Quote: Originally Posted by carly I have a problem with the rules of the church though. I don't believe in judging people for their sexual orientation, religious choices, etc. I also don't believe that I have to go to "church" to feel at peace, or confessiong me sins to a priest. I think you can interact with your God (whichever religion you are) in however you see fit, as long as you life your life the right way. Basically, as long as you are a good person.
I believe more in the ideas behind the religion, and I don't take anything literally. Most of the stories are told to make a point, and the point is the lesson, not necessarily the story. At least that's what I believe. However, I have some friends that are very gung-ho with their religions and take each story as a literal historical fact and I completely respect that. I agree. I find myself sort of spiritual. I have a hard time with the rules and beliefs of most religions. I have a hard time in believeing something I can't see. I was raised in a baptist church and as an adult I do struggle with the decisions I make for my children when it comes to religion. I don't want to force anything on them but its also their right to learn everything I can teach them, so although I do not bring them to church I struggle with whether I should. They are learning about things along the way though and ultimately it will be their choice in the end. I just hope I don't screw them up!