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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. I just got the video over the weekend and I tried Level 1 last night, to be honest I didn't think it was that bad, I expected way worse from everything I had heard. But this morning walking up and down the stairs in my heals my legs are burning like the fires of a thosand suns! Holy crap! I guess it worked better than I thought it did!
  2. I love both dresses! What a great TTD dress! You pictures are going to be amazing!
  3. I would be freaking out too, but just keep in mind that everything can be figured out when you get there price and decor wise. So breath! Most of the brides have said that a lot of their decisions were last minute during their meeting there with Zulma. I would focus on making sure there really is a minister but otherwise everything will get worked out. Now, just be excited! You leave in 5 days and we fully expect a report as soon as you return!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I have a problem with the rules of the church though. I don't believe in judging people for their sexual orientation, religious choices, etc. I also don't believe that I have to go to "church" to feel at peace, or confessiong me sins to a priest. I think you can interact with your God (whichever religion you are) in however you see fit, as long as you life your life the right way. Basically, as long as you are a good person. I believe more in the ideas behind the religion, and I don't take anything literally. Most of the stories are told to make a point, and the point is the lesson, not necessarily the story. At least that's what I believe. However, I have some friends that are very gung-ho with their religions and take each story as a literal historical fact and I completely respect that. I agree. I find myself sort of spiritual. I have a hard time with the rules and beliefs of most religions. I have a hard time in believeing something I can't see. I was raised in a baptist church and as an adult I do struggle with the decisions I make for my children when it comes to religion. I don't want to force anything on them but its also their right to learn everything I can teach them, so although I do not bring them to church I struggle with whether I should. They are learning about things along the way though and ultimately it will be their choice in the end. I just hope I don't screw them up!
  5. Thanks for all the support ladies! FI is doing better today, day 6. He was in a better mood this morning and I just got off the phone with him and I asked how he was "holding up" and he says today is much better. So, I know there is still a long road ahead, especially this weekend because he will be around his best friend who smokes and we will likely be at a smoke filled bar. And to be honest, I will be totally shocked if he doesn't fall off the wagon. Not that I don't have faith in him, I just know how hard it is. Anyway, thanks ladies! We'll see how this weekend goes!
  6. Erika, I'm sorry you still haven't heard from your mom. I have mom issues of my own (the fact that she is the most selfish person on the planet) but Unfortunately we cannot pick our parents, although I am just loving Tracy's idea! I know its easy for us to tell you to move on, enjoy your wedding and ignore her but you'll still be upset and disappointed because she is your mom and she shouldn't do that and she is suppose to be the "grown-up" no matter how old we get. We are here anytime you need to vent!
  7. I'm so sorry but men really are clueless! Just take comfort that you are not the only one with a man that does stupid stuff. I get so insulted with the things mine tries to get away with because its like, "really, do you think I am that dumb that I would notice?" I love that he brought you flowers though, that's funny that he thought that would make up for it!
  8. Thanks for your help ladies, they were sent out. I haven't gotten much feedback on them from guests other than my FMIL complained of the font being to small. (It is bigger than what's on this post though, you can read it). Invites hopefully will be better!
  9. Tracy- I didn't realize you were using her! I can't wait to see your photos when you get back! I am still trying to decide on a photographer.
  10. Tati, you do not have to pay for the upgraded dance floor. I just asked Veronica the other day, she got the light up floor for no additional charge and she just had the Ipod set up so it wasn't even a matter of getting it with a DJ. Just thought you should know in case you have your heart set on it like me! I'm so excited for both of you! Geez, I have such a long wait! I would greatly appreciate it if you both would give me your input of which beach location would be best for my reception when you return. I would think by the pier would be too busy and too much public traffic.
  11. Jess, I know I told you before but wow, you look stunning! You must be just thrilled with how great they turned out! Just amazing!
  12. #1! I actually don't like the sweetheart neckline on #2. #1 looks amazing on you!
  13. I didn' t realize this! Holy smokes I need to email Zulma and pick a spot! I wouldn't think by the pier would be good because from what I understand that is the busiest part of the beach? And I don't want a bunch of traffic.
  14. My FI decided to quit smoking last Thursday, today is day 4. I think I am going to kill him. I am so proud of him and I tell him that but he has turned into the biggest butthead! I need a drink My FI is normally the sweetest man on earth. Like seriously my friends tease me that he is so mushy and blah blah blah. But now he my such a monster! LOL. We fought all weekend he had one mantrum after another! I am so glad to be at work now! Anyone have any tips or suggests to get though this! Because honestly I just want to go buy him a pack! AGGHHH!
  15. Lisa, that's a good idea! I don't want to chop off a song either but I don't want to let the whole thing play if people are going to be like, "ok, why is this taking so long!" These little details are annoying!
  16. I like the 2nd veil better with adding the white flower to it.
  17. Sounds like it was the perfect shower! Can't wait to see the pictures!
  18. HI Catherine! Welcome to the forum!
  19. Fahm, welcome and congrats! What resort are you staying at in PDC? We are getting married at the Royal.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Yay! Another 2010 bride! I can't wait for this year to pass either!
  21. Congrats and welcome Emily! Yay! Another 2010 bride!
  22. ~Stephanie~

    New here

    Hi and welcome to the forum! Wow your day is getting close! You must be so excited!
  23. Hey that's great news! My brother was over for 18 months and even through he is out now I guess he can be deployed for up to 2 years or something even though he is out. I'm so happy that everything is ok for you! Back to wedding planning!
  24. Hi Melissa, to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
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