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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. I hear ya! I was struggling over the same thing when my WC asked what time I wanted the ceremony! I looked online at sunset times in Playa del Carmen (which is pretty close to where you are) and I think would apply to anywhere in the Riveria Maya location. In June it listed 7:30 (but I wasn't sure if that was accounting for daylight savings time). I used this site: Sunrise, Sunset Calendars and Local Time
  2. Thank you for all of your support, I actually honestly don't know how I would make it through all this stress of a DW without this site and all of the other brides! It's amazing how something so little can cause such an emotional meltdown, lol!
  3. I hear ya! I want the light up dance floor for free without paying for a DJ or the floor too. I want to spend what little money I have on other things but dang I really want that floor!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Shay2679 What were you told you would pay to have someone run the iPod and equipment for you? I thought we would use an iPOD, but now, I think we'll just burn some CDs and let them go... We won't be playing specific music for cake cutting and such in Mexico...just for first dance, father/daughter dance. There are so many details, like this one, where I really have no idea what else I should be planning, or how it will all pan out... Shay, I read this on the FAQ sheet and on the reception sheet that Zulma sent me: •Do you provide music for the Reception? •Yes, we have a sound system available for you with background music. You can always bring your own ipod and cds. In order to have a Dj with professional lightning, music and sound system, please consult the prices on the wedding checklist. "Background music (if you bring your own CD's a music technician services will be required $80.00usd)" Don't know if this helps anyone....
  5. I love your STD's, I think there are one of the coolest ones I have seen! The artwork is just amazing! Where did you get that?
  6. I read the last thread DWbride09 tried (but got locked out), she is looking for actual pictures, not a list of poses etc. Like sharing your favorite pictures of other peoples DW that made you go, wow, I really want that pose, that place, that photographer- whatever made you go, I want that! It could be a picture you found on here or one somewhere else. I myself have a folder that I dump pictures in that I want to show my photographer to say "can you do this." If I get a change later DWbride09, I will get them uploaded on here. For exampe, there is a bride on here that had a really cool underwater TTD picture that she uses for her siggy pic, that was just amazing! Correct me if I am wrong DWbride, but I believe this is what you are looking for! Hope that helps! I think its a great thread idea!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jaxsebridetobe I have a question on the reception and the music... I don't quite know how many people we will have with us, but let's say it's 20-30 people. To save some money, i'm thinking of not going with a DJ - so if we just use our own music (either IPOD or CD's) how is the sound? I do want people to get up and dance and have a good time, but will the sound be good enough without the DJ? Thanks! I am not sure if it depends on your wedding package or not (I think not) I think no matter how many guests as long as you are paying the reception price per person that they make a "sound system" available to you. At least that is what I have read.
  8. Veronica- Holy Mexico Batman! I can't believe you only have a couple of weeks! If I were you I would not be able to sleep or eat! I would be just a nervous excited basketcase!! Geez, you would think I was getting married in two weeks, I'm so excited! I am just dying to see photos and hear everything you have to report when you return!
  9. I have the same problem, I know of a few relatives that do not use the internet and would have no clue! So on our STD's I put, "For more information please contact us or vist our website at..." That way when my grandma contacts me I can just go over everything with her. When we send out the formal invitations we will probably include an insert with more information in case we missed anyone. I am hoping this will work for us, but I'll be interested to see what everyone else suggests! Either way I am sure those that really want to attend will get ahold of you and make sure they have everything they need! Good Luck!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx Here is another good article Playa del Carmen: Is it Safe?? Luna Blue’s PlayaZone Also my fiancee's patient just came back from Playa yesterday. And she has gone there about 4 times in the last 6 years. Here is a summary of what she said -she didn't know about a travel advisory before she went -she said when she was there 'the army' was based in playa del carmen -she said they were showing presence especially on 5th -she found out what was happening when she was there from people talking etc -she said she didn't go off the resort really (Only to playa del carmen shops etc)... -said it is very commercialized now -it's the fastest growing vacation spot, lots of jewelry stores etc.... -she said the weather was good -1 thing other thing she said was she thinks there was a little scam on the way home and she's looking into it; when still in mexico she said the airport was charging $20USD for EVERY lb over 44lbs. Lots of people were getting charged this fee left and right at the airport and she never saw this before Thanks for the update! So what does Army presence mean? Is is safer because they are there? Is it bad becuase they are there meaning its a worse location. On another note, the scam, keep us informed because US airline weight limits are 50lbs per checked bag. I would assume because its the same airline it would be the same leaving! So if you are keeping your bags around 50lbs (like I will) then you will be screwed on the return flight with a $120 fee! Ouch! Something to keep in mind... let us know what you find out.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx Hopefully this works http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38057 Thank you for coming to the rescue of my noobness... That would be the link I was talking about!
