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Everything posted by budgetjamaicabride

  1. Those are absolutely stunning. But I was just as amazed and entertained by reading her so well written entertaining blog!
  2. Just got the Etsy convo from Mudcards. She is doing our cake topper. We are both huge College Football fans. We decided to have that reflected in our cake topper. She was awesome to work with and does great work. She just sent me the pics. It will be on its way this week. Wahoo! So exciting. Arizona State Sundevil Married Alabama Big Al Their numbers are our wedding date
  3. Don't feel bad, you did yourself and the two people a favor. They would have felt so odd.
  4. I have found that people crave structure. I went to a small wedding without seating assignments and it was hard because people we saving seats like they were 7 years old. I want to create a simple seating assignment but I don't even know how many tables I will have because my WC is horrible about answering questions.
  5. So cute... great job! I am not having an AHR and I am trying to find a simple collapsible solution for the wedding in less than a month.
  6. Welcome and congrats. I know you will find all the information and people here invaluable in your decision.
  7. My etsy addiction grows regularly. My jewelry and the jewelry for my MOH (only attendant) is from CharmedGifts on etsy. She is awesome to work with and both pieces are custom. My boarding pass invites are from the StylishScribe which is both from here and etsy Mudcards on etsy is currently working on my cake topper of two college mascots getting married. Hooray for etsy! All good experiences.
  8. I tried on no less that 15 flowy dresses determined to keep it simple and flowy. They were all either strapless and would look funny if we put straps on them or made me look prego. I finally found a dress that is more structured but made of the brushed satin so it is lighter than the heavy typical materials. Good news it is looks great even without the poofy extra slip so that saves me heat wise.
  9. Such great comments... everyone here makes you feel so special! I used a circle cutter to make the bag tags after printing 6 to a page. My FI and I threatened to be on one of those Eharmony commercials and say "Who Freakin Knew" so we thought this would be a fun way to incorporate it. And the Eat Drink and Be Married Ribbon is from Michaels... it was in the row with all the cheap 50 cent rolls of skinny ribbon loved it and loved that it was turquoise too! Bought the matching napkins in the wedding aisle.
  10. Not only am I DIY, but all of my family and MOH etc live in another state. Sooo... I am on my own for most of it! This weekend was: Tags for the OOT bags ... they are cardstock with my logo and ribbon... wrote peoples names on the back... tying them to the top of the tye dye backbacks. The brochures for my pre wedding mailer came in this week (full of things I got ideas from this forum!) and while they are not going out for a few weeks, I wanted to cross them off my list, so they are assembled in envelopes with luggage tags (Vista Print business cards, ID holders and ribbon). The biggest project this weekend was assembling the program fans. Two oversized postcards from Vistaprint, sandwiched on cardstock with a stick and a ribbon bow. They will each get a shell too, but not til I get there... So my finger is cut and I am tired... but productive weekend!
  11. I love this thread. I have been working like a dog in the last few weeks and just sat here and caught up. I feel so out of touch! I am in the process of the ever dreaded bathingsuit shopping. The two I have are looking worn... need new for Jamaica... arg!
  12. Also keep in mind that freeze dried petals - while absolutely beautiful and great - are much lighter since the moisture is removed and fly away very easily in wind.
  13. For the PayPal issue of taking a percentage, there is an easy fix. They just have to have set up an account tne deposit money to Paypal and then pay you. If they Pay with Paypal directly using a credit or debit card instead of depositing money first, then it takes 2%. Glad you were happy with the design. Let me know when you are ready to caclulate shipping and such and I can help you as promised.
  14. It is so not just any of you. I had the same problem too! On a different note... I have been fighting massive sinus issues as I am an allergy nightmare and living in a new area. Doctor put me on steroids for a month to shrink polyps and such... I griped about it because they make me hungry and I blow up retaining water. I ended up having surgery to remove them because the steriods did nothing. Turns out I am systemically resistant to steroids... awesome... so I blew up but got no benefit. So fun! Ladies, I just ordered some Linen capris from Jessica London in a few colors. They are awesome. Back is elastic, front is button and drawstring. Very light and comfy but perfect for an evening look at the resort. I don't remember the price off hand right now but I want to say under $20 each.
  15. I think you should just use the center portion of the design... your initials, the year and the palm.
  16. Affordability. We wanted a place that as many people as possible could afford to join us and still feel like an amazing get away. Since most people are coming from the East Coast, it made it clear. We were looking at Virgin Islands, but the airfare eliminated it.
  17. As we begin to think of this more deeply and finalize... I am so glad this thread is something I have kept up with.
  18. I am planning to use a picture from the wedding as the cover of a thank you card. We are not having an AHR, so that would be different.
  19. When we did the 2009 cups there was a CDN with us. Everyone paid me through paypal, so it was not an issue. I just calculated her shipping to canada before I told her how much to pay. It was easy. Although the Post office guy looked at me a bit odd when I wrote 45 plastic cups on the itemized list for shipping.
  20. We sent out little vista print magnets with a note as an STD as soon as we knew the date and location. Invites went out about 5 months ahead and they were boarding passes
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