My FI and I had talked about getting married since two months into our relationship. He told me that one day he wanted to marry me, so for a year and a half we "talked" about it and knew that one day we would. When we had the money we shopped for my ring together because it was no surprise that we were going to get married. (He had moved from another state to be with me, so it was a pretty sure thing!)
I still wanted the "official" proposal though, even though I wanted to help pick out my ring. (What can I say, I am a girl!) So FI kept the ring after we picked it out to "surprise" me with a proposal in the near future. I told him he could wait long! He ended up "officially" proposing about a month later. I say Officially as in he asked me, said a bunch of romantic things and gave me the ring. To me that is when I considered us "engaged." BUT.. had we done things as you did, with setting the date and continuing with the planning, I would consider that engaged.
If you feel like you are missing out on the "pop the question" bit then ask him if he will do a proper proposal when he gets the ring, even if he knows the answer will be yes. Every girl deserves to be told how much the man she loves wants to spend forever with her.