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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Thanks for that information, I had not heard anything about that nor would I have thought about the return stamp, you are such a rockstar!
  2. I'm so glad I'm not the only one going through this too! Wedding plans are on my mind day and night and I even dream about them! I have gotten mad at him for not helping or planning and he gives me the line of "I just want you to be happy...blah blah blah." And on a less stressful day I realize that girls think about their wedding day since they were little, boys don't, all they want to do is get married. If he were dreaming of what he would wear on his wedding day we might have bigger issues to explore! And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I want him to make decisions, what if he hates something I can't live without? But when it comes down to it he gives me an opinion if I ask for it. Now if I could just get him to write his part of our wedding website!
  3. It may be a first! Persistent emails to Zulma (2 today, one from me and one from my TA) get returned emails the same day! In case anyone else wants to try it!
  4. Holy Sex Kitten Batman! Wow! If my TTD turns out half as good! I hate how when I see pictures I love the photog is always flown in!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx Bummer. That is what I figured..oh well. When you say you got it "in writing" do you mean just by email or did they give you some sort of written contract. Zulma has been telling me the same things as she is telling you but I only have it documented in emails. Hope that is sufficient?!?! I did mean by email. I hope that is good enough as well. From everything I have read on here I am making sure I get everything confirmed by email and that I save them all and bring them with me! Sounds like you never know who will quit or when you will need them because they change policies or tell somebody else something different. On the bight side, from what I have read on here, they tend to honor anything that was emailed previously...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kimmy44 Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this question has already been asked but I'm considering the Royal for my wedding and just wondering if you have to purchase a package and then pay the $50/person from there or if you can juist put your own extras together without a package? Thanks for your help! Km You must pick a package, then if you want a reception it is $50pp in addition to your package. There are a variety of other extras that you can add to your package on request but no subtractions.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx Two questions 2) So the outside vendor fee for photographer/videographer is $100. Does this cover their meals as well or do we have to pay extra for thatl? Thanks in advance. I was told in writing that I would have to pay $100 per person (so if they have assistants too) and I would have to include them as "guests" at my reception, meaning $50 charge for each one which included a meal for them. So really it is $150 for each. Also most photographers I have looked at require a meal if they do the reception.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx It took me almost 2 weeks to get confirmation. I had to call the head office in the US to make sure. How did you do it through Credit Card? I had to go to the bank and wire money and pay retarded service fees on top of that. When all of the "initial" documents were emailed to me from Zulma, like the reception worksheet and flowers etc, there was a Credit card form that she gave to fill out and return. It was actually the only instruction I got on payment. I did feel weird about emailing it back though, I have dealt with identity theft in the past, so it makes me nervous. 2 weeks for you huh? I suppose I'll just keep on. My TA and I did a follow up email today and my TA said she will call tomorrow if we don't hear anything.
  9. How long did it take everyone to get confirmation on their $300 deposit? I sent my email with the credit card info sheet from Zulma back to her last Wednesday or Thursday and I haven't heard anything. I know email is slow but I would hope that she would be quick to at least say she got my payment....
  10. Thank you for your replies. I will talk to my mom about it, I just hope she doesn't back out of my wedding because of it.
  11. Wow, you have way more guts than me! Holy cow! But Bravo, they are very beautiful and are perfect "wedding shoes" I'm sure you can make it up to your FI somehow if he gets mad!
  12. We are getting ready to send out STD cards and are prepared to invite family and friends, about 50 people (I'm sure not that many will actually come). My problem is this... My mom has long ago stopped talking to her sister so they are never at family events together and although my aunt would love to reconnect with my mom, my mom just doesn't want to. So, I want my mom there, no question about that. But do I invite my aunt? I am inviting other aunts, uncles and grandparents so to not invite her would be rude and I do actually want her there. But I am afraid it will cause too much drama with my mom. My FI's mom can't go and my dad can't go so I really need my mom there! What do I do? Is there a way I can still invite my aunt and keep the peace?
  13. Veronia- Please let us all know what her answers are to your questions! I think we are all dying to know! So far my experience has been terrible with villa world so we stopped talking to them and my TA went straight to Zulma. Zulma responded right away confirming my date and sending initial information. We replied last friday about the deposit and she emailed back yesterday, so not bad for response. I have 2 weeks to pay the $300 but was not told about anything else. Also, I don't know if if was required or not but I had to tell them my wedding package now but was told I could change it later if I wanted. Also, on a funny note. At the beginning of January I had sent an email to the generic email regarding the wedding packages and never heard a response. Until Monday when I got an email from Lili, lol, I am already working with Zulma but its funny that it took them that long to answer the very first inquiry I had!
  14. ~Stephanie~


