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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Hi Edy! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  2. Hi Melissa! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  3. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Sorry I don't have any information but this forum should be helpful to you! Good Luck with your planning!
  4. Hi Annie! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  5. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  6. Hi Chelle! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  7. Hi Misty! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good Luck with your planning!
  8. You are such a tough girl, this will be no sweat for you! But I will be thinking about you, check in with us as soon as you can and let us know how you are doing!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by staceysbride Stephanie, thank you for the info! That might ever be a solution. Maybe we can just go over to the Excellence after the wedding. I will have to look into it. Have you found the coordinator easy to work with? Though based on a quick glance at the pricing (and conversion into USD ) I'm going to have to tell the 'rents that if I have to change location to a different place- we're going to need help with the tab. Thank you again for adding advice! As with all WC, ours is hit or miss with communication. However I didn't have too many problems with getting my date scheduled and they are always so very nice. All of the brides from BDW that have married there have reported that when they got there all their worries were taken care of and that the WC's were fabulous! So, check it out. I found it to be the perfect solution, and its just gorgeous too! PM me if you need any info!
  10. Wow, that has to be one of the longest most complete planning threads I have ever seen! Way to go girl! That was awesome! You have great taste!
  11. What a lucky girl! I envy your proposal! He did such a good job! Way to go FI!
  12. That is so sweet, what great co-workers you have!
  13. I can relate to what you are feeling. I have obsessed over 2 ex's of my FI's... The first is whom he had his daughter with and she is completely different from me, kinda like a skinny tree huggin hippy with long blonde hair that believes in breastfeeding till like age 5(no offense to anyone if this applies). She is married to a writer/english professor and thinks that she is better than us. She is so different from me and FI. Then there is his ex-wife Suzie, I had the treat of meeting her about a year ago, she is looks like a meth addict with tattoos covering every inch of her body (don't get me wrong, I love tattoos) and she was so skinny, probably from whatever drugs she was taking. FI says she wasn't this bad when he was with her, but come on! Anyways, it bothers me that my FI was with such different people like this. I ask myself, well he liked "that" at one point in time, how can he like me? We are like night and day! I am a curvy girl, so does that mean he likes these super skinny women, how can he like me? But I don't think about it as much as I use to, Just like you and your FI, my FI and I have talked about it, he is always understanding and I know that he loves me and we were meant to be. His family hated his ex's and his best friend hated them too and they all love me! By the way, it still doesn't mean that I don't think about it from time to time, I confess that I occationally check the first ex's blog- she's such a nut that sometimes it is good for a laugh!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Steph- I cant believe you sewed your own bar in. How did it work just the front part and not the back straps?? It was a tankini and I cut the bra straps and sewed it in, sewing the straps of the bra along the straps of the suit and the back of the bra into the back of the suit. It sounds confusing but it worked really well! The girls were nice and perky!
  15. I saw this thread late but if you are still looking for suggestions I have one for you... I too wanted an adults only resort because as much as I love children and even have children of my own, I don't want to listen to other peoples kids screaming by the pool on my honeymoon.. that said.. we booked The Royal Playa del Carmen, it is an adults only resort that has a family resort, The Gran Porto Real, right next door. Our adults only resort allows kids for the ceremony so we can accomodate guests with kids by just having them stay a few yards away next door! Maybe you can look into something like this? Good Luck!
  16. Rhonda, wow you look amazing! Very cool dress! Your FI looks like he was having a good time! Can't wait to read about it and see more pictures! Loved your wedding set up too, very pretty!
  17. I came home after a long day and flipped on the TV to watch the show that I DVRed today, it wasn't there and the menu said that the DVR was full. As I scroll through the taped shows I see a bunch of crap that FI DVRed and has actually watched but was just too lazy to delete! Really!? Seriously?! To add to the pissed off state I was in, the show that DIDN'T get taped because of FI was the 3rd part to a 3 part series and its not online! GRRRR!!! Then when I tell FI this, he shrugs it off like, geez what's the big deal?Sometimes I really want to smack him!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam honestly 5 months is still a lot of time, there are many brides on here who have said they've received bookings a week before the wedding! people are funny like that with DWs even though you would think traveling to a destination would make people plan ahead at the same time i think there are always disappointments for everyone when it comes to certain people not making the trip, yanno it really comes with the DW territory. i say be patient, and yes at the end of the day be grateful for those who make the commitment to attend -- your day will be wonderful no matter what! Well said. I agree with MarieSam, lots of people book at the last minute and lots of brides on here have experienced that. I am worried about that too when my date gets closer. I have lots of verbal "will gos" but I'm afraid that will change when it comes time to book. Just remember as it has already been said- be thankful for who goes and remember its about you and your FI. (although I secretly hate when people say that because although I know its true it really hurts that some people I love won't go)
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