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Everything posted by chloe55

  1. Betty, you're the best! Thank you so much, it's so nice to have real pictures without other people's wedding decorations. I never knew Chili's was all blue and yellow. So, its a good thing I saw some picks before I brought all this green stuff. You and your FI make a cute couple BTW!
  2. Oh Josie, I love that one! They must have all changed their mind about the color. I love the detail under the bust, it will look exceptionally pretty in the sun! My drama has been settled as well! I just decided that I'm going to buy these girls their dresses and they can shut their mouths about whether they like it or not. I turns out that when we got them, they all liked them anyway, the just didn't love the picture online. It's much prettier in person. This is what we went with... Dave has to give up the tie he loves, but he said my sanity was more important. Desiree, I think people are starting to realize that the swine flu thing was pretty sensationalized. I'm happy to hear that nobody actually cancelled their trip!
  3. That's a super cute belt! I would also like to know if anybody knows where to find something like that. I've been searching online and have not had a lot of luck. I found this... Bridal Belt Style 48246 :: Forever Yours :: Wedding Dresses :: House of Brides . It's not exactly right, but its all I can find.
  4. My BMs dresses have actually been the only thing that has really stressed me out so far. I wanted them to pick their own dresses so that they would be comfortable and would want to wear the dress again. I guess they weren't comfortable with the lack of direction, so I then told them to pick out whatever dress they liked in a specific color from a certain store. My MOH then told me that she has always thought that it looked kind of silly when BMs all wear a different dress in the same color. I totally dissagreed with her because I thought it was nice to see each individuals sense of style, but whatever, I just wanted them to be happy.. So, after a lot of debate, I just decided I was going to pick their dress and buy it for them. That way, if they didn't like it, at least they didn't have to pay anything for it. This is what we ended up with... Good luck girl!
  5. We decided to make our own invites. We plan on using Cards & Pockets to get all the supplies we need. Then maybe add a few embellishments with some stuff from Micheals, like tying raffia with a few beads on it around the outside to close them and using a palm tree hole punch on the inserts. We're going this route because what we plan is pretty intricate. There will be RSVPs and explainations of all the group activities we're planning. I also really wanted a project. I like to get crafty. Josie - That invite is very cute, but it confuses me. I can't fiqure out where the M & K comes from since its not their initials. But, I think its really sweet and cute. I also don't think J & J would look weird. Katie and Desiree - I really like both of yours! Lisa - I think that's a really cute idea!
  6. Lovely pictures Katie! You're making me want to get some done too.
  7. I never get a chance to be on here too much during the weekends, and I always feel like I miss so much! I love the first one Josie! It's very pretty and looks like the kind of dress everyone will look good in and like. The last one is cute too, but it could be a situation where the hem is kind of trendy and you might not like it in a few years. And it will be in all your pictures! I wouldn't worry about the flowers, your girls could all carry solid bouquets. Like one girl could have all purple and another could have all of another color in the dress, or the could just all have white flowers and our have a bouquet of all the colors in the dress. I did something that kind of turned around all the whining about the color with my BMs this weekend. I found a picture of someone elses wedding party where they had our colors we want on and told them that was what I was going for. They all thought the pic was cute, and now they understand. Maybe try that with the orange. Thanks for all the BD advice girls. It's pretty foreign territory for me, so everyones opinions help!
  8. Aww, I'm so sorry people are dropping out of going to your wedding Desiree. When it all blows over can they re-book their rooms and flights? I have a feeling they might feel pretty silly when your wedding comes around and there's no more swine flu and they aren't there because of it. I love everyones BM dresses! I usually don't like any of them which is why I wanted to go with something different, but the ones you girls have look great. I'm back to the drawing board with mine for what feels like the millionth time. I just realized that the whole vision of what we wanted for our wedding was getting screwed up because of these fashionista bridesmaids I have. The only thing Dave cares about that he will be wearing is this tie ... and theres no way that would have worked with any of those dresses. So, I found this one online, but I can't really find it for sale in the girls sizes anywhere theres also this one, but it seems pretty fancy Ugh, these girls are the only thing thats stressing me out right now. Welcome Wake Me! Are you getting married at the RPRM? I think there have been a lot of people that have gotten married that time of year. Not sure about the wind situation, but you could always ask one of the vendors that are local what they know about the weather conditions that time of year.
  9. Oh, and as far a being too busy with the flowers, I thought that they could just all carry white flowers and I could have blue and green. If they can do that. Do they have blue and green flowers?
  10. Thanks for all the compliments girls! I'm going to wait to order to make sure, I'm having some doubts since I still like the second one a lot. The plan for my BMs dresses has changed like 5 times because nobody seems to be able to agree. I originally just said pick out a jcrew dress in a certain color, but then they all said they really wanted to wear BCBG because they would wear it again. That's totally fine with me, so I picked out 7 coordinating dresses from them and asked them just to pick all different ones. Here are their choices ...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Congratulations Kelly!!! That's such an amazing deal!!! and I didn't know you were right up the street from me! I live about 20 miles north of Milwaukee! How fun! We should get together some time! Whoop whoop, Milwaukee! Recently voted the sexiest city in America by Marie Claire magazine! Let me know if you're ever planning on being downtown.