  12. Ok that didn't work... I am such a noob!!! Ok so its under the General Wedding Information forum and its called "Must read -- Mexico DW worried about travel"
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by VeronicaLane Athena, Thanks so much for sharing your pics. They are great! You looked beautiful, and everything looked perfect. Shay, I LOVE your invitations. They are so cool---very original! Here's a quick subject change: Have any of you guys been keeping up with the increased violence in Mexico? A couple of my wedding guests (single ladies) are freaked out by the media coverage regarding Mexican drug cartel. I am trying to do damage control and convince them that Cancun and Playa del Carmen are completely safe. Have any of you had any issues with this so far? This is the last thing I thought I would worry about when planning a wedding. Ok, ladies. I'm oficially next! I am so excited and ready!! xoxo, V. Ok so maybe I am just too far inland, lol, but I haven't heard anything. I did read a thread on here however that explained things very practically... I have not idea how to link another thread in this thread, so here is the URL link. www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/38057
  14. Ok so after weeks of enlisting a friends help to photoshop these, changing colors, wording, font size etc and having an emotional bride meltdown over colors (becuase I am not sure other than pink what colors I want in my wedding and although everyone tells me no one will remember if my STD's match everything else, I WILL!) My friend never seemed to understand what I wanted and I felt bad for all the changes but at the same time I wanted to scream because they were not getting done. In addition, when I went to print them out at Kinko's they only do it in a plain card stock with a sort of glossy finish, I wanted more of a traditional invitation paper, you know, maybe textured with a "softer" finish.. so I ended up buying the paper and printing them myself. My poor FI just didn't know how to handle me this weekend. Now I am sure the font is too small for my grandma to read and I don't dare ask my friend to change it again becuase he might just kill me! I also ordered free magnets from visaprint to put in the with STD cards. Do you think that is overkill? I was thinking that since they were free, why not, then maybe I wouldn't worry so much about people tossing the card aside and forgetting about it.... So here they are, Sorry if the picture size is too big or too small, this is my first time uploading a picture on this site.
  15. Bumping this thread, ladies can we help her out? I would love to know too!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by dcheung1111 Congrats Athena - thanks for sharing your slideshow. Your wedding looked perfect! Melia122 - I still can't believe we're sharing the same day! We'll have to chat. I actually didn't know Royal could do 2 events on the same day. I believe I read somewhere on this thread that they can do up to 4? But that it doesn't mean there will be 4. I know one of our past brides talked about how she had her reception on the beach and there was another reception on the beach further down at the same time. Also, I think if it rains your location just changes, like if you were going to have a beach reception then you would be moved to the ballroom....
  17. Athena, Your slideshow was great! So fun! Looks like you guys had such an amazing time! Was the cake the standard cake or did you request it by 2 tier?
  18. Very Cute Shay, I on the other hand have had a complete bridal meltdown over my STD cards. I had found some online that I loved loved loved but they were not the right colors. So my cousin's hubby (they are helping us plan and are part of the wedding party) said he could photoshop them no problem to change the colors. I said great! 3 weeks later and a zillion changes and he is probably sick of me. I just wanted them to be perfect and it seemed like he just wouldn't listen to what I wanted. And you can't pester someone that is helping you to hurry up. But I wanted to mail them a couple weeks ago. So now I have a copy that I absolutely love but I'm afraid the font is too small and I have a copy of the one with the font he enlarged but he went overboard and I think its too big. I don't dare ask him to change it again! So now I am stuck. And I am sad. Nothing seems to be going right and although Zulma confirmed that she recieved my payment like a week and a half ago, they have not taken the money from my account yet, which worries me.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by istephiez Hey Girls Did you get your BC aposilled? I called the number on the form that Zulma sent me and they quoted my $275 for the BC and the stamp and $175 for the aposille. Did anyone find a better way to get it done? Seems quite expensive! We are probably getting married here beforehand because of all the hassle, but from what I have heard you should be able to get it done for cheaper and in different places. I saw on the Iberostar website (when I was still looking for a resort) that they suggested looking in the yellow pages for a translator and then calling your Secretary of State's office to get the aposilled done... I still have the PDF from that resort if you want to look at it PM me your mail address. It had a website for further instructions...
  20. Shay- I got to thinking this morning about your veil...It's usually really windy or breeze on the beach so I don't know if that is a factor for you for picking a veil or how to do your hair? I know it will be for me although I have no clue what I will do yet. I have seen some pro pictures where the brides hair is in her face or a strand of it across her face or the veil not cooperating! I'm sure you have thought of that, just didn't know if it was a deciding factor for you?
  21. Shay! You look so pretty! OMG I LOVE your dress! I think that you look fantastic! Veil 2 by the way. I know your arms bother you but really I think its just something that you notice about yourself just like everyone has something! If it makes you feel better to work on them then go for it but honestly I think you look great! So hair up or down? How excited are you! I haven't tried on dresses yet and I won't for awhile, got some weight to lose first!
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