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Everything posted by adelaide

  1. It looks like the website is a bit out of date now - I was told that we would need a min of either 20 rooms (of any kind) or 12 Royal Club rooms to receive the free wedding.
  2. Hey Angela - I got my nose pierced when I was 16 and I'm now 29. It's never really been a problem. As it was so long ago (holy crap!) I don't really remember if it hurt or not, I seem to remember my eyes watering a lot when they did it but that is all. I say GO FOR IT!!
  3. I like the avatar one the best as well - it is lovely. Did you design them yourself?
  4. Congratulations and welcome to BDW! Aruba looks so beautiful - good choice!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by edenl what do you ladies think of janessa? I still haven't decided what dress I'm going to get, but it's going to be a maggie! Janessa - by Maggie Sottero oooh pretty!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sarah310 Thanks for uploading this! and yay! glad you decided on OGX What do you have to do to be part of the Royal Club? We were offered the option of upgrading to the Royal Club when booking our packages. I think you just have to ask - and pay a little extra
  7. 2010 Wedding Packages THE PERFECT PERSON, THE PERFECT PLACE... I'LL STAND BY YOU BASIC WEDDING PACKAGE & FREE GRAND WEDDINGS (Service for up to 20 guests) From this moment on at The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor & crisp, classic table setting Fresh, elegant floral arrangements or displays Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Judge & documentation services Save the best for last at The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Newlywed's In-room Services: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $2115 or FREE with 12 Royal Club Jr. Suites for 4 nights ---------------------------------------- JUST YOU AND I PREMIUM WEDDING PACKAGE (Service for up to 20 guests) From this moment on at The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor & crisp, classic table setting Fresh, elegant floral arrangements or displays Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Judge & documentation services Save the best for last The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Semi-private reception * Select Wedding Amenities: Matching Occidental Grand shirts Dinner for just the two of you! Nightly turn-down service His & hers manicure & pedicure His & hers massage therapy Surprise wedding gift Newlywed's In-room Services: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay Arrangement of fresh, local flowers Celebratory welcome fruit basket WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $3245 * At one of our a la carte restaurants ---------------------------------------- LET'S STAY TOGETHER VOW RENEWAL PACKAGE (Service for up to 10 guests) From this moment on The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor Fresh, elegant floral arrangements Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Minister Save the best for last The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Lifetime Lovers' Special moments alone: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay Dinner for just the two of you! WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $1810 -------------------------------------------------------------- All prices are in U.S. Dollars and include taxes and services charges where applicable. Prices are subject to change without notice. Wedding packages can not be modified from its original inclusions. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WEDDINGS IN XCARET • Valid Passports are required for US Citizens to wed in Mexico. • Tourist cards are required from all foreigners & obtained upon arrival at airport. • Final records of divorce or death certificate if widowed. (Records must be translated into Spanish and attached with an Apostille. An Apostille is obtained by the Secretary of State of your Country and required by Mexican authorities.) • Blood Test to determine Blood type, HIV, RH Factor and Venereal decease must be done at the Hotel, at a cost $160.00 USD per couple (paid cash directly to the Doctor) • Four witnesses (Passports, or IDs and tourist cards required) Grand Xcaret Staff can serve as witnesses for an additional fee. Important Information. All necessary paperwork is handled directly by your Wedding Coordinator. We require a minimum of 3-business days notice to complete all formalities. Bride, Groom and Witnesses are required to arrive to the Occidental Grand Xcaret 3 business days prior to the ceremony. The Wedding will not be performed unless all documents are in order, no exceptions. All documents become property of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Laws and requirements are subject to change in accordance to the laws of Mexico without notice. For more information please contact our Wedding Planner: Marialma Ortiz Phone: 011 52 984 871 5409 Fax: 011 52 984 871 5406 [email protected]
  8. 2010 Wedding Packages THE PERFECT PERSON, THE PERFECT PLACE... I'LL STAND BY YOU BASIC WEDDING PACKAGE & FREE GRAND WEDDINGS (Service for up to 20 guests) From this moment on at The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor & crisp, classic table setting Fresh, elegant floral arrangements or displays Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Judge & documentation services Save the best for last at The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Newlywed's In-room Services: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $2115 or FREE with 12 Royal Club Jr. Suites for 4 nights ---------------------------------------- JUST YOU AND I PREMIUM WEDDING PACKAGE (Service for up to 20 guests) From this moment on at The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor & crisp, classic table setting Fresh, elegant floral arrangements or displays Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Judge & documentation services Save the best for last The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Semi-private reception * Select Wedding Amenities: Matching Occidental Grand shirts Dinner for just the two of you! Nightly turn-down service His & hers manicure & pedicure His & hers massage therapy Surprise wedding gift Newlywed's In-room Services: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay Arrangement of fresh, local flowers Celebratory welcome fruit basket WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $3245 * At one of our a la carte restaurants ---------------------------------------- LET'S STAY TOGETHER VOW RENEWAL PACKAGE (Service for up to 10 guests) From this moment on The Ceremony: On-site wedding consultant Grand ceremony décor Fresh, elegant floral arrangements Bride & Groom's bouquet & boutonniere CD Music system Minister Save the best for last The Reception: Delicate wedding cake Celebratory champagne toast Lifetime Lovers' Special moments alone: Continental breakfast in bed, once per stay Dinner for just the two of you! WEDDING PACKAGE COST: $1810 -------------------------------------------------------------- All prices are in U.S. Dollars and include taxes and services charges where applicable. Prices are subject to change without notice. Wedding packages can not be modified from its original inclusions. