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Everything posted by jmb0902

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess Hey Jo and Faithers! I am also getting married on 11/28/09 (I kno you are 11/27 Faithers, but close enough!) - at Dreams Puerto Vallarta. I have gotten mixed reactions but most people are happy they do not have to take much work off. Those that have to spend Thanksgiving with their family are just coming in Friday! Hey Jess and Faithers! That's exactly what I was thinking (the time off thing), we'll see. We have some big football fans, so I'm hoping they have satellite TV at the resort - I wonder how I would check on that? That's a good idea about coming in Friday, I didn't think of that as an option for those who want to do T-giving at home. THanks!
  2. Hey girls! I just sent in my deposit today for Dreams Tulum November 28, 2009... so can I join the thread?? Any other Thanksgiving brides? Did anyone have a problem with that? I'm kinda worried Talk to you soon! Jo
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by newbride As soon as I saw your post I jumped onto ebay!!!! I couldn't find them (they tend to go quickly when they do appear) but 7.5 is too small anyways. *Sigh* Thanks for letting me know though, they're still my dream shoes....although I don't even know if I could actually walk in them ha ha! It's always fun to look Christian Louboutin feather shoes sandals heels - eBay (item 350163280256 end time Feb-16-09 14:41:39 PST)
  4. Hey girls-- I am hoping to be a future DT bride, but it doesn't seem to be working, ugh. We want to get married on a Sat in Oct or November... and Natalia said the only dates available are the weekend before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving weekend! We think Thanksgiving might work for us, but again that Sat wedding is at 12pm. I feel like that is way too early, and everything is just going to be an unwedding-like mess. It doesn't seem like anyone else has had this much trouble finding a date/time, and I feel like it's far enough in advance! A few more ?'s: 1. Do they let you upgrade the package if you decide you need to after the deposit? 2. Who are you all using for your TA's? What do TA's cost/is it worth it? Orbitz has some great deals on DT right now....
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by newbride Here are the ones that I wanted but a) I couldn't find them anymore and FH would murder me for spending that much on shoes (and Xmas took care of all room on my VISA...ha ha): These are the ones that I just bought off of ebay. They're more casual but I still think they're pretty cute: I just saw those blue shoes on ebay in a 7.5 for about $250... just being devil's advocate
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 No they were not expensive they were around $70 I think with shipping for all of them. Yeah I would recommend them they were so easy to work with. WOW that is amazing! I'm so glad you post them, thanks!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg My mom recently went to Mexico and bought like a grand in jewelry...she started just giving me stuff. I was like "MOM!!!" She was like...it was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up!" I love every piece I picked out of her mound of jewelry. A lot of the jewelers down there will give you loose stones if you buy a necklace from them, so I had my "something blue" stone set into an anklet...so pretty! I think he is sure to find something...just be sure to go a few days ahead so that you can have some time to look. Good Luck! Okay good! Thank you! We should be getting there a few days early... hopefully we'll be okay!
  8. Here is my e-ring... the ring of my DREAMS!! It's from the Ritani Endless Love collection.
  9. Unfortunately, my band is going to be $2500, because it is really the only one that looks good with my ring (it's the same designer, it's made to match it). I'm thinking about not getting a band at all, because I think the ring itself is just stunning... I know it's not traditional, but that's a lot for a band!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I think its fine. The only thing would be if you are going to wear your actual wedding dress you probably want to get it cleaned before the big day. If you are going to have a ttd specific dress then no problem! Ya there are sooo many cenotes, just along the road even! We really wanted to do ours at Dos Ojos cenote. One of the other girls and i have been talking and she really convinced me on the bat caves. They are only a few miles north of Tulum. If you just want the cenote it there is a local entrance that only costs $10 per person. If you want the bat cave you actually have to go into hidden worlds. Hidden Worlds Cenotes Park Yucatan Mexico Riviera Maya you can contact them, they will make special arrangements for you w/ prices. Hope that helps, let me know if you want more! Who is your photographer going to be?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Search TTD and you'll find alot!!! Most girls don't even do the beach by their resorts. RM is big for cenote. I convinced a friend of mine here to do her's out in the woods w/ the snow a couple months ago. You can really do it anywhere you please. I think of TTD as you just having fun, not alot of posed shots And you can definitely do multiple locations. We are doing beach, a bat cave and a cenote. Jacilyn-- I am getting married at Dreams Tulum (hopefully)... and I'm trying to plan out my TTD. Who are you using for yours? Do you know where the bat caves, etc are located? Thanks so much!
