ur so not suppose to do that) and was super nervous for my fitting but it fits perfectly and may have to get taken in a bit KGeen - Im getting married at Azul Beach Hotel and Resort its in Mexico near Playa de Carmen. wedding planning is going...starting to get a bit frustrating with the emails on my end since our WC for our resort has a 24 hr rule and only emails you once per day so if you have a follow up question (which i always do) i have to wait another 24 hours! But I know she has a lot of upcoming weddings so im trying to stay patient Mine has been a little slower getting back but the information she suplies me with is amazing. I'm a Gran Bahia Tulum girl. I've been finding it really hard to imagin what things will look like in my colours, or how it will look with the requests I've made. In the end really how bad can it look your in Mexico on at a beautiful lush resort!! It really can't be terible. This form has been great with talking with other bride that have been down and just had there wedding's so it's given me some releaf! Everyone asks how you can plan a wedding by e-mails....my answer quite easily!!! I'm so happy we decided to go a way. Because I've seen a few other's plan a wedding here for this summer and I honestly think they are going to end up in the padded room!!
Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul drtracy and Kgeen we are wedding date triplets! Yay for May 8 2009!! I have my dress, mom and FI need their attire. I just ordered some shoes online and will go in for the fitting in a couple days. I have no idea what to do about jewlery! BMs and GMS are getting their own - we gave some basic guidelines but letting them choose. We have 32 booked may go up to 40. Oh and got part of the BM gifts. This weekends plans are to get the OOT bag stuff, work on vows, and music since we are going with the iPod. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Hey Kgeen we are the same date. I have my dress, fits perfect so I just need it pressed (love being off-the-rack size!) and shoes, BMs and GMs have dress/shirts, Mom has dress, have everything booked, just got the invites today (yea!), am having BM and Moms gifts custom made and I know they're started. Still need: FHs shirt, finish OOT bags, jewelry and decide what to do with my hair, figure out all the AHR stuff (have the day and place but no clue what else I want to do), and I'm sure about 10,000 other things that I can't think of right now. I wish I was one of those girls that started planning their wedding at 6, I'm totally clueless now. Wow I haven't seen to many people with the same wedding date as me! So how have you found your wedding planning going with just e-mails and pictures?? I honestly thought it would be much harder!! Where are you both haveing your weddings??
Wow you ladies are on the ball. I have to say for the people worried about numbers…I’ve come to the conclusion DON’T!!! You can’t make them be punctual, and why add the stress! I’m sure you have a final pay date mine is March 9th. So come that day I will put together my table plans and if I decide to make the loot bags at that time. I also have late bookers so I can add them into the mix at their cut off time which is March 30th. Other then that EVERYTHING is done, except my fittings. I don’t have my first fitting until March 12th. However this is the list: wedding resort, wedding dress, FI outfit, Bridal party’s outfits which were their gifts from us, flowers, ceremony, dinner, spa treatment, reception, bus to and from the airport for us and our guests, footless sandals, ordered guest book, ordered wedding favours, booked my photographer who we are flying down Now the things to do: have my dress fitted, jewellery, buy my mom’s dress AGAIN!! Ha ha she gained a few, decide on loot bags, make the programs, Hummmm I thought this list way longer!!!
Yeah what is a DB Book??
Quote: Originally Posted by hmk012 Here's the link to my wedding Program on Snapfish. I wanted something simple. After many different designs I came up with this one and I love it! Snapfish: Share Interstitial:Registration On the second page, what does your paragraphs say after the Benediction?? I'm trying to read it but I just can't make it out. Did you just use word?