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Everything posted by Zinski

  1. I found these holders at Staples too: Staples Luggage Tag Laminating Pouches, 25/Pack | Staples® You can use a regular iron for the heat source. No steam. Use the included protective shield when pressing. I also ordered the cards from Vistaprint to use as luggage tags but I am also going to use them as tags for my welcome bags and favors by gluing two together back to back so that each side just says "Jamaica" and you don't see the "This bag belongs to.." side. I want to use as many of the 250 cards as I can haha! I would like to include the images of my cards on this post to show you guys but I'm not sure how to do that but here is my try at it..not sure if it will work...
  2. Are you putting them in a plastic cover or some kind of protective cover? If so, where are you getting those? I would like to do luggage tags as well...
  3. Hi ladies...so I did a search for the Riu Renova spa services that are offered and I did find a thread that gave me this link: Spa packages - Renovaspa or its www.renova spa.com BUT their prices are not listed there...I want to look into getting massages for 2 of our friends as a thank you (one is doing all of our hair for free and one is doing our photography for a steal), preferably a 50 min Swedish massage. Does anyone have the prices for these services
  4. ...beer mugs or pilsner glasses that you can not only get personalized but that also have an etching of a palm tree on it...I couldn't believe it but I can not find one online anywhere! Have any of you come across this or something similar for groomsmen gifts Please help!
  5. we are there from the 27th - may 3rd, then we are switching over to couples negril for the honeymoon for 6 more nights! sherika's address: [email protected] (put both your names and wedding date in the subject line.)
  6. I took angie's advice on asking Sherika questions in bullet or number format and that seems to be helping. Her answer are more clear that way. She basically said the same thing angie said in her post...that really you wait til you get down there to book everything. You can definitely have your dinner at the restaurant..that is included and does need to be book/confirmed. As for the upgrade in rooms, if you are already paid for it I would imagine it is all set. I would bet Sherika wouldn't even have that information anyways. Bottom line is, from what I have read on this site from other brides it seems like you really plan most of your things once you are there and that you almost always get accommodated on what you want. I'm starting to learn and accept that now 'It's Jamaica mon No problem mon' !! Anyways, I am sure everything will be wonderful...and you're wedding is just a few days before mine!! When are you staying there until??
  7. This is the website of the guy who's link I posted from youtube.com at the start of this thread: Steel Drum Music :: Weddings It says he charges $350 an hour and then $1 per mile for traveling fees. This is the only person I have come across (but I also wasn't really looking) but I'm sure you could do a google search.
  8. Thanks you guys! That is such a relief I was really dreading blood work!
  9. Wow that's perfect thank you so much!! About the "name change" doc...does that mean the doc to change my last name to his or just if like I have changed my name in the past for some reason (which I haven't)? Because you don't change your name until after the wedding right? From that list it looks like all we need is the passport and birth certificate copies. That seems almost too easy!? I am SOOOO glad to hear that a blood test is not required! You are positive about this?!
  10. Fellow Riu Brides: What are the necessary documents needed for the wedding? When should I start collecting these things? When do they need to be in by? Do I talk to the coordinator about any of this? Also, did you have to get blood tests IN Jamaica before the wedding? I'v been told the results from a blood test at home do not count. If this is so, how did your blood drawings go? I don't do well with blood giving so I am VERY nervous about doing this not at home!
  11. Oh that's perfect! Did you request it that way or is that just what they gave you? Did you get to request or pick from a list of songs for them to play?
  12. Thanks for the tip! By waiting until you get down there to book things would you run into problems of people booking the spots before you?
  13. Oh I am so glad I have inspired some of you brides haha! I'm getting married at the Riu Montego Bay and they have an on-site steel drum band there that you can book but from other bride's pics I have gathered that it's a five-ish piece band with other instruments than just the steel drum and I really just want one or 2 drums. Are there any Riu brides out there that know if that's possible to have with the "band" that they offer there?
