So I know the majority of the brides on here are first time brides and/or don't have older children yet but I really need to vent about something. I know what I'm about to say could spark a wide spectrum of opinions but none the less, I am hurting.
My ex-husband has just remarried a couple weeks ago. I have tried since the beginning to be nice to this woman and keep things friendly because my two children (ages six and eight) would only suffer otherwise. My ex and I had a very civil divorce, we agreed on everything and still tried to spend time together as a family for the kids' sake. But once this woman came into the picture that all changed. Everything is difficult now and now matter how hard I try she continues to be immature and nasty to me. She isn't much better to my children, I have heard from other people who have witnessed her with them when I am not around.
Everything was bearable until last night, my children called her "mom" in front of me. I have never felt so heartbroken. It was like someone stabbed me with a knife.
I come from a family of divorce and I never called my step-parents mom or dad. I know this is a debatable topic and I agree in some circumstances it is acceptable especially when there is an absent parent or something. And I'm not trying to say I'm right, I'm just need to get out how hurt I am. I cried forever last night.
I would never expect them to call my FI "Dad" when we get married, I felt it would be disrespectful to their Dad, my ex, who is a wonderful father to them (just wasn't a very good husband).
Those are my babies and I am the one that carried them for 9 months, I am the one who spend endless sleepless nights pacing the floor with them, I am the one that has sacrificed everything for the last 8 years for them, it is my badge of honor, the one thing that is mine, my gift after a long day of giving to them and never a thank you in return. I am mom.
I am glad they have more people in their lives to care for them and love them but I just was never prepared to have to share my name.
I just can't seem to pull myself together. I just wanted to get this off my chest, for someone to listen. It may seem silly or trivial compared to things that others are dealing with, and I know it is, but it still hurts.
Thank you for reading. Sorry it was so long.