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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. to the forum! That is so sweet to help her out! Good Luck with your planning!
  2. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  3. ~Stephanie~


    Hi Janice! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  4. Hi Genessa! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Lisa, just like all the other brides of who have used MTMP, I'm sure you will be freakin gorgeous and your pics will be fabulous! Agree! Has any of the recent brides other than edssbride09 (freaking gorgeous by the way edssbride09) gotten their all their pictures back? Are any of you willing to share with those of us still trying to decide.
  6. Those are really fabulous! Wow, I love those! So original and wow! You are very talented!
  7. You look great! Like the one with the feather boa, very sexy! The tie and glasses were great props too! I think you really lucked out with the free photographer, he looks very talented! Your FI is going to love them!
  8. Looks like you have some great friends and family! Congrats, looks like you had a blast!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by barefootbeachbride I just set my date! June 12, 2010...Happy Planning everyone! Dang, we were so close to being date twins!! Congrats!
  10. So sweet! Looks like you have some amazing co-workers and friends!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 I guess I better add a confession. I confess that I LOVE Lady Gaga's entire album and listen to it all the time and know almost all of the words to each song haha. I heard she was going to do a world tour some time, I'd love to see her if she came to Edmonton to do a show. DH would never take me haha so I guess I'd have to ask my best buddy. OMG! I totally sing her songs all the time! My FI hates her and things she is ridiculous so I make sure to sing the songs around him just so he will get them stuck in his head!
  12. Oh Lisa, you paint a pictures so well! lol. I think a lot of men are like "oh well" about a lot of stuff- just makes you want to smack them! I confess that FI and I had a small spat last weekend that he did this very thing, unconcerned and looking at me like I was crazy ... so I threw silverware at him, just chucked it across the kitchen right at him... not one of my proudest moments and it surely made me seem even crazier! But it finally got through to him how upset I was! Don't worry I didn't throw anything sharp.. yet. They just don't get worked up about things like we do, FI says that there is not point getting upset about things you don't have control over and can't do anything about- pisses me off when he says that!
  13. Shannon, I hope you have the trip of a lifetime, take lots of pictures we still want to see them! You are a stronger woman than I, I truly admire you.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i'm thinking ours will say something like, "the stars aligned, hell froze over, pigs flu, and tom & lisa got married -- MEXICO 2009" ... it's a running (not so funny) joke that my parents have said numerous times "we NEVER thought YOU would get married" (kinda like tula in my big fat greek wedding ... i AM 36 years old already and never married, so i get it, but geez) ... so the "pigs flu" thing kinda works in my case, LOL. OMG Lisa, you freaking crack me up! That is the best!
  15. I have tried PMing Shay (Shannon) and I have not heard back. God I hope she is ok. She and the other girls I know that have to cancel are constantly on my mind, I just hope she is ok.
  16. Shannon- So glad you have found the silverlining so-to-speak and it sounds like you are marrying a very caring man that loves you very much. I'm glad that your family is there- enjoy! Can't wait for your full report and of course the gorgeous pictures! Our other Shannon- are you still checking in? How are you?
  17. Hi Melissa, to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  18. Hi Jess, to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  19. ~Stephanie~


    Hi Lindsey, to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
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