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Everything posted by saltocoach

  1. I don't think that people appreciate Melissa. The amount of HOURS it takes for a ballerina to get to her level is mind boggling. It's much easier in my opinion to be a contemporary dancer. I know from experience that it's much easier on the feet for sure. Don't get me wrong....I love all dance but I have a special place in my heart for ballet. I love how a good ballerina makes things look effortless. Melissa hasn't had a problem doing other styles. I wonder how the others would do on point.
  2. That is always so exciting! Congratulations and visit it often!
  3. They are soooo cute!!! I'd hate to eat them. I bet they're good though!
  4. I LOVE each and every pet here!!! I want more. We are all so blessed to have such great pets in our lives.
  5. We are doing OOT bags prior to departure as well as favors. On the chairs at the ceremony I am having fans with thank you charms on them and we are having pashminas for the ladies and cigars for the gents at the reception.
  6. My MoH bought her wedding dress off Ebay. It was INCREDIBLE! She bought it from a vendor in China.
  7. I am looking for ideas for group activities in Cabo. I have a pretty diverse group but they are up for pretty much anything. Can you tell me your favorite thing to do in Cabo? I know that I love to eat and shop but my credit card and pants can only take so much....
  8. Looks great! Love the cut. You look beautiful in it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by soontobeMrs.L Hello fellow Canadians!! I am from Port Moody (just outside of Vancouver) and my fiance is from Edmonton, I am wondering if any other brides-to-be from Van/Edmonton have good suggestions for OOT shopping. There are so many dollar type stores to choose from! I am getting married in less than 8 weeks and need to get this stuff together asap! Also, I am a little confused about labels/vista print etc. Do you buy plain stickers and have them printed? How about labeling your canvas bags? Is there something you can buy and iron on yourself? I am so confused. Thank you so much for your help! Kristy I bought my OOT bags from JYSK ( both guys and girls), most of my fillers are from Michaels, Dollarama and Pier 1. My BM's bags are from Sears (Land's End bag) and their extra fillers are from Bath and Body works. The rest is from ETSY and our friend's Vegas trip. When in Edmonton just hit West Ed Mall and you'll find lots of stuff. Happy hunting!
  10. My something blue are my manolo's but I was planning on having a blue garter if i couldn't get a pair. My MoH also has an antique ring that also has a blue stone in it so it's my something old, borrowed and blue! Whew!!!
  11. I won't be having my reception at the restaurant. Instead we will be having a private function at the pool so I need to choose from the private event menu. Some of the food on there sounds good but I've never tasted it. Just overly nervous I guess...
  12. Congratulations! You've come to the right place.
  13. I got my ladies starfish necklaces from Tiffany, earrings from Etsy, a spa package fot the day of (massage, mani and pedi) and their OOT bag that was special for them (lots of extra goodies). I tried not to total it because I'll probably pass out! They're totally worth it though
  14. Thanks for posting all of the great pictures! I'm soooo undecided now after seeing all of your great cakes.
  15. I did one for our invitation. We gave message in a bottle invitations so I just took an extra one with the scroll inside of it as well as an extra scroll flattened out so you can read it. I also included the flowers that I will be using in my bouquet. I hot glued them all to the inside of a deep shadow box. Looks pretty good and I'm no Martha ! You should have no problem at all!
  16. I like pair number 1 best. But if you can be a 2 pair bride why not?!? I am
  17. Evan won't be there much longer. He can only go so far with his style of dancing. The only one with a simplar style of dance that could adapt and stand out was Benji.He had a great personality. Evan's personality is like a wet blanket. Glad Caitlin went though.
  18. For the single guys I bought a few small backpack for them. We will be doing golf tees and balls for the guys as well. At the table we will have cigars for the guys and pashminas for the girls.
  19. Hi Ladies. I am in the process of menu planning and I was just wondering what you had for your menu. What did you like and dislike? I'm a feeder and food is really important to me at any event. I would like to get some opinions before finalizing my menu. Thanks so much!
  20. Thanks for clearing things up! I'll get my butt posting more often.
  21. It seems that everyone almost has everything done! Great job. Now, I wonder, how many of you are procrastinating about writing vows ? I know I am! I also have to do programs and menu cards and the like. I wish I could just hire someone to do it for me! I really suck at things like that....
  22. I haven't seen any bouquets from Michaels but I have always loved their arrangements. If the bouquets are a fraction as nice as the arrangements it'll be beautiful. Will they show you a sample before ordering?
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