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Everything posted by saltocoach

  1. Here's what we've ordered. I am going to have them altered to have them cocktail instead of tea length. We chose black because they were already planning on wearing them again to Christmas parties. I really like the thought of the girls getting their money's worth.
  2. Here's some pics of what I have for the bags so far. Some of the pics are a bit dark because my camera is CHEAP!. Hopefully the pictures turn out alright. I'm a bit of a tech idiot.
  3. Many nights myself and 2 or 3 of my girlfriends break out into kitchen dance parties after a few wobbly pops. I think that if you have good music and everyone is having a good time dancing will follow. The more intimate the setting the more fun in my opinion!
  4. I'm from Sherwood Park and planning for November 2009!
  5. I can feel my jeans getting tighter already!!! Can't wait to EAT!
  6. Well.... I went to JYSK this afternoon looking for some basket for storage and the first thing I found was the single guy oot. It's a triangle backpack that's black and white. It was $14 a piece but not too much sonce I was only buying 2. Went to the checkout and there they were!!! Fuschia straw bags! Exactly what I wanted (I'll post pics later). The best part besides the fact that they're cute is that they were only $3.99 each! There was just enough too.
  7. I'm going to go home so heavy when I try all of the restaurants listed! Good thing I LOVE to eat!
  8. I have to say that I've been to this thread SEVERAL times and I am simply amazed by your bags and contents. Fantastic job!
  9. Best: eyes...when they're not red from lack of sleep and genetics for skin..except for that hude(well to me) frown line that botox will not fix according to the doc (DON'T get me started) worst: I think it's a toss up between my fatty lower half or my teacup boobs. God was really asleep when he put me together! A little proportion please.
  10. Two groomsmen and a BM are single and have booked single occupancy. They knew the rates posted on my website were double and not one complained. I've offered to book both guys together but they said no
  11. I've invited only 25 couples to the wedding in Cabo. We plan on having a big AHR shortly after we get back. The problem is my MoH wants to throw a shower and stagette and needs a guest list from me. Do I invite everyone, including the AHR guests or only the Mexico guests. Most of the AHR guests are work related friends/employees and I didn't want to invite them to Mexico because I know that they couldn't get the time off (I'm a mean boss!). What's the rule?
  12. Menu - Lorenzillo's The Live Lobster House - Cabo San Lucas Hopefully the link works. The best thing about Lorenzillos was the presentation and of course the lobster! It was a very expensive night but it was very good!
  13. Hi ladies Just wondering what everyone is doing for seating arrangements. Are you having a head table where the bridal party sits or are you just having a table for the two of you and everyone sits together? Maybe you're doing something totally different? Let me know. My mind changes every day!
  14. My FI and I went to several restaturants in Cabo but I have to say that I really loved Lorenzillo's. What's your favorite?
  15. Since my first experience with mexican ice was a bad one I became a fan of mimosas. They're good any time of the day!
  16. The bike was something he's always wanted. He had one years ago but sold it when he was sick and his disability ran out. I was never against the bike. I just thought that when you had the bike that was it. I was WRONG!!! Apparantly there are several "stages" that MUST be performed each year.Each stage is about $1100 - $1500. Add on the registration and insurance. I jsut have a hard time trying to justify spending that much on something that you can only ride for 4-5 month of the year. Plus business is picking up and he's working a lot so it REALLY doesn't make sense to me. I guess it's a biker thing. To update things he has apologized again and everything's cool here. His problem is peer pressure. Go figure! His friend had his bike out and he had to get his out too. I thought that we left all of this in high school! I guess it really never leaves us. Mike is a sweetheart and he doesn't intentionally kep things from me. We've never fought about money before. This is the first time in the 10 years we are together. We've always had the belief that his money is my money and vice versa. We've only has one account since we moved in together and things have been fine. Just with the wedding and trying to save the the thing I've been stressing about money. Sorry to make everyone think that he's bad but he's not! I just had a freak out and had to vent and I knew that you ladies would understand
  17. I sent mine out in January. I know that's it was early but in this economy I wanted to give all that wanted to come enough time to save. We only invited 26 couples so the list is very small so no STD's required. Our invites were message in a bottle and they got very positive reviews.
  18. The problem with Mike is that he hates when I'm uspet with him. I think that's the reason why he didn't tell me he was doing this in the first place. He kinda hides things in plain view...ie. putting stuff on the credit card when he knows I check it on a daily basis. He really can't keep anything a secret. That's the reason why everyone (even my employees) knew he was proposing before I did. He called me this morning telling me he's sorry again. I was talking about this with a girlfriend and now I'm of the opinion- to heck with it! He wants to ride his bike so badly then fine. He'll just have to shut up when I for in for botox!!! Not that he'd really say anything anyway!!
  19. Just have to get this off my chest..... My FI and I have differing opinions on money. I think that saving for a wedding, paying income taxes, bills , etc is important. He thinks that getting money for registering his Harley is important. We "discuss" what bills need to be paid and when he can register the bike (the bain of my existence). He agrees with me and when I go off to work he goes off with his bike buddies and does it anyway. Then he tries to hide purchases from me by putting them on our company's credit card. I DO THE BOOKS!!! Does he really think that I won't check the balance? He bought motorcycle boots from the Harley store. When I phoned him to ask him what the purchase was he told me they were "safety boots" . What a crock of Sh*& ! He knows that I totally Pi$$ed at him so what does he do. Brings me flowers. Like that's really going to replace the $1000 he just spent. He's an idiot. He's cute ...but he's an idiot. Just had to get this off my chest! Sorry ladies.
  20. We've decided on Fuschia, Lime green and Black. I was going to have the BMs in a fuschia dress but the style we picked looked better in black and it makes it easier to pair the guys up with it! The sashes are fuschia and lime and they look great! It's going to look really good with the cymbidiums and poison roses in the bouquets! So excited!
  21. My saturday Misosa of choice is Henknell Blanc de blanc. It pairs really well with OJ! It's a sort of tradition with my group of friends! It also stands well on its own. It's a bit sweet but not so much if you get what I mean!
  22. If your gut instict tells you to go over then go over! Do what you think is best for her. Better to be safe than sorry. She'll thank you in the end.
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