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Everything posted by jmb0902

  1. Shannon - Everything is amazing, this is like the 5th time I've looked at your pics! I can't believe you're in Raleigh - my bro is at State, I went to ECU One question: How much did DT charge you for each of those patterend vases with flowers? My wedding is in November and it's decision time! Thanks in advance!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM I've been searching for months & have already bought a couple different pairs, but after seeing these a while back somewhere on the forum I couldn't get them outta my mind! I love them! Just ordered them today so I'm hoping they'll feel ok on. Where did you find these? They're great!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by carmen2009 I'm confused about a couple of things too. They sent me an email responding that i could only use the $20 menu if I had the reception at one of the resturants. From the email, it sounded like that wasnt an option if you wanted to have a reception at the pool. I dont know.....JoAnn have you decided on a reception location yet? I'm not going to really "decide" on a location b/c there are 3 of us that day *ugh*. I'm just going to do decorations and everything that could work at any of them I guess... I don't want to be disappointed!
  4. Okay this might be a very silly question - but on your tags and program, how did you get the white writing? Did you print on white cardstock and then just print the blue and green background on them? I hope that question makes sense!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lolosmama I emailed this exact question to Anabel yesterday, so hopefully I'll hear back by tomorrow, lol. I am trying to fill out the Wedding Planning Form, and it is so unclear when you are using the free package and adding on. Are you using the Wedding in Paradise package also? How many guests do you have, and where are you planning on having your reception? Well, I was trying to do the Wedding in Paradise package - but not if you have to pay $750 to have your reception at the pools or on the beach! UGH! Someone let me know if they have clarified that that is what they mean please....
  6. YAY! I'm so happy to hear about Cuji!! Erika- I am totally feeling your pain, I want to get this stuff done! (like table assignments, etc.) but ppl are I kid you not -- still booking! I got an RSVP today (they were due Sept. 1) from a couple I had no idea were considering coming! Ah!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sfrench0621 Just ordered 100! Can't wait to see them! Ohhh exciting! Make sure you post a pic... I love seeing what other people come up with : )
  8. Quick question-- Does anyone know what this $20 pp menu for the receptions is like? Like what your choices are? I can't find it in the guide or anywhere... thanks!
  9. Quick few questions: Did anyone do a cocktail hour with appetizers or anything to eat? We just want to meet up at a bar but we were wondering about snacks. Any one know what something like this would cost and who we'd arrange it through?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by sandshara Hey all you November brides!!! This is my first post, sorry for taking so long to get on here My wedding is planned for 11/11/09 at Dreams Tulum. My ceremony time is 2pm... I'm a little worried the sun will be too blinding at this time of day. Is anyone else having this issue?!? p.s. Is anyone just now starting to freak out about this whole "when you get there everything will fall into place" thing!!! I want it to fall into place now!!! Welcome girl!! I am a DT bride too... a little later on in the month than you. My ceremony time is unfortunately 12:00... so so I feel you on that! I hate that we can't really plan reception location and all that until a month out! That's when I will start going crazy I think...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MAK Super cute! How are you guys getting them to your destination wedding? I REALLY wanted to buy some for our cigar bar, but I didn't know if you could bring matched into another country? Thanks! Mona Mona-- I'm not sure how we will get them down there, I am hoping just to pack them in a suitcase?! I know you can't in a carry-on, we're just going to chance it I guess? Does anyone else have experience with this?
  12. Here is the template Kerry emailed me.... so all of you who are requesting it can have it too = ) FirstAidKit.doc
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2010 I got my first aid kits at the Dollarama. There are two kinds that they sell--one with the raised writing, and one that has absolutely nothing on it. This was the one I got, but I'm still short 10 more. I have been running around so many different Dollaramas to find them. I'm lucky there's so many around me! Wish me luck! Darn I dont think I have any Dolleramas!Any girls find others without raised writing
  14. Did anyone have issues with the raised writing "Johnson & Johnson" and putting the stickers over it? Did it look funny? If yours didnt' have it, where did you find them? I got mine from Target...
