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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. That's so awesome! By the way, miss you in the Royal thread, hope all your planning at the new location is going well!
  2. Aww I can't see the pictures! If you repost them I'll be back! How exciting! You are down to 27 days!
  3. You could try and borrow a live trap from your Vet or a local shelter, then place the food in the trap. Otherwise you might have to work at getting close to him and then if you can grab him before in the days before the appointment just keep him confined to a basement or bathroom away from your other cats. It is important to keep him away from your other cats until he sees the Vet (but I'm sure you know that) as he could carry Feline Leukemia or another transferable disease. If you have any other questions just PM me, I often take in strays as I can't stand to see them out in the cold either and have done this several times. You have a big heart, its great that you are looking out for the little guy!
  4. If you get in early enought on the 17th maybe we can stop for a drink in the lobby on the way out! Our flight leaves at 3pm on the 17th I think. Or I'll just leave you something at the front desk!
  5. Lisa- I totally missed this post somehow! I'm so thrilled for you! Congrats hun!
  6. I have a similar situation, one of my bridesmaids (who is my cousin) has invited some of her friends to go to Mexico too. I guess I am more laid back about it, I don't mind them coming if it makes my cousin happy and she can enjoy her trip more, although its slightly annoying. However, I do not think that they should be invited to the wedding or at the very least the reception where the cost starts adding up for me, if it costs me more money that is where I have a problem.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 I want to say thanks again to Steph & Kathy. I'm so happy that I got all this information from these 2 lovely ladies. THANK YOU GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! Aww, no problem! Although I am no longer following this diet like before, I am glad that it is working for so many other ladies! I am down about 25 lbs but I'm doing the portion control and exercise route, I just couldn't stand not having carbs. But what I am doing is working for now. Keep up the good work ladies!
  8. My 2 cents... My ceremony is in the gazebo. I wanted my reception on the beach in front of the gazebo but Zulma told me that if I do that the tables will already be set up on the beach and be visable in my Ceremony pictures instead of open beach and water. So I have the Central beach location booked for my reception, this makes me worry though. I don't mind that it isn't as "private" since well its a party and hopefully I take the "more the merrier" approach to onlookers. But I am more concerned about how "aesthetically pleasing" it is at that location. Is there going to be ugly trash cans, people's crap laying around, etc.? This worries me. Maybe I should just have the tables visable in my pictures?
  9. So I weighed myself this morning and I was the exact same weight as last week weigh in, so at least I didn't gain! lol. But I am holding out till later and will weigh myself again hoping that I magically lost weight throughout the day!
  10. That is so awesome! Way to go, you should be so proud of yourself!
  11. Wow, I wish I could give you a big hug! I would be so upset! Just try and get things worked out, I will send good thoughts your way! I hope everything works out and your dad can make it.
  12. So I just went to the gym in a feeble attempt to at least be the same weight as I was on inital weigh in! lol. But I got it out of the way, so I'm back on the horse... or wagon.. or whatever! lol.
  13. lisa- what fantastic news! I too have been acting as if I am not on a diet this week! Although I have no great excuse. So I have a feeling that at weigh in Iwill actually have gained weight! I need to get on it! Due tomorrow by 11:59 eastern right?
  14. This is a really hard one! So many great ladies! Good Luck to everyone!
  15. Good Luck Ladies! What a great group of girls! Thanks for the Nom!
  16. Jennie- Thanks for the review! I'm so jealous that you got a site visit, I don't think it will be in our budget. So it makes me feel better to hear such great reviews! I have one question, is the central beach location for a reception ok? I know it won't be very private but are there any other bad qualities about it?
  17. Kelly- I think you need to take a step back and breath. You have been though a lot this year! Especially with the house. I don't know the details but I think stress has nasty effects on relationships and when things aren't going well and are stressful for so long it takes a toll on the "us" stuff. M and I have kids from our previous marriages and combining our families is not a romantic picnic in paradise! There have been a few times that I have been like, "what am I doing? this would be so much easier on my own!" But then I have to stop and think about the "us" the him and me, not the stuff we deal with everyday or the crap that keeps building on top of everything, but the stuff that made me fall in love with him, the stuff I take for granted. When I do that I remember exactly why I'm with him and I plug though another day. Sometimes it is hard to remember all the good stuff. Some days I want to run screaming! lol. But take this time this weekend to think about everything. Of course at the end of the day, its about you and your feelings and I don't know the details, but I imagine you will remember why you are with him and hopfully he will to and that is something to fight for. Sorry I kind of rambled and might not have made much sense. Just know that we all go though this stuff and we all understand and we are all here for you! Big hugs!
  18. I'm so excited, we had our wedding date at The Royal reserved months ago but today we actually reserved and paid for the trip! It's getting more "real" everyday!
  19. Abbie- Its in the shoutbox, her dad found out he has a brain tumor. She has been dealing with a ton of stress this week. We all hope her dad gets through this ok and Lisa stays strong. She needs all our support right now. Lisa- I hope that was ok to share, Abbie is just worried about you.
  20. Aww, dang that sounds like a lot of stress! I would be freaking out! But on the bright side you might be in a nicer resort?! So close to the wedding though! I hope everything works out! Keep us posted!
  21. Well you can't go wrong with a Maggie! I adore dress #2 on you! But honestly you can go wrong with either!
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