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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Good Morning Losers! Hope everyone is off to a better start than me! I ate like total crap last night and didn't go to the gym all week. The weekend isn't going to be much better, we have a baby shower, mom's b-day dinner, kids' sports stuff, appointments and a friend from out of state spending the weekend with us! So without feeling too gulity my goal is to get back to the gym Sunday night... we will see! Have a great weekend ladies!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess thanks Steph I nominate ~Stephanie~ (b2b) and Lisa - mummergirl (Mrs) They are both going through tough times right now and are still awesome forum members and always so positive. Aww thanks Jess! I don't feel like I am invloved enough on here but I'm glad when I can help or just chat during the day. I totally need a job I can screw off more so BDW can be my job!
  3. AWWW! Congrats! He is sooo cute! That is really cool!
  4. I'm not sure how you are keeping it together, I'm so anal about everything, I would be freaking out! lol. And as my wedding gets closer and I have people like this I probably will! Hope everything works out!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I confess that I am starting to gain a bit of weight...and I only have about a month before my BD anniv. pics!!! Also, last night I ate so much I felt sick! I had my dinner, which was just right (not too fiilling) and then I proceeded to watch TV and eat a half a container of philly cream cheese herb & garlic spread with half a bag of Tostitos!! Does it make it a bit better that the cream cheese was light & the Tostitos were multigrain!!? lol You should join BL7 then! They extended the entry deadline though today, there is still time! I confess that I miss you in the shoutbox
  6. B2B- Jess (for all the advice and help she gives the other brides) Mrs- Ginalyn (for hosting BL7)
  7. Ok stupid question! Is the deadline to email the photos tonight or tomorrow?!
  8. It is FREE the day of the wedding! Only for the ceremony and reception. This is if they are staying at the Gran or Real. So you only need to buy them passes if they want to come over on other days or earlier than the ceremony on the day of!
  9. Happy 30th Birthday Erika! Hope you have a fabulous day!
  10. HI Josie's mom! Welcome to the forum!
  11. WOW! With all of the beaches that I love here your Castle is just OMG! What a fairytale indead! Congrats! You look amazing!
  12. I you Erika! You crack me up! I'm so glad you are feeling better though!
  13. Thanks for the recap Candice, I hadn't gotten around to it yet! I did want to mention however, that I was under the impression from the conversation that we did still need to pay the vendor fee and that it was just the day pass that we didn't need to worry about for the vendor?! I guess I'll ask Zulma for clarification. They discussed it more than once and the answer didn't seem consistant to me.
  14. Jennifer, I think it is unfortunate that some folks no showed. Especially when there was a link to un-rsvp. I can understand why you would need to charge a fee due to the people that didn't follow up on their end and didn't care enough to consider you or your business. Thanks again for those of us that did attend, I really appreicate all your efforts!
  15. Congrats Allison! And Courtney, you are such a rockstar for offering this contest! I would have entered if I didn't already have my photographer, your work is amazing!
  16. OMG that is horrible! Why wouldn't anyone tell her! Mom's are quick to point that stuff out! Holy Cow!
  17. Wow! Those are fantastic! Wonder if I can get TammyB to do another one in the spring? I would drive to chi-town!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Girl you betta love ur curves, my fi can't get enuf of mine haha!!! LOL, ya I have recently lost about 23lbs now and my FI is worried that as I continue to lose I will lose my curves! I told my my boobs were getting smaller and his face looked like I shot a puppy or something! lol.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ginalyn Oh ladies, you're too funny! Each and every one of you is beautiful! I just had a thought and I'm willing to change the rules up a little bit if people are still adamant about sending pics. What are your thoughts on only requiring that the winner send me the before and after, as a validation of overall weight loss (won't be shared)? This way you will still be required to take the before and after pics, but you will keep them in your files. If you are in first place at the end of the 12 weeks, I will request your before and after. Thoughts? I like this idea, I think that is acceptable.
  20. I know for a fact that you do not pay vendor fees if they stay at The Royal, but I'm not sure about if they stay at the Gran. I'll ask!
  21. I don't know about you ladies but I'm trying to make a list of questions all day! I'm trying to get everything answered now! lol. What kinds of questions do ya'll still have for the WC and/or resort? I'm trying to come up with things so I don't have to email later and wait forever for responses!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 Oh that's soooooooo great Lisa on the dress size, woo hoo!!! I forgot to tell you ladies about my "wonderful" shopping experience at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago. I'm just browsing around in all the clothes, looking at whatever and I reach the 725 junior (yet plus size) clothes. I'm looking around and the lady that is working in that section looks at me and says "you know, this line of clothing is made really small" OMG, she was so f'ing rude when she said it. Also, old, fat and ugly (lol sorry!). I couldn't believe it when she told me that. I wanted to punch her in the face. First of all, how did she even know that I was shopping for myself, and secondly, how the hell does she know what size I wear? Gimme a f'ing break - I was so pissed off!! People should just mind their own business sometimes. Ok, I totally would have went off and punched her in the box! Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Off topic.... Hope the website police don't catch me lol Wal-mart staff are great, I was there yesterday and browsing the jewellery case for chocolate pearls. The walmart employee 100 years old with a beard come sover to assist me in seeing the pearls, she points at my Ering and says "oh that's one of ours, we sold it last xmas here." Ok SusieQ is trying not to laugh or bite her ,I am not sure!!!! She then goes on to say "it was a great deal it was selling for $69.99.... hahahahahaha now I have stitches.... LOL, OMG how insulting! Did you correct her?! If someone said that about my ring I would have lost it and been like, um no, I bought this at a real jewelry store, and it costs more than you make in a year! So I have lost 20lbs and I am stuck. But I was going to the gym everyday and then I had to miss a few days this week so maybe just getting back at it will kick start things back up again. I wish FI would notice more though. I know he sees me everyday and so its harder to see a difference but it would be nice. He says he does notice but that is after I ask him! Little shat. Anyways, I hadn't seen my BFF in a month or so and she was floored so that's something, but then that is what girlfriends are good for! There is a Maggie truck show near me in November and I really really want to go and possibly get my dress! I was planning on waiting till after the holidays and see how much more I can lose but maybe I can just work really hard before November and maybe do extra alterations later?
  23. That is sooo freakin awesome! Keep us posted! I am sooooo jealous!
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