  14. Does anyone if you can have just one or two guys playing just the steel drums and no other instruments? I found this link on youtube and I like the simplicity of just the one guy with one drum: YouTube - Pachelbel's Canon in D
  15. We are booked for April 30th at 4pm! I keep hearing that you don't start talking to the coordinator until like a month before your wedding but what about booking things? Should this be done before that? We want to have drinks/dancing on the beach after dinner and we want the steel drum band for the ceremony. I am just worried about waiting until the last minute to book these things?
  16. I saw Geralyn's and some other threads about having your entire reception on the beach but what about having your included dinner at the restaurant and then doing a private drinks/dancing party after? Either on the beach or poolside? Did anyone do this or is doing this? Do you have options/details/pricing for this? From what I am gathering on the threads, I think it is $10 per person for just the bar? We can't really afford the $55 per person for the entire dinner reception on the beach. Also on those same threads I saw, they mentioned you got shut down at 9pm because of the show starting. So I am wondering...my wedding is at 4pm so I am thinking dinner at the restaurant will not be until around 6pm so by the time we are done there do we even have enough time for a drinks/dancing thing on the beach if we have to be done by 9pm?? Also, when do you book something like this? Can you reserve the spot anytime in the months before your wedding or do you have to wait until you get down there? How can you be sure no one else takes the location first? I have been trying to email Sherika with these questions, but even though she gets back to me promptly she does not answer the questions very clearly. So any information on this would be helpful. THANKS!!!
  17. I want to do a drinks/dancing reception after the included dinner (probably with just our own ipod, do they have the speakers hook-up or do we bring them?)...can you ladies tell me the available locations and prices and overall options for an after-dinner reception for about 50 ppl at Riu MOBAY?? I've read a million posts about ROR on this but wanted to get some specific details on RMB, like the names of the locations and maybe some pics if anyone has them? Thanks a ton!
  18. I don't care about the cake. But what about the dinner? Will we have to pay extra for more than 10 guests?
  19. It says the RMB "free wedding package" only includes up to 10 guests...does that mean that we have to a per person fee for every guest over the 10 people for dinner or anything else? I didn't see this until just now and I am freaking out that it's going to cost us all this extra money now!
  20. So I was thinking of including a personal note in the the invitations...a Dear Friends and Family type of thing saying something along the lines of 'we would love for all of you to be there but understand if you can not make the trip' (but obviously better worded and more detailed) since the economy is so bad and everyone is broke. I don't want people to think we are totally heartless for having our wedding in Jamaica during a recession! But the truth is is was cheaper for us to do this than stay home and have a wedding and we have to do what WE want, right? haha anyways, so what are your thoughts on including a little note in the invitations?
  21. Hi ladies...was wondering if there is an included cocktail hour with the free wedding package, after the ceremony. Our wedding is at 4:00 and from what I hear dinner doesn't start until 6:30? Does anyone know the cocktail hour options for Riu Montego Bay? Thanks!
  22. I just bought the best flip flops for my Jamaica wedding! They are so bridal and sparkly and fun! Here is the link to check them out (hope it works): GUESS 'Gratefully' Sandal - Women's Shoes - Nordstrom They are all over the internet for different prices but I got them at DSW for a much lower price of $40! I love them! Enjoy!
  23. I did PM Marshall1980 and she gave some good info. Thanks! She told me that you CAN bring in an outside vendor. So that's good! And no, I haven't talk to the WC about anything yet because my wedding date is only on hold, I have yet to confirm it. It's still a year away!
  24. Great thanks for the info. Also, was the cocktail hour included with your package (we just want to do the Free Package) or did you have to pay extra for that?? Thanks again!
  25. I would love to have them for those same two hours as well! Do you mind me asking how much that was for you? I would love to walk down the aisle to canon in d on the steel drums and the wedding march as the ceremony ends! other than that, I don't really care what they play either! Was the cocktail hour right there on the beach by the way?
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