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Everything posted by ~Stephanie~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Congrats Kelly! yahoo! I can't help but notice our little group is dwindling... HAHA! So its like the real biggest loser! And you will all be voted off! HAHA! (in my most sinnister evil person laugh) I will be the only one standing and although I haven't really lost any weight I will still be the winner!
  2. Congrats H-bomb! All the SB ladies wish we could be there!
  3. Umm bummer, my wedding is June 11! Wonder if FI would care if I went to Cabo and then just met him in Playa?! lol
  4. Lisa- I wish we lived closer. I would seriously be taking your out for drinks and give you a big hug! Hang in there.
  5. Erika- That is so awesome hun! Congrats! You are going to look so amazing for your wedding! You just look so gorgeous in the recent pics I've seen! I can't wait to see your wedding pics!
  6. SSNM- Welcome aboard! What do you do? Your post got me curious! lol
  7. I thought I was being accountable by emailing that I had to miss a week. If its a big issue then I can pull out too. I was under the impression that as long as we like let you know we would be missing a week for some reason that it was ok, it was the no notice missing that would be an issue?
  8. I can't speak for anyone else but I emailed you last night that I would be missing it, I couldn't find my SD card adaptor to download my picture. If I don't find it this weekend I will get another one before the next weigh in. Wednesday is fine, just had this issue this week, I don't care what day we do it. Although Fridays and Saturdays tend to be my "skinnier" days, lol.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
  10. Lisa- I know what you mean by not wanting to order online but seriously I would try that Hips and Curves website, they have such fabulous stuff! Do you have Lane Bryant up there? They have some stuff, not a lot. Sorry I can't be more help.
  11. I hope you get everything worked out, that seems strange that the resort would already be booked up that far out? Seems like a mistake, hopefully it is. Lots of us have procratinating bridal parties, for various reasons. Just breath and try and keep the mindset that only you and your FI matter. Whoever else comes is a bonus and if they procrastinate till the last minute there is nothing you can do about that. I'm a control freak so this is difficult for me! lol Good Luck!
  12. Thanks for the support ladies, I really appreciate it. I should also mention that my FI has a daughter and I would never feel comfortable with her calling me mom, I love her, but she has a mom. I did speak with my ex this morning about it. He seems to agree with me and said they started it after the wedding and only have done it a few times. I asked him if he would feel comfortable if they call my FI "dad" and that it would have to go both ways if he was going to continue to have them call her mom. I don't think he liked that. He says he is in agreement with me. I guess time will tell.
  13. So I know the majority of the brides on here are first time brides and/or don't have older children yet but I really need to vent about something. I know what I'm about to say could spark a wide spectrum of opinions but none the less, I am hurting. My ex-husband has just remarried a couple weeks ago. I have tried since the beginning to be nice to this woman and keep things friendly because my two children (ages six and eight) would only suffer otherwise. My ex and I had a very civil divorce, we agreed on everything and still tried to spend time together as a family for the kids' sake. But once this woman came into the picture that all changed. Everything is difficult now and now matter how hard I try she continues to be immature and nasty to me. She isn't much better to my children, I have heard from other people who have witnessed her with them when I am not around. Everything was bearable until last night, my children called her "mom" in front of me. I have never felt so heartbroken. It was like someone stabbed me with a knife. I come from a family of divorce and I never called my step-parents mom or dad. I know this is a debatable topic and I agree in some circumstances it is acceptable especially when there is an absent parent or something. And I'm not trying to say I'm right, I'm just need to get out how hurt I am. I cried forever last night. I would never expect them to call my FI "Dad" when we get married, I felt it would be disrespectful to their Dad, my ex, who is a wonderful father to them (just wasn't a very good husband). Those are my babies and I am the one that carried them for 9 months, I am the one who spend endless sleepless nights pacing the floor with them, I am the one that has sacrificed everything for the last 8 years for them, it is my badge of honor, the one thing that is mine, my gift after a long day of giving to them and never a thank you in return. I am mom. I am glad they have more people in their lives to care for them and love them but I just was never prepared to have to share my name. I just can't seem to pull myself together. I just wanted to get this off my chest, for someone to listen. It may seem silly or trivial compared to things that others are dealing with, and I know it is, but it still hurts. Thank you for reading. Sorry it was so long.
  14. Yeah but Stacey, you can't keep anything down or eat, you'll probably lose a million lbs! I love that line in the movie Devil wears Prada when she says she is one stomach flu away from her goal weight, lol.
  15. So I didn't do the squats, but I'm still trying to drink all the water I can! I did really well at the gym last night. I am down 1.5 from last week weigh in this morning, so hopefully that stays off until weigh in tomorrow!
  16. Wow! That dress is perfect for you! I am totally in love with it!
  17. OMG Rachel I love yours! lol I haven't dressed up in a few years but here is one of my boys!
  18. Yael- I'm so proud of you! You finally did your planning thread and its fabulous! Of Course having NT's pictures thoughout makes it oh so much better! I love everything and I'm so happy that your wedding still turned out perfect! By the way, I didn't realize that we had the same STD cards! Only mine were pink, brown and tiffany blue! You have excellent taste!
  19. Holy Cow! I don't know what I would do if I were you! Freaking out for one! I just hope everything works out for you! Big Hugs!
  20. Just use your best judgment, we have taken in strays that have become wonderful members of our family. But if they are too wild or your other cats are too territorial it could be a problem. The cat pictured below in my siggy was hanging around our house, one day we noticed that he was hurt and quickly took him to the vet. FI couldn't bare to see him put down and we spent the money to save his life and have surgery performed, someone had shot him. He was a skinny little stray then and now he is a fat happy lazy housecat. Our other cats get along with him aside from the occational spat over controling the food dish and he has more personality than we know what to do with. We are so glad we saved him and made him a part of our family. Good Luck, let us know what happens.
  21. Oh I love your dress! I love the bottom its so pretty! Congrats! Can't wait to see pictures of you in it!
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