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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. I agree with some of the other ladies, I think dress one looks fabulous on you, very flattering! I like dress 2 but I like 1 better.
  2. I voted. Good Luck Stacey, I'm sure whatever you decide will be great!
  3. Hey Stace, where is the poll or list of names?
  4. Awwww! That is sooo cute! What a sweetie!
  5. I sent out my STD's 16 months in advance because I have a lot of people that will need to save. I am sending my invites 6 months before. (also that will be at the first of the year and i want to get them out in time for tax returns so people will maybe use their returns for the trip).
  6. Erin, thank you! Someone else notices it! lol.
  7. Ok so I am way way late to the Party! I just got into this show last week and decided to watch all of Season 1 over the weekend, yes in 3 days I watch every single one, and now I most of the way through season 2. I accidently read the most recent posts on here so that ruined it a little but not too bad. I just watched the episode that Sam goes skinny dipping and Maryann has the party. So I guess tonight I'll find out what happens! I am watching them ondemand. OK so I have to point this out. Does it bother anyone else at all the way Bill says "Sookie"? It drives me crazy, I hate it! So since FI and I watch this together, he likes to say it and imitate Bill and it makes me crazy! Also, I totally Heart Eric. He is yummy.
  8. Same Boat here! At this time we don't have anyone planning to come from FI's family. Now granted, he doesn't have a big family, but the few he is close to are not coming. FI says he is ok with that but I'm not and I don't think he will be when it gets closer. His best friend will be there, so hopefully that will make up for it. I feel werid though that its all my family and friends that are coming.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tutti1299 I forgot to ask also, does anyone know if my ceremony is at 2pm, what time should I schedule the hair and makeup? I was thinking of scheduling hair at 12pm and makeup at 1:30, but I really have no clue how long it all takes and if that is too early. Help! I would schedule it earlier than that. You still have to get back to your room and get in your dress (which depending on your dress could take some time), also if you are planning on getting any before ceremony pictures like getting ready, first look with FI or any romantics or bridal shots you will need more time. Its better to allow plenty of time and have to sit in your room and wait and be able to relax and collect yourself then to run through the hotel in a panic trying to make it down the aisle. But that's just my opinion. I think if you do a search on the site there are other people's timelines posted, I know its a well discussed topic because every bride gets flustered about it. Hope that helps
  10. Aww don't feel bad, my neighbor (an old 80 year old pervert) use to purposely try and spy on me through my bathroom window. Then proceeds to leave me a note asking me to lift the curtains in the future so he would have a better view.... see it could be worse! I'm sure you neighbors were shocked, but who hasn't been in an embarrassing situation! You could always joke it off with them later!
  11. Lisa- If you are like me and can't cut out the carbs then its really hard! But otherwise its a really good diet if you can make it through the first week of no carbs. There is a 3 week priming phase before you can have a cheat day. PM me your email address and I'll send it to you if you want.
  12. I think regardless you are going to be hot. I really think you should have the dress you love and I don't think it will be too formal. Stop worrying and enjoy it!
  13. Welcome! I am also getting married at The Royal!
  14. Wow, Stephanie Williams is just amazing! I have always been blown away by her e-pics and now her wedding pics! You were so beautiful! Congrats!
  15. Lisaloo- I understand about the crap food! I started the Cheat your way thin that Kathy is doing and had to modify it because it really cuts out your carbs and I thought I was going to die! I LOVE CARBS! I have a secret love affiar with pasta and bread that will never change. SO I cut down my portions and I don't eat junk food or sweets (not very often) and I try to stay away from fast food. I still follow some of the guidelines like I do eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch... I also stepped up the exercise and stopped drinking pop (that was my weakness, Mt Dew!) I am looking for something else to change in my routine though without giving up carbs entirely, I need to step up the progress a bit.
  16. MAYBRIDE! YAY FOR PICTURES! Now get your butt in gear and give me a gosh dang review!! pronto! You look absolutely gorgeous in your dress by the way!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by kimmy44 Hey all , it's been awhile! I can't believe how fast time is going, just had our engagemet party last week and I'm so excited for Mexico. Congrats to Maybride & tighteywhitey, beautiful pics! I just have a questions, way back in the thread emengeeroxx says that he has to pay 20 extra for gran porto real guests coming over to the royal for reception but my TA was told that guests of any real resorts were NOT extra (unless above package number and then still were cheaper price), does anyone know what the deal is here? Thanks, Kim Kim, that changed when the packages changed earlier this year. Depending on your package you are allowed a certain number of guests from any "real resort" then there are 2 prices for additional guests over that number, a cheaper price for additional guests staying at real resorts and additional guests not staying at real resorts. Hope that made sense...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cinny726 Okay so I found out today that they do not allow children for semi-private receptions at the Royal. So, I am going to do it at the Gran. Any sugestions from brides who have done this...I have to pick the restaraunt. Cyndi Thanks, I wouldn't have thought to ask this! I assumed they could be there as long as it was for the wedding. Guess I'm definatley having a private reception now.
  19. What an angel! She is gorgeous! Congrats! You must be so happy and proud!
  20. Maybride! Yay you are back!!!! I have oodles of questions for you! Can't wait to see pictures and read your review!!!!
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