  12. So, after I posted the thing about my lucky day, I read the post from the girl who is in Mexico and 90% of her guests cancelled. I just feel horrible for her. I feel kinda bad that I was so excited and she's going through this. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I'm praying for her and all the girls that are getting married soon. You'll be fine tylersgirl, they won't let this carry on for much longer, but those poor girls who are getting married in May Woohoo Josie! New house! So exciting! Well, without further adieu, here it is ... I wasn't too sure about it, but all the girls I was with said it looked really good on me. Then I went back alone yesterday to see what I thought when I didn't have 5 people giving me their opinion, and I still liked it best, so that settled it. This is the other one I liked that I actually ordered in, and it's the one that you girls liked best too. I still love it, but it was kind of heavy and uncomfortable. As far as the luck thing goes, I was leaving work on thursday, and waiting for my car from valet and I got pooped on by a bird. It sucked, but maybe it was worth it if it brought me all this luck!
  13. YIPEE!!!! I'm so excited! This is so awesome, thanks guys! I can't wait!
  14. Hmm, it seems like I may be going against the grain here, but we're only sending formal invitations to our wedding to people we know are coming. Our invites will be pretty intricate and will have RSVPs to four of the events we've organized during the week of our wedding. I just feel like there isn't a need to send those kinds of things to the 100+ people we sent STDs to. Everyone will get an invite to our AHR though. Oh, and we're sending our invites out 6 weeks before the wedding, so I don't think we'll have to worry about people who change their mind not getting one. I would hope everyone who's coming would be booked by then!
  15. Aww, I'm so sorry tylersgirl, I'm thinking it's probably going to be one of those things that's a concern for a month and then goes away. I'm not hearing anything about drug cartels in Mexico anymore, are you guys? I would still keep everything moving as planned if I were in your shoes too. How long did it take them to get a lid on the avian flu a couple years ago? Maybe you could bring up some stats about that when talking to your guests. Good luck!!
  16. I know what you mean about dragging it out, but if it's what you want then I would just explain to people that you want to do something outside when its warm, so you'll have to wait till summer. I would think most people would understand and not get snarky about you trying to drag it out. I have a friend who had a DW and got pregnant right away when they got back, or maybe even while they were in Mexico. She cancelled her AHR and had it a year later. Nobody cared or said anything. We were actually worried about having ours so soon after our wedding because my matron and maid of honor both live in Texas and FI's mom lives in Florida. We didn't think it was fair to ask them to travel so soon after getting back from the DW, but nobody really cared about that. About the streaming live on the internet thing, I remember seeing something about that when I was looking for locations a long time ago. I just looked it up, and it's an add on to packages at the Azul Sensatori. I haven't heard about the RPRM offering it, but I did take a peak at the website Katie's mom found and that looks really cool! We have a digital camcorder and could bring a laptop, but is there wireless internet at the RPRM? If there was, it would be pretty easy to just have a friend point the camera at you during the ceremony. We would prob do that anyway. We're going to the courthouse before Mexico for the same reasons as everyone else. We want to be totally married after the ceremony, and not still have one more thing to do to make it official. On a more practical note, I'm going to be on FI's insurance and we wanted to get the paperwork on that and the name change stuff started before we leave. For all you trip advisor pros, do you look at all the reviews for the area? We decided that we're going to go to another resort in the area after everyone leaves for a little mini-honeymoon. We're thinking the Iberostar Grand or the Secrets Marmoa. Have you come across anything that made you go 'ooh, I want to go there'?
  17. Our TA quoted us a ridculous price for 1 week in PDC. She assured us that the price will come down a lot by the time we book though. I looked up the price for this year at the same time as our wedding and also the prices that are already out for december, just to give us an idea, and it's over $1000 pp cheaper than what she quoted us. Don't worry, I'm sure it will come down. We just tell people what the price was this year and tell them to plan around that. Good luck!
  18. Or, you could just wait till summer to have the AHRs. There's no rule that says it has to be right away when you get back.
  19. OMG! I love the 'Groom - under new management' one. What would be a good font/graphic/layout for that one? That is for sure going to be FI's wedding morning or plane trip down or something attire.
  20. There are a lot of ways to have a really fun party without breaking the bank. We're having a pretty expensive wedding reception-ish AHR because a lot of our family members will not be able to make it. Most of the people, besides our parents and Dave's son and a few others, will be our friends. So, we really wanted it to have a wedding feel for all those people that won't be able to come. Especially our grandmothers who were really looking forward to a 'wedding'. It seems like there are a ton of couples who do a super casual backyard bbq or picnic in a park. More like just a celebration, or a get together to welcome the newlyweds home. You could have 2 parties in 2 different cities that way and still keep the budget in check. Those sound like super fun ways to have a AHR! What could be more fun than having 3 wedding receptions?
  21. We sent our STD's as soon as we decided on the RPRM just to give everyone as much time possible to plan and save if they wanted to come. I'd say you could send them now if you wanted. I don't think people would start booking as soon as they got them anyway. Most of the people coming with us will prob wait till 6 months before the wedding to book.
  22. Very helpful, thanks shelk. I was thinking about msbettyb too. I hope everything went well on her trip! I'm in the same situation as you are Katie. We've had a reservation for over a month now ( mainly just to secure our wedding date and time ) and we have no idea how much it will cost. Our TA told me last week that the rates will be out in 2 weeks, so I guess I only have 1 week left to wait. My main concern is what to tell our guests. Everyone keeps asking my how much its going to be and it kind of sucks to tell them I don't know. I do keep looking at rates for december, just to give me some idea, and they seem pretty reasonable. Let's hope they stay that way!
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