istephiez - I am so in the same boat as you! I can't plan anything until I know all of my answers to my questions because my budget is so tight that if something isn't certain it could screw up a lot! I am struggling just to get confirmation on my date! I have told myself and others, like my FI who doesn't understand what is taking so long, the very same thing you are talking about (that they do 2 or more weddings a day and have all these brides, so of course my wedding that is over a year away is not a priority!) But that doesn't make me feel any better.
I am so glad I found this forum and have you girls (and guy) to talk to because I would just be a horrible mess! Now if I could just get the damn date set I would be happy because I could pass the time between emails doing my STD's or other stuff!
ho hum.... I am so cranky!
Thanks for venting and letting me vent!