Kelly- I think you need to take a step back and breath. You have been though a lot this year! Especially with the house. I don't know the details but I think stress has nasty effects on relationships and when things aren't going well and are stressful for so long it takes a toll on the "us" stuff. M and I have kids from our previous marriages and combining our families is not a romantic picnic in paradise! There have been a few times that I have been like, "what am I doing? this would be so much easier on my own!" But then I have to stop and think about the "us" the him and me, not the stuff we deal with everyday or the crap that keeps building on top of everything, but the stuff that made me fall in love with him, the stuff I take for granted. When I do that I remember exactly why I'm with him and I plug though another day. Sometimes it is hard to remember all the good stuff. Some days I want to run screaming! lol. But take this time this weekend to think about everything.
Of course at the end of the day, its about you and your feelings and I don't know the details, but I imagine you will remember why you are with him and hopfully he will to and that is something to fight for.
Sorry I kind of rambled and might not have made much sense. Just know that we all go though this stuff and we all understand and we are all here for you! Big hugs!