Quote: Originally Posted by binzer This is going to sound really terrible, but to me, a sand ceremony is nothing more than pouring sand. I like the idea, but for some reason it just doesn't touch me in any sort of emotional way. I wish that it evoked some sort of emotional response in me because I think it's it's a fantastic concept and makes for a nice keepsake, but it doesn't do anything for me, so I'm skipping it!
When it comes to my wedding, I try to make a lot of my decisions based on what I feel emotionally (such as wedding songs). If the thought of a sand ceremony makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, I say go for it, but if you could care less it's probably not worth the expense. I'm with you on this. It's nice and pretty, but i just don't think it's necessary. and then it's one more thing for me to find a place for it at home (i hate clutter!)