Kelly, I'm sorry! I know how you feel, my ex husband was the worst! His mind set was that he worked a factory job "a real job" and I did not have a "real job" which was office work. Nor did I have a "real job" when I did in home daycare for 6 kids, worked part-time at target on the weekends and was pregnant. He worked nights and would come home at 3 am. If I didn't do anything that night he would wake me up and yell at me. No kidding. What pissed me off is that he knew how to do everything because his mom was a slob and he took care of the house growing up. I even mowed the yard half the time and took out the trash, because his back hurt, poor baby. I don't count that as a marriage, I look at that as the dark period in my life that I was a single mom with three kids, one of which was my ex.
Eventually I did get out of doing laundry, if you shrink his clothes and turn things pink they don't like you doing it anymore!
Men are like puppies, they need constant training and praise! If you overexagerate how happy you are that he did the dishes, he will do them again! Good boy!
Luckily, now after years of a horrible marriage, I have found a man that is the exact opposite! My FI cooks for me everynight, does all of the "man chores" such as trash, yard, car stuff etc. He does laundry, dishes and cleans too! His mama trained him well! I still am the sole person to clean the bathrooms but thats ok, every weekend that man makes my kitchen sparkle!
Hang in there, there is still hope!