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Everything posted by budgetjamaicabride

  1. THis was so perfect. The smile I needed today.
  2. We told everyone on our website and will put more info in the brochure I am sending out a month before that we will be doing a trip first thing Sunday morning. I have made it an optional thing and told them how to make arrangements to join us. They can book when they arrive. Completely optional
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LIW Do you have any suggestions? I might just end up scrapping the whole idea in the end. It's not necessary, just something I would have liked. It's a good thing that whole lot only cost me $20. There are v neck "Just my Size" t shirts at wal-mart that I plan to use. I have several of them and they are perfect because they are not boxey but not fitted. Best part is I think they are like $6 each.
  4. I have been looking all over for normal size tropical playing cards that are not $5 each... where did you find yours?
  5. Welcome to another DFW girl!
  6. Hooray for Top Chef... Masters is ok, but not the same. Can't wait for a new season.
  7. We were told by both the TA and the resort that we had to be in Jamaica 2 full business days prior to marriage... so we arrive Wednesday afternoon for a Saturday wedding.
  8. I use the clean and clear oil blotter papers in my purse at all times and as one who doesn't wear much make up I use the bare essentials mineral veil. It rocks!
  9. If it helps, they ended up being less than a dollar a piece when we did our order including the cost for me to ship them from here.
  10. Scubadiva--- that's my buddy. She rocked... I didn't. Instead I am fighting health issues and trying to not gain weight while on a month long course of steroids... so not fair! Thinking detox is in order as soon as I finish this course... maybe it will help get all the steroid weight off. Arg! My fiance on the other hand has been losing so much weight and building muscle definition... good for him...
  11. Glad you are doing this. We have all been happy with ours! If you need any help when it comes time to calc this order and shipping to them, I would be happy to help. I also have the graphics in jpeg if you need it.
  12. Awesome job. I am using Jolee charms to put pics of my grandmother and godmother on ribbons in my bouquet. THey are great!
  13. I would like the 3/4 inch star fish and 10 of the 3-4 inch starfish. I will also take the double sided tape if still available.
  14. The traveling vineyard rocks! Love that! Had a party.... LOVED IT
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva HOLY COW OMG. I just shat my pants! Im shaking!!! I will be glad to be the next upkeeper I wont participate ill just encourage. I will take some photos and have them posted in the next day or two. 20% sounds huge I thought it was less than that but I could be wrong! THAT'S MY BL BUDDY! WAHOO! You rock my world... you have been so incredibly motivated and motivating! I am sooooo proud of you. You deserve it!
  16. The Everything Destination Wedding Book is a good one... I have it too... although I learned more here.
  17. Ladies, I think the burlap is going to LOOK so cute and amazing... but I am allergic to it and I know others that are... so you might want to verify with your guests.
  18. Absolutely amazing! Congrats on such a great job! I am loving all the creativity and DIY. I am so doing the crossword!
  19. I am a Pampered Chef consultant. The good news is while many direct sales businesses have seen a HUGE slump with the economy, Pampered Chef has not because they are products that can make cooking at home cheaper and we cook at the party, so it is an excuse for people to get together. Good money too. Set your own hours! Make 25%+ off your sales... always options to earn more or freebies... Originally joined 2.5 years ago to support my stoneware habit... who knew it would be a great side business and I have worked a great team! Always glad to help anyone interested!
  20. Welcome welcome... enjoy the last of the planning process. There are plenty of ROR brides here to help you. I am a Jamaica Bride as well but getting married at Breezes Runaway Bay
  21. Another DFW bride in McKinney, TX. Just moved here in September last year because of FI job. Getting married in Jamaica in October! Wahoo!
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