  12. Everything looks amazing Jacilyn, I am totally into the etching the glasses idea... how personal! Kudos
  13. I'm so excited to see this thread, and thanks to Shelly for the other links! I just got this invite sample in the mail, and it is GORGEOUS! The paper is a shimmery blue, and they are so nice... I'm wondering if they're a little TOO formal though. Just thought I'd share, enjoy!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by saltocoach I've been spending so much time worring about which colors to pick for our wedding that it's making me go grey! I don't have a favorite color and my FI's useless on this front. His favorite color is the color of the clothes that are still clean. I want colors that photograph well on a beach and look nice. I also want something vibrant but not gawdy. I've seen some examples of fuschia, lime and white ( I like cymbidium orchids), as well as turquoise, aubergine and lilac. What do you think of these colors? Do you have any other suggestions for the color challenged? If I keep going on like this I'll have a full head of grey hair! If I don't pull it out first. Your comment about your FI's fav color made me laugh... I feel you on that one! I'm kind of in the same boat as you... I'm stuck. My best friend chose her colors because she found a STD she couldn't live without! I just haven't had that lightning strike yet... David's bridal has a color coordinating section that is pretty helpful and pretty fun to play around with (and they have some great, vibrant colors). Hope this helps!
  15. You are too cute! Did you FI love it or what? I think mine would tell me I needed a second job or something
  16. What a thoughtful idea! They look expensive... were they a lot?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Lulu Thanks everyone! It was a fantastic trip...I can't believe it's over! jmb0902 Citlalli Rico is one of the associate photographers that works with Claudia Rodriguez. They are located in Mexico and they travel to resorts in the RM area and likely other places in the country too. There fees include their travel costs. We paid $1500 USD for 3 hours on the wedding day and $800 USD for 2 hours the next day for the TTD session. I think we'll get something like 250 pics on DVD and then a whole bunch printed out in an album. She is sending them fedex to us in about a month. Check out Claudia Rodriguez's website...there are lots of pics. One of the reasons I picked DT is because they do not charge extra to bring in outside vendors...some resorts charge you a fee. Thanks sweetie, and thanks for posting some teaser pics... I cannot wait to see your pro pics! You look absolutely beautiful, I am SUPER excited!!
  18. I'm kind of having the same issue... Orbitz is has really awesome deals to Mexico right now (some only $850 pp from Denver!!) And we're wondering if we should just book seperately, but I don't want ppl to be left behind or not be able to get in. We are working (somewhat) with destinationweddings.com, but not really... they have come up with the same deals or worse than what we've found! If you don't think we should book ourselves, does anyone know a good Dreams Tulum TA?
  19. My FH thinks it would be really sentimental if he waited and got his wedding band while we are at our DW in Mexico. I've always heard Mexico has good silver, etc... but I'm kind of worried we'll be stuck not finding something! I guess I could bring a back up?! Anyone have any jewelry experience in Mexico? Does this sound like a good idea Thanks girls!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* No you're not starting too late, you have TONS of time! There really isn't that much to do. You'll be totally fine Aw thanks, that was sweet! BTW, who makes those amazing shoes in your siggy? I have searched for something similar, they are so awesome! Thanks Heather! Hopefully I"ll be talking to you guys soon, I'm trying to get my date set up with Natalia at DreamsI am so excited!
  21. I'm almost embarrased to post on here, b/c you guys are so ahead of the game! We just decided our wedding would be in Oct/Nov 09, most likely at Dreams Tulum. They still have a good number of dates available... I just feel like maybe I don't have enough time after looking at this thread and seeing that you guys will have been planning for a year when your weddings come around! Any other DT brides in Oct/Nov? I wonder if I'm starting out too late?!
  22. Aw I know they're probably not what you had in mind... but it looked like she worked really hard on them and spent some substancial time on them
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by neen So I had a bit of wedding dress drama - you can read about here if you're interested. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30271 I was also pretty worried that it wouldn't fit because it was ordered in a size smaller than I was...but luckily I'm almost there and it looks like the dress won't need ANY alterations...weird, right Anyway, without further ado, here is me in my white - not ivory dress...don't mind my head (or lack there of) and current pouch...I plan to get rid of that in the next two months! Neen- I read your other thread about the color being wrong -- I think it is totally right and you look fab! Who designed the dress? That is exactly the style and material I am looking for for my DT wedding! Thanks in advance. Oh and congrats on being a newlywed Jo
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by rachelannmartin Congrats jmb0902! You may wanna check out our main DT thread at: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25646 The package really depends on what you want and particularly how many guests you are having. From what I gather, a lot of fellow DT brides have brought in outside photographers. Though brides who used the resort photog seem to have been really happy. Our other forum will be a great help to you...happy planning! Hey Rachel --- Thanks! I am definitely a subscriber to that forum now... wow I have a lot of reading to do! I see your wedding is quickly approaching... good luck, and I might be bugging you for some more answers once you've been there I'm not for a while, October or November... but I still feel like I don't have enough time, yikes!
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