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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J See I want cute sexy underwire tankini's for my trip. I got 2 from Old Navy last year, from the plus size swim and they are super cute but I want something diff now as I have been wearing those for 2 years, the only bad thing is that I hate the plus size bottoms that come with ON swim, that my me look totally fatter than i am, so I throw those out and buy different ones from target or VS. Also I cant really wear shelf bra swim because it makes me look saggy, then the halters hurt my neck, ugghh so tough!!! I can't do anything with a shelf bra either! The girls are just too out of control in almost everything. I have actually took the time to sew an underwire bra into a bathing suit that wasn't supportive enough, it actually worked great!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl ladies, i just wanted to share that lincoln and lori sent me a really sweet email trying to put my mind at ease about our pictures. they had seen the comments i made here about being a not-so-ideal-looking couple and wanted to assure me that beautiful photos come from the way you express your joy, happiness, and love, and have very little to do with how you look. i just thought that was very sweet of them. They are right! And I can't wait to see yours! You always look so happy and glowing and just beautiful! I know your pictures are going to be amazing!
  3. I am in the minority too, I choose #1, I do like both, they are both beautiful, there is just something about 1 I like better.
  4. Hi Crystal! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  5. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  6. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  7. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  8. Hi Adrienne! to the forum! I have seen the Valley of Fire pictures as my DW was going to be Vegas till I realized I wanted a beach! Those pictures are gorgeous! Good Luck with your planning!
  9. Hi Kelly! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  10. Hi Mandie! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  11. to the forum! Try resorts in Playa del Carmen, they are close to 5th Avenue which has the shopping and night life and it has beautiful beaches! You could look at resorts such as the Gran Porto Real. Good Luck with your planning!
  12. Hi Emily! to the forum! I'm a June 2010 bride too! June 11, 2010. Good Luck with your planning!
  13. Hi Megan! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  14. Hi Tara! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  15. Hi Teri! to the forum! Best Wishes on your big day next week!
  16. Hi Claire! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  17. Hi Heidi! to the forum! I'm sorry to hear you were a swine flu bride but that's awesome that you were able to relocate! Best Wishes on your big day!
  18. Hi Janelle! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  19. Hi Amber! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  20. Those are beautiful, just gorgeous! Did you do them yourself? If not where did you get them? I have been wanting something just like that. I might have to borrow your idea, they are just awesome!
  21. YoursTruly- My mortgage "servicer" cannot help because they are not a "lender" which makes things difficult. My ex didn't want the house and I got custody of our kids and in doing so I felt that it would be less tramatic for them to stay in their home since one of us had to keep the house anyways until it could be sold. I'm sorry you are in the same position, I hear its worse with investment properties because there is even less help if its not your primary residence. Danielle= Thanks for the suggestion, I will ask about that!
  22. I didn't realize there was a nurses week! Wow, well have a great week ladies! I think we have several nurses on this forum and they all deserve thanks and appreciation for the hard work they do everyday.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk stephanie, i totally remember those!!!! my brother works for frito lay (a dangerous connection to have) and i just put the message into him... he said they actually did the promo twice, the first time the flavor was mcdonald's cheeseburgers and the 2nd time it was mt. dew. i think the entire company must be on crack if those are the flavors they come up with!! OMG! You rock! I always thought it was like a cheeseburgery pickle taste but I could never figure it out because it wasn't a strong cheeseburger taste! I wish they would bring them back... I miss them, it was like losing a friend.
  24. Congrats! You should be so proud of yourself! We are proud of you!
  25. I really just need to vent! I was previously married and I kept the house in the divorce (not that I wanted it). I have 3 years from the date of the divorce to get my ex's name off the mortgage. I have a year left. This required refinancing or selling it. In addition to this problem when my ex refinanced the house before our divorce he did a 3-year ARM (where the rate is only fixed for 3 years and then it adjusts). This is set to adjust in September of this year. So basically I have until September to try and sell or refinance my house. This has become impossible. Over a year ago I had a couple of Realtors look at my house and they both said that it would not sell in this market without taking a loss. I unfortunately do not have that luxury. In an attempt to increase the value of the house my FI and I remodeled the kitchen ourselves. Now since last summer we have been trying to clean up our credit and get all our ducks in order to refinance because FI is going back to school this fall and we want to wait till he is out of school to moved to a permanent location. Over the last 5 months I have been working with 2 different Mortgage brokers and both have said that there is nothing they can do for us. Our credit is fine, our debt is fine but their appraisers say that my house will not appraise high enough to be refinanced as I now owe more than my house is worth due to the market. Even after I remodeled. I have basically had the door slammed in my face, nobody can or wants to help me. I have suggested to these brokers that maybe I qualify for refinancing through President Obama's new housing plan (it allows people in my situation that owe more than the house is worth to qualify for refinancing through participating lenders). Apparently nobody is participating, one broker said she had me pre-approved for the program through one of her lenders and then the lender "pulled out" of the program. WTF?! So last week Thursday I called a new lender, hoping that with persistence and determination that someone out there has to be able to help me right?! He seemed really optimistic despite everything I told him about what I had been through so far. He said he would call me back later that day or Friday. It's now Tuesday. I think he went running for the hills. I emailed him before leaving work Friday afternoon since I had not heard from him and all he said was that he hadn't heard back from his corporate office. I know I am pessimistic by nature but I am feeling so overwhelmingly defeated. I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go. If I can't get this done there is no way I will be able to pay my mortgage payment this fall. And I would likely have to cancel or downsize my wedding so I can use my wedding money to try and keep afloat. I am so stressed over this I can't sleep, I feel so anxious and sick. I just wish I could get out of this mess that I never asked to be in.
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