    Welcome and Congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  15. Welcome and Congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  16. Welcome and Congrats! We haven't been yet but we are going to The Royal Playa del Carmen and have heard nothing but good things! Good Luck in your planning!
  17. Shay- Oh hun, I'm sorry you are so down today- vent away! But wow! What an accomplishment, you should be nothing but proud of yourself! And I don't think you are going to ruin your pictures and I certainly doubt that your FI will think that either! If you want, send me a picture, I'll give you my honest opinion. I am trying to lose a lot of weight over the next year before my wedding, somehow I don't I will look the way I want though. I have a visions of me telling the photographer to try and not take pictures or redirect me beforehand if he sees a double chin or my batwings in the camera lense! My FI and I are trying to go to the gym now and they do have lots of different weight machines to work each muscle group in your upper arms... so that is what I am doing. (Along with cardio and trying to get rid of the lovely tummy that I just keep trying to tell myself was from being pregnant with my kids (5 and 8 years ago)... guess that excuse doesn't work anymore...
  18. I am bumping this thread... I have contacted them and really love everything I have found out so far! I just really need to see more photos than their website offers before I decide for sure. This is my biggest decision, moreso than the resort and I really need to be sure! So if anyone can share their wedding photos, that used them? I really want to see a whole shoot, I want to see how they "tell the story" of the day. Also I really want to see TTD pictures, the site doesn't offer many. Anyone that can help, please PM me! Thanks so much!
  19. Oscar Ernie- I am so sorry to hear that. I live paycheck to paycheck and I'm not even sure how to pull this off considering I have a hard time paying the bills every month anyways! I feel your pain, I hope you don't have to wait long, I know how anxious I am, keep us updated when you pick a new date. Thanks for the websites girls! I did start mine on mywedding.com and I am just looking for ideas now to fill in stuff for attractions and local stuff so my guests have everything- thanks! Now if I could just figure out what photographer to use, this feels like a bigger decision than the resort was! I majored in photography before changing my major in college and photography has always been so important to me. My FI offered to get a second job to pay for Elizabeth Medina! I thought that was sweet but there is no way I will let him do that!
  20. Tati - I have not gotten a chance to tell you- you are so adorable! Loved your engagement pictures on your website! Thank you for sharing it with me! How many guests are you having? I noticed you mentioned a dinner at spice after the ceremony... Also, I was wondering who everyone is using for photo and video? I am trying to decide on a photographer. I really really want to use Elizabeth Medina (just can't afford her) so now I'm looking at Claudia Rodriguez or Moments that Matter. Was looking at Cecilia Dumas too but I can't find full shoots for her and I don't want to go off the "samples" on the website because those are always the best shots. I am trying to find more pictures from Moments that matter though, can't decide for sure with what is on their website. They do have pretty sweet packages though..
  21. I was looking at Cecilia for my photographer but I want to see more of her work, like a full photo shoot of a wedding so I can see what she captures during her time with the bride and groom and how she tells the story, if you know what I mean? Her website only has samples. Also looking for TTD pictures that she has done. I have only found one set of her photos in searching this forum. Help!
  22. ~Stephanie~

    hey all!

    Welcome and Congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  23. Welcome! This site is a lifesaver, you should have no problem finding some answers here! Good luck in your planning!
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