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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  2. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  3. LOL, Yael you crack me up! If any of you ladies want me to scare the baby talk right out of your head, please just ask me! I have 2 boys that are 6 and 8 and a 13 year old future step-daughter. I can share stories that will make you never have sex ever again! On the other side, I can share the mushy stuff that makes it all worth it too! But we are trying to avoid that right? LOL.
  4. Aww Amanda! Nothing wrong with thinking about babies! But if you're not ready yet then start remodeling the house or something!
  5. Welcome back MRS! Congrats! I'm so happy to hear that everything went perfect!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by fudgie You definitely won't get "what the hell was she thinking??"! The dress looks great on you and you look so happy in it! It is a beautiful dress and you should go with what makes you feel the best and happiest! Both dresses actually look amazing on you Don't let the fact that you are have a DW determine what type of dress you should get, your still a bride. Couldn't have said it better myself! Although I have seen your first dress on your before (wedding dress thread) and thought it was practically made for you, I like your second dress better, but that's because I like a more "wow" dress too and that dress is very "wow" on you! Seeing these pictures side by side, if I may, I think your short hair style you had in the first dress picture was one of the reasons I really liked that dress on you- it looks good with short hair. Sound silly?? I really think you should get the dress you are in love with, it's your one and only dress and you should get the dress that makes you feel like the most beautiful bride!
  7. [email protected] This is the only email that I have for her when she and I were emailing back and forth- I think its the same email addy. Sorry if its not a help. She was pretty quick to respond though, give it a day or two if you can.
  8. Wow, you look stunning! Can't wait to see more! Hope you are having the time of your life, congrats MRS!
  9. Hope you had an amazing day! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  10. Hope it was everything you dreamt of. Can't wait to hear all about it!
  11. Good Luck married ladies! We have some great women here!
  12. Good luck ladies! You all deserve it!
  13. Great choice! I love the first one on you too! Are you doing a veil? Hair up or down? That dress will be fun to accesorize!
  14. B2B- Yael- ditto on Erika's comments! MRS- Andi, for being super helpful from MX with Swine flu updates!
  15. Kathy- You look so happy! and beautiful! Yay girl, you're a MRS! I especially love pic #206- that one is my fav!
  16. to the forum! I'm a Royal Bride too! Good Luck with your planning! Come check us out on our thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17108
  17. Hi Ashley! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  18. Hi Holly! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  19. Hi Erin! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  20. Hi Michelle! to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  21. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
  22. to the forum! Good Luck with your planning!
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