  15. Oh Ashley I'm so sorry! How stressful! You are in all of our thoughts and prayers!
  16. Sorry it's not the best pic (it's with my camera). I wanted to wait until I got them to post -- and I'm glad I did- they are super cute! They are from the Wedding Channel Store, I received them today (I ordered them only 11 days ago). Here is the site: Personalized Wedding Matches - Matchbooks For Wedding - Personalized Matches) The cost breakdown (the best part!): $17.99 + S/H - 10 % off Coupon code (TAKE10) = $25.63 for 100 matchbooks!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by sdtooley Thanks everyone! We really did have an amazing time! The ceremony was on the beach by the seaside grille, the cocktail hour was on the lobby terrace and the reception was at the seaside griile. We brought down the majority of the decorations: Candle holders (the shell ones) were from zgalleri, We tool woven brown bead placemants to put under all of the cnterpieces (from target) The blue paper around the vases were from. Mihaelscraft store and Anabel just glued them on for us, we brought down the paper flowers to hang from the ceiling, and we had maracas hand painted by midhka designs in Mexico. I think I answered all of the questions Congrats Mrs.! I loved your pics Were the vases provided by the resort or did you bring those too? are you planning on selling your shell candle holders??
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 Well, I have officially ordered my favors and items for my oot bags today. Yea! One more task marked off the list. So what did you end up ordering I am trying to do some of that now. I just ordered matches (for the travel candles I still have to personalize!) and I am thinking about cups next.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by The Mandy in Chandy So glad I found this thread! I am getting married on Sullivan's Island in July of next year. So far I can't find much info on the photography thing, I know it says no COMMERCIAL photogs but I would assume if a relative was doing it (for free ) that it'd be ok. So you have any suggestions for hotels in that area? are you familiar with Sullivan's Island? Hey Mandy! I had a girlfriend get married on Sullivan's Island/IOP this May, and asked her what her suggestions were, this is what I got back from her: I would definitely recommend the condo rentals where mine and Bob's family stayed. Ocean Inn, is individually owned condos that has a property management company who rents for them. Each condo is different, the building is older, but the condos are very cute, clean and affordable. The location is very good, but not ocean front. It is a block away from the main rd, you can see the ocean and easily walk to everything. Bob and I stayed at the SeaSide Inn, the room was nice, but honestly I think I would have preferred Ocean Inn, especially for the price and they are much larger than a hotel room. They have a website, but it really doesn't do it justice. I called ahead and asked if they would be able to show me some of the rooms, which they did.
  20. Malisa- Your pics are wonderful! It looks like all your really hard work paid off in the end Quick question - where did you do your TTD? How did you guys arrange it? We will be in Tulum for ours and we're trying to make arrangements now! Thanks!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup Did you glue the wrapping paper in to make the liner? Was it a pain ? It looks so cool. I love everything you did !! Hey girl - thank you! I slipped the liner in and then glued just the triangle part... I tried at first to glue the whole thing but it was IMPOSSIBLE! Such a pain! I think it worked out okay, I was able to see a few after they were opened. Hope this helps
  22. Thanks for all the compliments girls! I am SO annoyed too... my RSVP date was today, you wouldnt think so though! I still have people telling me they are looking, etc. I just want to know! OOT bag stuff is impossible to do like this!
  23. Hi my November girls!! I have been MIA for like a month--- YIKES! In the meantime, a lot has happened! Other than the bad (one of my THREE BM's backed out... thanks, 3 months out... NOT talking to her anytime soon). I am just appalled that she did it - I was her MOH!!! Ugh... anyway! My invites were sent out in July, I had today set as my RSVP - but I am surprised at how many people are still looking to come and haven't completely decided... kind of nerve wracking! Here is the link to my invites: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47507 BTW Melissa - yours are fantastic! I promise I will be a better November member :)
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Lashawn Thanks, I found a site the makes custom ones with your future initial, they look great..I didn't mean Oriental Trading.. I meant to say Cultural Intrigue.. thanks for the heads up!! Oh GOOD! I'm glad I wasn't the bearer of bad news - I'll have to check out that web site!
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