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WEDDINGS IN XCARET • Valid Passports are required for US Citizens to wed in Mexico. • Tourist cards are required from all foreigners & obtained upon arrival at airport. • Final records of divorce or death certificate if widowed. (Records must be translated into Spanish and attached with an Apostille. An Apostille is obtained by the Secretary of State of your Country and required by Mexican authorities.) • Blood Test to determine Blood type, HIV, RH Factor and Venereal decease must be done at the Hotel, at a cost $160.00 USD per couple (paid cash directly to the Doctor) • Four witnesses (Passports, or IDs and tourist cards required) Grand Xcaret Staff can serve as witnesses for an additional fee. Important Information. All necessary paperwork is handled directly by your Wedding Coordinator. We require a minimum of 3-business days notice to complete all formalities. Bride, Groom and Witnesses are required to arrive to the Occidental Grand Xcaret 3 business days prior to the ceremony. The Wedding will not be performed unless all documents are in order, no exceptions. All documents become property of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Laws and requirements are subject to change in accordance to the laws of Mexico without notice. For more information please contact our Wedding Planner: Marialma Ortiz Phone: 011 52 984 871 5409 Fax: 011 52 984 871 5406 [email protected]
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by adelaide Hello Ladies! We have officially booked our wedding at the OGX for April 1 2010! I am so excited! FI and I have upgraded to the Royal Club. I think there will be a few of our friends that upgrade as well - question for those of you that have stayed there before - is the Royal Club block of rooms very far from the rest of the resort? I don't want to be too seperated from our guests! I will try to attach the prices that I was sent to this forum.. Here they are..I think... I don't know why the 2010 prices won't upload...I will try to copy and paste them into the message.. Wedding_estimator_2010(1).xls
  10. Hello Ladies! We have officially booked our wedding at the OGX for April 1 2010! I am so excited! FI and I have upgraded to the Royal Club. I think there will be a few of our friends that upgrade as well - question for those of you that have stayed there before - is the Royal Club block of rooms very far from the rest of the resort? I don't want to be too seperated from our guests! I will try to attach the prices that I was sent to this forum..
  11. I bought my dress without trying it on. I saw it online and just knew that I had to have it. I did try on a whole bunch of dresses first though and knew the style that I wanted before I placed the order. My dress isn't in yet, so I can't tell you how it turned out! I'll let you know if I still love it when it gets here. The store that I bought it from gave me a great deal though - They said that if I order it and I hate it when it comes in they will let me purchase another dress from the store. I know this isn't a very common policy but you could call around and see if anyone is willing to do this for you. Good luck! I say go for it!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by sarah310 adelaide -- where are you thinking about getting married? picking a country was the hardest part for me! Erin - thanks for the floats tip! Hi Sarah - we really want to stay in the Riviera Maya and I think we have it down to two: The Blue Bay Grand Esmeralda and the Occidental Grand Xcaret. Price was a big factor for us - we are very worried about asking our guests to pay more than $1500 (cdn) incl tax. Any feedback on either of these resorts would be fab. Thanks! A
  13. OMG! Such a beautiful wedding! Fabulous dress!
  14. Thank so much for the review Amanda! The BBE is in my top two resorts so it's great to get some more feedback to help us make the decision. Do you have any pics from the wedding to share?!! Congrats on being a MRS!!
  15. My ticker totally says "8 months" now - eek!! No resort yet...
  16. Shan13 - LOVE IT! Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jules Ya!! I have a date twin!! We are also getting married on April 1st! I would have thought everyone would avoid that date, but good to know we are not the only ones. We didn't really care what date we got married on, it just worked out that way due to when we arrived at the resort and legally could get married, (4 days later). Welcome Adelaide, happy planning!!! Julie Woo hoo! I really thought that everyone would avoid April first as well (but maybe that will work out in our favor anyway?! It would be kind of cool to be the only one getting married at the resort that day ) A
  18. Hi Ladies! I am an April 2010 bride as well!! We are getting Married April 1 (yes, I know, April fools day ) in RM Mexico. We don't have a resort booked yet, but have a TA working on that now. I have sent out most of my STD's - I think a total of about a hundred people (although a lot of those are people that we know won't be able to attend, but that we still wanted to feel included). I have 4 bm's and we are "close" to picking out the dress - I think it will be this one: I have ordered my dress (in diamond white): Rasharna - by Maggie Sottero I don't have shoes - but I am on a mission for them as well Anyone know where I can get a pair of green satin peep toe stilletos? Maybe like these: When are you guys planning on sending out your invites? YAY!!
  19. Yay! I love this thread Here are my beasties: My pony Bully: My puppy Rupert (8 weeks): Rupert now:
  20. After discovering Priscilla of Boston on this forum I hunted down the only retailer in Ontario and my best friend (MOH) went for a bit of a road trip yesterday (it's only about an hour away). We found a BEAUTIFUL dress...actually we found a few. The last time we went dress shopping was a bit of a disaster, nothing fit very well, almost everything was cut poorly or the material was crap so we were very excited. We figured out why... Here the part where I almost died...the prices were outrageous! $495 for the one we both liked the best...eek. I have 4 bm's so it might be a bit of a stretch for me to pay for all of them and I won't ask everyone to spend that kind of money as well as pay for their own trips. So, I'm hoping you girls can help me track down 4 of these: Here's the link to the website: Style PB313 | Priscilla of Boston I am near enough to the Buffalo, NY boarder to make an easy day trip if necessary..even Detroit, MI isn't too far. Is there an outlet or something? Somewhere to buy them online? Alternatively - does anyone know of a good "knock off"? Thanks so much!! A
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by chocolatedrop04 Hey Adelaide, Just wondering if you had any success with the rasharna? I'm crossiing my fingers that you did! I did! I bought it!!! So, I am now a Maggie bride too. I will post pics when it comes in - I can hardly wait. Here it is: Rasharna - by Maggie Sottero
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